It will not matter at all. Think of the things we already know that don't matter. What would have to be in this report to move the needle even a little bit?
I said for posterity, not for right now. You may be correct that releasing it now won't impact things currently too much. But I believe it will be extremely important for future generations that this whole Trumpism/MAGA movement is publicly documented now for its abuses to not just the US but to millennia of western culture, similarly to Hitlerism/Nazism.
There’s nothing currently prohibiting its release that would require any government employee to break the law to release it. I think the contents are largely irrelevant and already known to anyone who would read it but as a stupid matter of principle I don’t think we should cave into letting victors rewrite history through abuse of authority The move means the six biggest banks in the world's largest economy - Goldman Sachs (GS.N), opens new tab, Wells Fargo (WFC.N), opens new tab, Citi (C.N), opens new tab, Bank of America (BAC.N), opens new tab, Morgan Stanley (MS.N), opens new tab and now JPMorgan - have all left the group in the space of a month.
Assuming the country survives it will be good for our children to have record of what their grandparents voted for. Those retrospectives are always fun for the children of an authoritarian movement. So I say release the dang documents. The American Prospect published a leaked list of the 448 undisclosed DNC members who will be voting for the new chair of the DNC on February 1st in an attempt to force transparency into the previously secretive (and manipulative) election process.
the GOP did this with insurance a couple years ago, everyone had to leave the NZIA because they were rattling antitrust sabers and threatening suits Not being able to afford my insulin to own the libs
iirc he essentially had no campaign apparatus and used an out of state consultant. What buying a Congressional seat looks like.
So it would genuinely be Biden not being capable of meeting the moment. Ok I just like to sometimes be accurate when I get irate and talk shit.
Maybe I'm misreading what people mean but that report should absolutely be released. It may not have any immediate consequences for Trump, but he and MAGA have been actively gaslighting and whitewashing J6 since it happened. The people who believe it was just a protest gone wrong arent going to change their minds, but it matters for telling the history of this era and I think that's really important. That may be a little cheesy but
So does this mean he can’t take office? no way the American people would ever want a convicted felon as president. Surely this is what this means!
I think people just don’t care because nothing will come of it and it’s more confirmation that rich powerful white men will never suffer consequences for their horrific actions. what’s the point in rubbing in our faces that nothing we do or say matters? The right always wins and the American always lose. This is just another example of that
I understand the appeal of nihilism because I was there after 2016, but all I can say is that progress in America has been slow and nonlinear. That doesn't do much to make the current moment any better but it's some assurance I guess
I was just posting my mental health tips (yw nbd). I just remember losing my mind in 2016 over the things that largely didn't matter to the general public.
Brother the only progress I’ve seen in my fucking lifetime was rights being stripped from The most vulnerable people in our society and no one doing a fucking thing to stop it. There is no progress in America that shit is dead
Yep pointless to care about something that will just make you angry and remind you that you’re a peasant and nothing you do will ever matter here
20 years ago a president ran in part on banning gay marriage. I don't think there's any doubt that we're in a better place now, but gay liberation was a decades long struggle
I do agree we progress left over time but having to live your prime years through this shift right sucks a lot.
I think gay marriage's future is looking pretty tenuous, at best. There are already challenges to Obergefell making their way through the court system, and Clarence Thomas' opinion (see below) in Dobbs is pretty telling that this court is quite receptive to overturning the 2015 ruling. Once that's overturned, it's toast in about 30 states, and in trouble on the Federal level given this president, and the Christo-fascists running Congress and holding a narrow majority in the Senate. Spoiler
AND YET HERE WE ARE Comon, they're gonna get rid of Loving, and the Civil rights act. It's all about to go. I'm not even sure what y'all trying to argue for here. That progress shit is done This is why incremental change doesn't work New Republican Measure Aims to Get Supreme Court to End Same-Sex Marriage
We got Nazis and white supremacists walking down the street openly talking shit in 2024 WITHOUT FEAR. We got Billionaires getting hyped for the new gilded age and turning social media and news platforms into 4chan lite and Fox News lite. Spare me your bullshit about progress. We got people chomping for Naziesque immigration policy. We got politicians openly talking about hunting trans people down and denying them healthcare. We got Republicans hyped up to strip millions of healthcare and rolling back basic rights on large swaths of the population. Spare me your thoughts on fucking progress, because I"m not interested in hearing it. Fuck that Talking about fucking progress, we'll be lucky to get out of this with public schools being a right still intact. Fucking progress... what a joke
Danish newspaper reports Trump team paid homeless and disadvantaged people to pretend to be supporters during Don Jr. photo op The MAGA cult leader dispatched his eldest son and incorrigibly obnoxious far-right pundit Charlie Kirk to Greenland to manufacture some good, old-fashioned propaganda to help make the case for Trump's truly hare-brained scheme to somehow take Greenland and jam it into America as a new state or territory, or something. The pair reportedly did not disappoint, staging photo ops on their so-called tourism trip where they bribed unhoused and disadvantaged people with free meals in exchange for donning stupid MAGA hats. Greenland's leaders, shockingly, were not amused. Pipaluk Lynge, the chair of Greenland’s parliamentary foreign and security policy committee, reiterated that the territory wants its "own independence and democracy" and warned the United States not to “invade” the nation, which is largely composed of Indigenous tribes, in light of its historical treatment of Alaska’s Indigenous population. “Greenland is not for sale and will never be for sale,” Aaja Chemnitz, another member of Greenland’s Parliament, said. Something tells us Donald & Co. won't take any of this to heart.
Tend to agree with CaneKnight on this. I've been on this planet for 5 decades, and this is as grim as it's ever been. Many of the gains made since the Roosevelt Administration (maybe the Teddy Roosevelt Administration, given how imperiled our national parks and consumer safety nets are) on social welfare, racial equality, the environment, workers' rights, foreign policy, reproductive rights, health care, free speech, etc. are all under attack from the Far Right, and the Democratic Party is basically nonfunctional - or worse - abetting Fascism.
I love you but this is a person in Idaho proposing to send a nonbinding letter to the Supreme Court to ask them to end gay marriage and it’s not even out of committee in the state legislature
And maybe the progress towards a more civilized society will end up being a historical aberration. I can't tell you what's going to happen tomorrow. But the idea that we're in a worse spot than we were four decades ago is not even close to true
Definitely lurching back pretty violently. I hope it doesn’t completely erase the last 50-plus years and I hope it’s a short-term regression. Skeptical on the latter, though.
Brother they’ve been talking about doing this for years. It’s coming, I’ve just accepted at this point. You should too They have a fucking game plan to accomplish their goals. Like if they speak you need to take it seriously because they fucking mean it
I get your point but that isn’t a law being proposed. It’s them saying “pretty please Supreme Court do something”. I’m sure something more concrete will come though.
DC OAG (Brian Schwalbe is quite good) sues the Federal Government for polluting tf out of the Anacostia River.
I think the move towards a more socialist or communist() society is inevitable. It's just a question if the robot armies mow all us poors down first to get there.
sure it’s just like I’ll worry about it when there’s an actual legal challenge or when the GOP overturns the respect for marriage act