So he spent so much on private security that he has to beg for money on twitter on the eve of being appointed to lead the public health department?
RKF Jr doesn’t seem like he’d be particularly hard to kill no matter what he spends on security. But if people want to inexplicably fund that rich asshole to own the libs, then go nuts I guess.
Going to get my hat about being healthy from the heroin addict who looks and sounds like fried hell and plays with dead animals brb
Hahahah. You mean to tell me the Trump op whose campaign manager said their goal is to make sure Biden doesn’t get re elected, didn’t grift more than enough to pay debts and buy a yacht? never change
That fucking guy spoke tonight? I couldn’t draw up a media impotent administration if I used Charlie Kirk’s limp wrist.
He should have thought about that before signing all those loan papers. Maybe major in something other than “annoying hanger on” if you want to pay those loans back.
Yea seems more and more like Cuban is going to run in 28. Or maybe he's just more involved as he's getting older idk. Maybe it's just PR but for the most part he seems like a decent dude for a billionaire.
The masses seem to respect dirt bag billionaires but not dirt bag pols. Being an outsider is a big advantage. also had a fucking get rich reality show, albeit with real businesses.
Honest question, do people from Texas consider him a “Texan”? I know he’s been there for decades but do they accept a Jewish guy from the NW that went to IU?
Israel launched another attack on Gaza last night despite the ceasefire. Am I to believe that internationally renowned humanitarian and peace negotiator Big Donny T didn’t solve the crisis?!?!?
The proliferation of factual falsities and false claims is a big problem. I like Biden calling it out last night. Biden/Harris’ campaign weren’t very good at making the electorate fear disinformation. The left needs to figure out a way to scare the fuck out of people on this issue. I don’t think the left needs to be become nihlists on this issue. It can’t be ok to just make shit up and live in a world of disinformation. I know that’s where we are. But we can’t accept it or just throw our hands up and be nihlists.
The electorate doesn’t care about disinformation, the past 24 years should make that extremely clear. Crying about it is just dumb at this point.
Wasn’t sure where else to put this. Can’t have them homeless being an eyesore for all those rich Super Bowl tourist. Bus them out? WTF. This country is fucking gross
The idea of opening a place for them sounds great, it's the why that's awful. Not to help them, no it's just to hide them for 60 days. And lol at them paying cops $117 an hour to work the site.
Yes we should just accept it and allow everything to accelerate which seems to be your privilege boy approach..
I've sarcastically referred to him as our poet laureate in conversation. Gonna be weird when it stops being a joke
I actually disagree. The electorate cares deeply about misinformation. They are demanding it. They want to read it and internalize it and bask in it. They hate the truth. They love the lies.
I’d sooner set myself on fire than vote for mark cuban. Democrats need to put up folks who actually care about the working class and aren’t owned by corporations now difference between Cuban and your typical neoliberal garbage