Trophies Awarded to Fat Drunk & Stupid

  1. 1
    Awarded: Jan 11, 2024


    Achieve more than 5,000 likes.

  2. 5
    Awarded: Mar 10, 2023

    Like Ratio of at Least 3.0

    Achieve a like to post ratio of at least 3.0 with more than 1,000 posts.

  3. 3
    Awarded: Mar 10, 2023

    Like Ratio of at Least 2.0

    Achieve a like to post ratio of at least 2.0, with more than 1,000 posts.

  4. 2
    Awarded: Mar 10, 2023

    Like Ratio of at Least 1.5

    Achieve a like ratio of at least 1.5, with at least 1,000 posts.

  5. 1
    Awarded: Mar 10, 2023

    Like Ratio of at Least 1.0

    Achieve a like to post ratio of 1.0 or better, with more than 1,000 posts.

  6. 1
    Awarded: Mar 10, 2023

    1,000 Posts

    Post at least 1,000 times.

  7. 1
    Awarded: Jan 5, 2022


    Achieve at least 1,000 likes.

  8. 1
    Awarded: Feb 26, 2019

    Happy Birthday!

    Today is your birthday.