Hey man, I was recently granted access to RCUSA last year (Ron Mexico vouched for me), but was removed when the site went down. Could you re-grant my access to the team board. Thanks for the help.
Hey I was wondering if You could give me access to the extra boards". I really appreciate your time in advance man thanks.
Former Walter Schoback or whatever is now Clayton. Wonder if you still have the power of putting people in the Clemson TMB.
Whats up man. I was seeing if I could get on the team board. One of my buddy's said that the person who helped to start the website went to Eastside and Clemson, so I figured it was you since you are one of the main mods. I also went to Eastside.
yo nigha can you take my gf's pic off the mb? posted here and tell these kids not to posts pics of people's gfs when I didn't post one first http://www.the-mainboard.com/index.php?threads/current-clemson-students-get-itt.97534/page-2
Tigers - I am no longer able to access the Clemson board. If you could get me back into the Rage Center, that would be great!
I'm a dumbshit and misspelled my name. I went back to change it with the correct spelling and it says I can't change my name for another 89 days. Can you help a rager out?
Please change my screen name to Aitch, and add me back to the team board. thank you :Icomputerretard:
Hey man I can no longer access our team board. Would you please add me back when you get a chance? Thanks bud.