I'm seeing more and more CBB references lately and I'm here for it. People on the street are saying it's been awhile. The Oh No Backyard era has produced some real winners. I'm just hoping that The Grizz makes an appearance some time soon. Dr. Mantis Toboggan Jeffrey Lebowski Joe Withabee
Initial reading of the thread title had my mind thinking it was a Sega cheat code. MK blood code has been locked in my brain for life. A,B,A,C,A,B,B
throwing on my best crimson and mustard coat and posting from the peninsula of japan while looking for that buzzling beast carmen sandiego
I didn’t remember it being Neil Campbell who followed Pohler on this. Weird hearing him as himself instead of in character. Also I will always conflate him and Mike Hanford.
It’s all confusing since most of the birthday boys were comedy bang bang writers and Neil was the head writer (I think?)
he killed me on 737 when he came in with “Scott, I’m fucked”. Caught me so off guard I had to pause from laughter.
He has grown on me. I at points listened to the Wiger video game podcast because I was a huge fan of his. Although he was way better than Heather Anne Campbell, who sucked.
This was my favorite Apodaca appearance. Vic Michaelis? What's her name? Anyhow the b-block guest hasn't done it for me in any of her appearances. Sure wish Darcy Carden would add me as #27. She's so good whether it's just her being her or playing a character.
Was interesting to find she was of Turkish heritage. Not that it matters or anything I just don't think I'd have guessed it.
I’ve enjoyed at least parts of all of them and like Kent Pavelka said above Ego, Carl and Drew together is magic
Nothing is topping Dr Sweetchat episode this year. I’ve listened to it at least 3 times. “What about a football genius?” Gil Ozeri is one of the most underrated guests. His episode with Gemberling where they were e-sports gamers was premier. Joe Pinions. Bane. God he’s amazing. I think my most listened to episode is Educanement Squad with Horacio and Middleditch, who are both apparently incredible creeps and cancelled.
Middleditch being a creep isn’t exactly a shocker I guess but it was hugely disappointing. He was so good so many times.
A few years back they did the cbb live tour. Did anyone else get to see them live? I was able to enjoy a live show with Scott, PFT doing Andrew Lloyd Webber, Lapkus doing Big Sue and Tim Baltz just doing a character as a guy who wandered on stage. It was amazing.
Dang, Big Sue has met some impressive composers and filmmakers for just being a sodden rug salesperson.
I think the closest they got to me was Atlanta. I’ve been to Doug Loves Movies before but that’s it (which would have ruled because I believe Tarver did Donny Gary then. Have you heard he’s from Georiga?).