Credit Card Thread - Now with a Beginner's Guide to free travel/FAQ

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by blind dog, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Guy Trilby

    Guy Trilby Active Member
    Texas LonghornsTexas State BobcatsTennis

    It should be 1:1.

    I just got back from Thailand. I transferred Amex points to British airways, and then to Qatar to book Qsuites on the way there. I transferred Amex points to Avianca lifemiles and booked Eva Airways on the return.
  2. Guy Trilby

    Guy Trilby Active Member
    Texas LonghornsTexas State BobcatsTennis

    I always put $1000, but I think that's because one bank requires that as the minimum. I don't want to have to justify anything higher.
  3. The_Baumer

    The_Baumer Go Mordecai!

    If you don’t mind me asking, what was the Qsuites redemption?
  4. pratyk

    pratyk Arsenal FC, Rutgers Scarlet Knights
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArsenal

    I just got the Chase Ink Business (before the 90K UR bonus went away) and it did ask me my personal income, in addition tot he business income. Personal income, i matched it to my personal chase card acct & business income was entered as $1000. I got a low credit limit but thankfully an instant approval.
  5. Guy Trilby

    Guy Trilby Active Member
    Texas LonghornsTexas State BobcatsTennis

    I was able to get 2 saver awards from Houston to Bangkok for 95k each. Amex had a 40% transfer bonus to BA at the time so it was 136k Amex points. The Eva flight through Lifemiles was 156k for 2 flights.
  6. NoNatty

    NoNatty Keyboard Cowboy
    Oregon DucksPortland Trail BlazersSan Francisco 49'ersManchester UnitedPortland Timbers

    I called the line today before reading this. It was approved, they just had to move some credit lines around.
  7. hudson

    hudson Oh, you know...stuff.
    Donor TMB OG
    Nebraska CornhuskersAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersPittsburgh PenguinsFulham

    is hopper an app to trust for cheaper hotels? I downloaded it last year and made an account. Just redownloaded and it has mandalay bay hotel for way cheaper than every other website i've found.
    like 180 total with fees and taxes vs 225-350 everywhere else.
  8. Menelaus

    Menelaus The Red-Haired King
    Alabama Crimson TideReal Madrid

    Definitely trustworthy, but read the fine print as those lower fares are usually very restrictive
    BellottiBold likes this.
  9. beist

    beist Hyperbolist

    New Amex Plat holder here. I am planning to book a Delta ticket and pay for part of it with an unused flight credit. Based on what I've read, things like that tend to trick the computer into counting the remaining fare as an incidental charge that would count for my $200 annual credit. Is that correct?
  10. WC

    WC Bad Company, ‘til the day I die.
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    Wrong thread
  11. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    Correct. You need a gift card to pay for part of the flight, then the remainder under $200. If you buy a gift card online it takes 2 or 3 days for it become usable, so you can't immediately use it. Gift cards at the grocery store are apparently 24 hours.

    Seems dumb they aren't immediately redeemable, but it was a snag I ran into when booking a flight that had "1 seat remaining at this price" and I had already booked the other two with reward points separately.
    beist likes this.
  12. beist

    beist Hyperbolist

    ah i'm not going to be under $200. They make this very hard to use
  13. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    You buy a delta gift card to make up the difference. So a 300 flight you buy a $125 gift card. Then put $175 on your amex and you get reimbursed.
  14. beist

    beist Hyperbolist

    yep. i'll have to do that for the next flight - it says you can't combine gift cards and ecredits on the same fare.

    If I buy the gift card from Delta does that count for the 5x amex points?
  15. hudson

    hudson Oh, you know...stuff.
    Donor TMB OG
    Nebraska CornhuskersAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersPittsburgh PenguinsFulham

    How so?
  16. OleMissFan

    OleMissFan Member

    Currently considering a Delta AMEX card or AMEX Plat. Anyone have any strong opinions? The Platinum 150k + 200 sign up bonus looks great right now, but it looks like the membership points 4:3 to Delta. I’m about to downgrade my CSR to a Chase Freedom, and that’s been my main card.
    Tommy Jefferson likes this.
  17. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    do you live at a delta hub?

    you basically can't touch the 150k + 200 bonus anywhere, so I'd vote just get that even if you use the points and cancel the card after a year.
  18. Tommy Jefferson

    Tommy Jefferson Well-Known Member
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas JayhawksKansas City RoyalsKansas City Chiefs

    After a year is paying the $695 sub twice though, right?
  19. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    nope if you cancel after the 2nd fee hits it gets reimbursed
    Tommy Jefferson likes this.
  20. OleMissFan

    OleMissFan Member

    Yeah I live at a Delta hub. That’s the only reason I was considering the Delta AMEX. Does AMEX let you downgrade like Chase?
  21. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    no clue

    imo the amex plat is the best, but if you travel as much as I do and buy first class tickets once or twice a year the first class companion voucher pays the whole fee on the delta amex reserve
  22. racer

    racer Yuma, where I work in software.
    Iowa HawkeyesKansas City ChiefsLas Vegas Golden KnightsWatfordOlympicsFormula 1

    In most places it’s going to come with no cancellation, bottom of the barrel room class, etc.
    Vegas hotels are a bit different as the front desk can more or less do what they want for you (for a tip, see $20 trick).
  23. OleMissFan

    OleMissFan Member

    My only hesitation is 1x on every thing else that’s not travel. More reason to only keep it for a year I guess.
  24. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    yeah its not a card to put regular spend on
  25. Guy Trilby

    Guy Trilby Active Member
    Texas LonghornsTexas State BobcatsTennis

    You can downgrade but only to certain cards. The Amex plat can be downgraded to the Gold or Green and the Delta cards can be downgraded to other delta cards but if you downgrade to a card you haven't had, you can't get the bonus for that card, so it's best to downgrade to a card you already have, or cancel it
  26. beist

    beist Hyperbolist

    I signed up for platinum last month. As lyrch said, just jump on the current bonus and take the next year to decide if you think its worth keeping. I did a deep dive on my last five years of spending a few weeks ago and this is what I came up with as the optimal lineup for me (I live in a Delta hub and fly ~10x per year).

    Amex Platinum for the sign up offer & benefits
    Amex Gold for 4x points on restaurants and groceries (I haven't added this yet, but will when a good sign up offer comes around). The monthly uber credit cuts the annual fee in half and the incremental points on restaurants and groceries will more than cover the rest for me.
    Delta Amex plat - I've come close to dropping this but the companion ticket pays for the card if you are intentional about using it (i.e., not for last minute bookings).
    Chase Freedom/Freedom Unlimited - for rotating 5% categories and other daily spend.

    I have had the Chase Sapphire Reserve since it came out. I plan on downgrading or canceling at my next annual fee unless they give me any retention credits or otherwise improve the card.
    OleMissFan likes this.
  27. BellottiBold

    Oregon Ducks

    Where Eagles Dare likes this.
  28. OleMissFan

    OleMissFan Member

    This is my exact situation. Thanks for the breakdown.
    beist likes this.
  29. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    Getting your AF paid for in statement credits is nice. It's next on my list for sure.

    This is basically me.

    CSP -> Freedom this year
    Delta Amex Plat for a while solely due to value of companion pass. Most of spend has been moved here for MQM or whatever waiver.
    Amex Plat for 150k last year (to transfer to Delta for intl flights). Probably gonna cancel once second AF hits.

    Probably going to get Amex Gold next and it be my everyday spender card especially due to 4x groceries. Maybe a CSP if they have decent bonuses bc the AF is low
    racer likes this.
  30. hudson

    hudson Oh, you know...stuff.
    Donor TMB OG
    Nebraska CornhuskersAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersPittsburgh PenguinsFulham

    Gotcha, I’m usually not picky, Priceline will do that too, when I stay at park mgm. I feel bad though I’ve never tipped, I just ask for a bathroom with a glass shower because I have trouble stepping over the tub ones after my surgery( I have never had surgery).

    The hopper I booked as 120 for a resort king, and pictures explanation mentioned a soaking tub so that seems like a nicer room *shrug*
    #15180 hudson, Mar 17, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
    racer likes this.
  31. bRamonceTaylor

    bRamonceTaylor Well-Known Member

    FWIW, I bought GCs off Amazon in November and was able to use them 10 min later for Christmas flights to knock the cost under $250 and get the $200 credit on my fiancées Plat.
    beist likes this.
  32. NoNatty

    NoNatty Keyboard Cowboy
    Oregon DucksPortland Trail BlazersSan Francisco 49'ersManchester UnitedPortland Timbers

    What am I able to do with my airline incidental on my aspire Amex?
  33. Whammy

    Whammy Donde es
    Alabama Crimson TideVanderbilt CommodoresNew Orleans SaintsChicago BlackhawksAtlanta United

    Edit: referral is maxed out
    #15183 Whammy, Mar 20, 2023
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
    bigjrock likes this.
  34. Matt Foley

    Matt Foley Well-Known Member
    Georgia Tech Yellow JacketsAuburn TigersCarolina PanthersWofford Terriers

    I’m certain this has been discussed (looks like potentially even on this page), but I’m drunk and lazy so I’ll ask again anyway.

    We do not fly a ton (maybe 5 or 6 times a year), but my wife flies exclusively on Delta. What is the best (not everyday spender) travel card to pair with Delta travel? Is it the Delta Amex Platinum? We already have the CSR.

    Minimum spend and annual fee won’t be an issue. Happy to use anyone’s referral code.
  35. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    Hey there

    Depends. Probably either Amex Platinum Delta or Reserve for pure benefits. You get 15% discount on reward bookings and then a companion pass for regular (Plat) or First (Reserve) that mostly will pay for itself.

    AF is $250 or $550. Main decision if you want to buy first class seats. Reserve does get you into the sky club if that matters
    Matt Foley likes this.
  36. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    Matt Foley

    Here's an Amex Delta Platinum referral for 90k pts. Think it works for Reserve too :idk:

    Apply for an American Express Card with this link. With your new Card, you could earn a welcome bonus and your friend could earn a referral bonus. Terms Apply.
    Matt Foley likes this.
  37. Matt Foley

    Matt Foley Well-Known Member
    Georgia Tech Yellow JacketsAuburn TigersCarolina PanthersWofford Terriers

    Is there any chance this signup bonus increases significantly in the next 6 months or so? Or is 90k pretty standard?
  38. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington Football TeamAtlanta United

    Pretty close to the top end unless you get targeted offers.

    I know some people ITT have 100k or 125k Amex Platinum referrals.
  39. Whammy

    Whammy Donde es
    Alabama Crimson TideVanderbilt CommodoresNew Orleans SaintsChicago BlackhawksAtlanta United

    Posted the 150k plus $200 statement credits a little higher up in this thread.

    I may take you up on the Delta Reserve
  40. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

    Reminder - don't buy a consumer electronic (phone, tablet, tv) on a card without extended warranty.

    I've used it before and thought I could use it on my fitbit which just broke after a swim. The device is only 17 months old and the warranty is 12 months, so of course Fitbit support is no help. Went to dig up my receipt to file a claim with Chase only to realize I put the purchase on the Discover It for 2% CB, not realizing (until today) that card doesn't have that protection.
    DuffandMuff likes this.
  41. bigjrock

    bigjrock Pillsbury Geauxboy
    LSU TigersNew Orleans PelicansNew Orleans Saints

    For you folks who truly get into this game, how many new cards are you signing up for each year?
    pianoman likes this.
  42. pianoman

    pianoman my drinks are free
    Donor TMB OG
    Michigan WolverinesChicago CubsDetroit Red Wings

    Typically at least three. Between the wife and I at least five.
    bigjrock likes this.
  43. The_Baumer

    The_Baumer Go Mordecai!

    6-7 between my wife and I.
    bigjrock likes this.
  44. bRamonceTaylor

    bRamonceTaylor Well-Known Member

    Think it's fine, but just confirming. Fiancée already has DL Amex Gold card. I have DL Amex Platinum card. I'm going to refer her to the DL Amex Platinum while the signup offer is still 90k (we'll easily cover multiple AFs with 2 companion flights). She can hold both the Gold and the Platinum at the same time, correct? I'll get her to cancel the Gold once the Platinum is in. TIA.
  45. bigjrock

    bigjrock Pillsbury Geauxboy
    LSU TigersNew Orleans PelicansNew Orleans Saints

    All the Delta Amex's are considered different products, so you should be be good. They have 7 total between consumer and biz.
    bRamonceTaylor likes this.
  46. John McGuirk

    John McGuirk member of the blue tiger club
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesDallas CowboysDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    About to cancel the CSR after having it for 3-4 years and going to hop on one of these two offers. if I go Platinum, prob going to downgrade to Amex Gold after a year because the everyday spending is restaurants and groceries
    PAHokie likes this.
  47. Guy Trilby

    Guy Trilby Active Member
    Texas LonghornsTexas State BobcatsTennis

    Don't downgrade to the gold because you won't get the bonus. You should open the gold before canceling the plat. You'll then keep all your MR points.
  48. John McGuirk

    John McGuirk member of the blue tiger club
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesDallas CowboysDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    I think I might just go with the gold actually. Will get more points with daily spending and spend less on yearly fee. I suppose I could get both, but not sure I want to deal with it
  49. bigjrock

    bigjrock Pillsbury Geauxboy
    LSU TigersNew Orleans PelicansNew Orleans Saints

    There's a referral link at the bottom of the last page.
    John McGuirk likes this.
  50. bRamonceTaylor

    bRamonceTaylor Well-Known Member

    When she went to apply, she got a notice that she's not eligible for the welcome offer :(