DCEU: Critics are saying The Flash is a great movie of all time 6.16.23

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by -Prime-, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    That would certainly be a choice. I have my doubts on the validity of this one though. I don't think they can even officially do any casting right now.
  2. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Ya could be bullshit. Maybe he’s just on a shortlist or plans to meet with Gunn for a part? Either way all the normal Twitter leakers are saying he’s the Batman. I think he’d do well.
    IV likes this.
  3. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
    Donor TMB OG
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    Never pictured Batman as Asian... :idk:
  4. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

  5. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Terry McGinnis is half Asian. Prime Earth’s Batman, Wang Baixi, is Asian.

  6. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    It’s a The Office joke btw.

    Should be more like Dwight and not see color tho.
  7. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Ya I’m aware. I was joking.

    Beeds07, MJH, pearl and 3 others like this.
  8. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    Going to see Blue Beetle tonight. Its gotten good enough reviews to give it a chance plus if its gonna be in Gunn’s DCEU than might as well
    Beeds07, pearl and Tex like this.
  9. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Report back. I'm going to try and see it this week.
  10. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    Should I do a little background research on the comic character or should I go in fully blind
    Tex likes this.
  11. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    I’d just go in not knowing. It’s an origin story so just roll with it because it’s probably not going to be 100% comic accurate. That’s what I plan on doing anyways.
    pearl, Tex and Dump like this.
  12. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    I'd say blind is fine. There are different versions of Blue Beetle though. Could be something they mention in the movie or you can look up later.

    Did you ever watch Young Justice?
    pearl and Dump like this.
  13. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    Okay that was pretty damn good

    its like a mix of Venom but with Pym/Stark/Wakandan technologies
  14. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    As far as intro movies go I’d say its up there with Ironman and Captain America. It does exactly what it needs to but stays pretty formulaic in format

    the mid credit scene is the only important one
    Aussie and Tex like this.
  15. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    I will say the main actor is pretty much his Cobra Kai self like he’s not winning awards anytime soon

    But the actress they get to play his love interest is, how would you say it in her native language, FOGO

    like maldito amigos

    I did not realize she was Neymar’s ex tho

    like going from your little Cobra Kai kids to that is like going from single A to the MLBs
    Dr. Mantis Toboggan and Tex like this.
  16. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    Google: "Bruna Marquezine is a Brazillian actre..."

    Hank: "Marry me!"
    Fusiontegra, Dump and Tex like this.
  17. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Great movie, not sure Xolo can really carry a franchise but that supporting cast was awesome for this one.
    Tex and Dump like this.
  18. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    My Adventures with Superman is really good.
    Dump and Nostradumass like this.
  19. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Finally watched The Flash and thought it was good.
    pearl, Dump, IV and 1 other person like this.
  20. Dr. Mantis Toboggan

    Dr. Mantis Toboggan Well-Known Member
    Florida State SeminolesBoston Red SoxOrlando MagicNew England PatriotsBoston Bruins

    I also finally watched The Flash but I thought it was very not good
    pearl, laxjoe, jackbauer and 2 others like this.
  21. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    I went in with low expectations from every review and post about it but I liked it for what it was.
  22. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Is it on HBO yet?
  23. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

  24. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Well shit. Guess I'll hate watch it.
    pearl and Leeds Raider like this.
  25. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Watched the Flash. Wasn't as bad as I expected but certainly wouldn't call it good.

    I really liked what Muschietti did with IT but slightly concerned with him directing Batman.
    Dump likes this.
  26. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Thought the characters, especially Batman were good. It lost me with the paradox stuff and the way the multiverse was done. I think with a straightforward Batman story he could do a decent one. Probably not Nolan or Reeves level but still good. Seemed like the flash movie got lost in the woods with the story more than the characters to me
    Hank Scorpio and Aussie like this.
  27. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo


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  28. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    Why is 9-16 Batman day, he debuted in May?
  29. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Is that the date his parents died, thus when he began becoming Batman? I don’t know actually
  30. paulski

    paulski Well-Known Member

    Just watched Man of Steel for the first time in 10 years. So frustrating how they fucked up the use of the character so badly because there's so much good stuff in there, especially Cavill and Adams. It's actually a tons better movie than I remembered and should have been a great launching pad for the franchise. :ohdear:
    Beeds07 and Tex like this.
  31. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    Completely agree. The Krypton stuff was really good.
    Tex, paulski and Aussie like this.
  32. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Billionaire Playboy
    Michigan Wolverines

    Snyder's inability to create basic consistency in his storytelling doomed his universe to fail before it even got off the ground.
    Tex and Hank Scorpio like this.
  33. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    DC really messed up by trying to race to the finish. Instead of taking time to set up everything they jumped right to Justice League and it caused everything to fail.

    Cavill never even got a second stand alone movie. Which is crazy when you think about it because Man of Steel was a successful.
    pearl, Bruce Wayne, lazy bum and 3 others like this.
  34. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    Not gonna lie I cut flash off as soon as it started dealing with two versions of Barry Allen. I really hate Ezra’s portrayal of the character and it annoys the absolute fuck out of me. Maybe I’ll dive back in another time but for now yeah no I wasn’t feeling it
  35. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Don't. It was not good. The CGI is laughably bad. Like early 2000's bad. Story was convoluted at best at just a mess at worse.
    CaneKnight likes this.
  36. Simon Templar

    Simon Templar Well-Known Member
    Kansas JayhawksChicago CubsSneakersBig 8 Conference

    The thing that’s always amazed me is the DCU does such a better job at the TV aspect of the portrayals and sucks so hard at the movies, while the MCU is the exact opposite. They have solid movies and trash ass stuff they put out on D+
    chasenwilliam and CaneKnight like this.
  37. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    While DC has made some stinkers I still think their best movies are better than Marvel best movies. I might be in the minority on that but Marvels stuff just all feels the same.
    Tex likes this.
  38. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    Which non-Batman movie(s) are you referring to?
  39. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
    Donor TMB OG
    Miami MarlinsJacksonville JaguarsSporting Kansas CityAvengersMiami HeatSneakersWu-tangBook Club

    Given that Nolan's Batman movies are a standalone franchise, I have zero idea how you could make this statement against the MCU's best.
  40. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    I just said DC. Not DCU. I think DC is stronger when they just make standalone stuff.

    Nolan's films, the Batman, The Joker, the Suicide Squad, the Watchmen (although this one is somewhat more controversial). All really good movies that I would take over most of Marvel's best films.

    I'm also a big cinematography fan and Marvel falls woefully short in that category most of the time.
    Tex likes this.
  41. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    MJH likes this.
  42. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    Does it still have the bed shitter in it
  43. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    I believe she’s in it for like 20 min
  44. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

  45. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    She sorta has to be in it for a rumored huge plot point
  46. dump

    dump Dancing at the Pink Pony Club
    Connecticut HuskiesTexas AandM Aggies altTexas RangersDallas StarsDallas Mavericks alt

    can it be accomplished off screen
  47. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    I guess but it would be weird and how do you explain why she isn’t there?
  48. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    I can honestly say I've never cared about anything less than another Aquaman movie.
    Beeds07, CaneKnight and matistic like this.
  49. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    This might break The Flash's record for biggest flop ever
  50. Tex

    Tex Decoy Cooler
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Ya it’s not a top priority must see first night kind of movie but I enjoyed the first one. The teaser caught my attention. Hope they figured out the story. Seems some of the test screenings didn’t go well so they had to make some major changes.

    Also I do love the pretty comic accurate suits. Black Manta is badass.
    Aussie likes this.