Do any of you dipshits do yoga?

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by ohhaithur, May 4, 2015.

  1. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    Duke Blue DevilsHouston AstrosHouston TexansLiverpool

    I like Adriene Mishler if I'm learning new yoga. Plus she does movies with Nic Cage.
    AHebrewToo and Fusiontegra like this.
  2. TLAU

    TLAU Dog Crew
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAustin FC

    signed up for a promo month for $30 at a hotbed of beautiful yoga women downtown. going to a candle lit vinyasa at 8:30. my body is ready
    chuckles and Iron Mickey like this.
  3. TLAU

    TLAU Dog Crew
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAustin FC

    class cancelled due to impending doom coming with a storm. the word "squall" was used in the email.

    not even raining. :crossedarms:
    941Gator and shaolin5 like this.
  4. Room 15

    Room 15 Mi equipo esta Los Tigres
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Knocked out 30 minutes from the doyouyoga YouTube channel. Forgot what it's like to try to do yoga and watch someone do yoga on an iPad at the same time.
  5. TLAU

    TLAU Dog Crew
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAustin FC

    lookin for some squalls...
  6. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also gay
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    Best way to do that is hook your laptop up to a TV, if you can.
  7. TTgator91

    TTgator91 Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsWWE

    Id do DDP yoga ina heart tick if I had time...hell yeah. 2nd, Stretching is good for ya body, everyone do it I say.
  8. Flagpole

    Flagpole ps your cunt is in the sink
    Vanderbilt CommodoresAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    Name P. Redacted likes this.
  9. Merica

    Merica Devine pls stop pointing out my demise. :(
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh Steelers

    Just started watching her youtube videos.

    I love her so much. :lovelove:

    Juan, Hurley 864, TC and 1 other person like this.
  10. Red Rover

    Red Rover Neck water faucet, mockingbirds mocking
    Donor TMB OG
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishPhoenix Suns

    Have gone several times to hot yoga

    Thought I was going to die the first few times
  11. Hurley 864

    Hurley 864 Buy the ticket, take the ride
    TCU Horned FrogsTiger WoodsAtlanta Braves

    Hi yes I've been going to vinyasa yoga 2 to 3 times a week and enjoy it. My instructor likes to call the "happy baby" pose the "happy boyfriend" pose and the room always erupts in laughter. Sluts
  12. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    Yoga With Adriene is life.
    SkilleyBinner, Fecta23 and Merica like this.
  13. Fecta23

    Fecta23 Well-Known Member
    Oregon DucksSeattle MarinersPortland Trail Blazers

    She is just so quirky and delightful.
    Fusiontegra likes this.
  14. Coach Prison Mike

    Coach Prison Mike >>—;;—;—>

    Been doing weekly/bi-weekly (mostly vinyasa/ashtanga flow) classes for a few years but want to start doing more complete sessions at home to make it easier on the schedule/budget.

    Looking for a good series of videos with a solid mix of stuff that I can follow along with at home. I’m in pretty good shape so looking for something intermediate/advanced so hoping something like DDP yoga isn’t geared too much for beginner types.

    Willing to pay but obviously free YouTube ones would be cool as well.
  15. Room 15

    Room 15 Mi equipo esta Los Tigres
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    The only YouTube stuff I watch is not that advanced. I have zero doubt you can find it out there though.

    Also you can find yoga x from p90x on Vimeo and that can be pretty intense, but it’s also long, like 90 minutes.

    In an unrelated note, I went to goat yoga last week.
    steamengine likes this.
  16. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
    Donor TMB OG
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    I think one the benefits of yoga is that its difficulty isn't always determined by class, but by your comfort getting to positions and pushing yourself. You can follow an instructor that may have slightly easier videos, but with good flows, and just push the poses he/she is leading to into modifications.
    steamengine likes this.
  17. Coach Prison Mike

    Coach Prison Mike >>—;;—;—>

    This is definitely true though I like the motivation that comes with being challenged to keep up so to speak (even though that makes me about the worst yogi ever).
  18. westcoastbias

    westcoastbias Well-Known Member

    I started taking a bikram like hot yoga class about 3 years ago. Same pose sequence every class in 105 degrees. I go 4 times a week and I've gone from 190ish to 178ish without changing my diet. I'm 36 and yoga is the best thing I've ever done to keep my body aligned and stay fit for shit like the occasional surfing, snowboard, hiking, spearfishing, running I mix in. It's so low impact that I feel like I'm keeping all the tread on my joints too.

    One thing I'll throw out there.. If you haven't tried bikram/really hot yoga before.. A sneaky benefit is added cardio. The heat raises your heart rate and I'm usually between 135 and 175 bpm for the whole hour. Tough to find anything else as low impact as hot yoga to get that if it's important to you.
    Artoo and Fusiontegra like this.
  19. hood b. goode

    hood b. goode shytposter
    Michigan WolverinesNew Orleans PelicansNew Orleans SaintsArsenal2pac

    just knocked out a hot yoga class and that shit was

  20. Red Rover

    Red Rover Neck water faucet, mockingbirds mocking
    Donor TMB OG
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishPhoenix Suns

    Hot yoga is intense
    hood b. goode likes this.
  21. 941Gator

    941Gator TMB's resident beach bum
    Staff Donor
    Florida Gators

    I’m organizing a bunch of posters to each teach 1 stretch to make up the tmb yoga video. Only catch is I want it done in the street around traffic.
  22. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Anybody have a link to a youtube yoga workout they like
  23. southside

    southside Well-Known Member
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    Black swan tv is really solid, I think it’s <$10 a month. Their studios in Houston are the best around
  24. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    Yoga with adrienne. So hot and she does a good job. No music though.
  25. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    There's like a zillion videos. How do you know what to pick
  26. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    What are you trying to do? Something quick? Increase flexibility?
  27. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    I'm down for some strength, fat burning, increased flexibility and mental health
  28. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    If you haven't really done much yoga then this is a pretty good place to start and learn the terminology.

    This is the "vinyasa flow" that my gym teaches usually. It's more strength oriented than flexibility.

    #129 Talking Head, Sep 6, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
    dahldennsull, Oranjello and TC like this.
  29. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    TC like merica said, youre looking for a vinyasa practice. All vinyasa classes are “relatively” similar. If you’ve never done it before, I’d recommend going to a class so you can get some hands-on teaching and instruction. Any studio will have a beginners package for less than $100. Would be much more beneficial than a youtube video if you want to make it a regular thing.
    TC and Talking Head like this.
  30. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    This one is pretty cheap TC . $10 a class instead of just paying for a package.

    This one has an unlimited week long package for $35

    But yeah like Bamanug said, most unlimited yoga packages are around $100/month. If you aren't gonna do it more than twice a week then it makes more sense to just pay by the class. But I'd definitely do it at a studio a few times because it's hard as hell to be discipline in front of a computer screen.
    TC likes this.
  31. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Preciate it guys, I've actually been to a handful of classes. And most were of the vinyasa type, so I guess that's what I need. Just didn't know if there was something I was missing. Seems like most stuff is marketed to women and I didn't know what brawny TMB bros did.

    Talking Head I have actually been to classes at City Yoga before :ohnoes: The 10 bucks a class thing is perfect and it's in the 5 Points/college district
    Talking Head likes this.
  32. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    I'm skeptical of any yoga studio with the name "hot" in it----true, Bikram-style hot yoga is fucking miserable. There's no need to be that hot, for the first couple times you can't really focus on the poses because it's so damn hot, and it's much, MUCH more physical than mental. Yoga is supposed to be a balance of the mental and physical, not a damn core session to make your legs feel like jelly. There's certainly a strength-building element to all yoga, but it's secondary.

    But I'm also sort of a snob about this stuff. And Bikram sucks.
    #133 Nug, Sep 6, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
  33. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    I think the vinyasa type is most popular because it involves core strength training. Some of the more out there shit involves stretches that most normal human beings can’t do or won’t try.

    Mrs. TH is complaining about the vinyasa stuff because it involves too much upper body strength, so I’d say that’s probably the one you want to go with as a TMB bro.
    TC likes this.
  34. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    I have wanted to try the hot bc I want to see what it feels like when you leave the studio after 90 min. Seems like it'd feel amazingly relaxing. My concern is I'd sweat so much I couldn't even do the poses. Like what do you do once your skin is slippery
  35. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    I sweat like a pig and some of the poses towards the end I can't do because I can't grip anything. I sweat during mildly-heated classes
    Talking Head and TC like this.
  36. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    I’ll be honest, I hate the spiritual “ohhhhhm” bullshit. But I understand why people like it.

    I do yoga because I’m really inflexible, so it makes my back feel better and keeps me stretched out. It also keeps you toned without looking like a meathead. And also the sweating it out like you were in a sauna effect.
  37. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    I want all this plus ohhhmmm. I've gotten pretty into the mindfulness meditation stuff but that's all sitting still. I want to learn how to incorporate the body with it
    BamaNug, Room 15 and Talking Head like this.
  38. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    Vinyasa has been embraced by western cultures (Europe and US) because it can somewhat be used as a substitute for the gym. There's cardio + strength building. Vinyasa has also morphed into sort of a catch-all term for semi-hot yoga that's more focused on strength. It's more physical than mental than I like, but there are also some great teachers that can incorporate their style. It's also probably 75% of every class that's offered in the US.

    The upper body strength is for the arm balances and upper-level stuff--it requires some strength to do some of the cool shit.
    Talking Head likes this.
  39. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Is there a "more mental" style that you can recommend?
  40. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    Yin yoga would be a great start. You hold poses for 3-5 minutes, very slow-paced, mostly on the ground. One of my favorite teachers does a Cannabis + yin class every month, a dispensary sponsors it, brings products, you have a "20 minute break before class," get stoned, and then go do an hour yin class.

    If you can find a Kundalini class, take it--your mind will be blown. It's gaining popularity in the US and it's a trip. It's physical, but in a much different way. You do postures and breathing exercises for 15-20 minutes at a time, it's super intense and mentally taxing. But amazing. The first kundalini class I took was in India and it was wild. I think you'd dig it.

    Jivamukti is much less popular and hard to find, but is vinyasa with a more mental/spiritual focus. There's a teacher I follow, Jules Febre out of Berlin, that is one of the most popular jivamukti teachers out there. I can't find his classes online, only his playlists (which are dope).
    TC and Talking Head like this.
  41. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    I feel ya. I think it’s an incredibly important part of yoga, especially in the US where being in the moment is difficult for a lot of people. Their minds are constantly racing about shit outside of the class.

    I’m not one of those people though. My problem is the opposite. I’m very in the moment and have difficulty focusing on anything else. So needing to say “ohhhhm” to keep focused and being continually reminded to be in the moment by a yoga teacher gets annoying to me.
  42. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Jesus dude. I might have to fly out for that
    Talking Head and BamaNug like this.
  43. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    It's not for everyone, and will be hard to appreciate if you started yoga for the physical benefits (which I did as well). After studying Om and what it means in yoga, hindu, and buddhist teachings, it's a pretty incredible concept.
    I started yoga after just beginning a desk job and noticing my back was tight as shit in my mid-20s----not cool. I loved it because it was just an alternative than the typical gym/cardio workout. Now it's pretty much my main health exercise. Have taught a handful of classes in unique situations, really want to get certified in India one day.
    Room 15 and Talking Head like this.
  44. Talking Head

    Talking Head The Bag Man
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesPittsburgh SteelersTiger Woods

    I did a few classes in Bali and you could tell the difference in styles. Here it is much more to the point. There they spent the first thirty minutes or so just doing basic poses and breathing exercises.

    I was getting frustrated after that first thirty minutes because I thought that’s all the class would be, but it evolved into probably the most physically difficult session I’ve ever had.

    I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I get the differences. Those intense spiritual yoga sessions need to be at least an hour and a half and most Americans want it to get done in fifty minutes because they’ve got other shit to do. It’s sort of a catch 22 since they’re usually the ones who need the spiritual side the most.
    BamaNug likes this.
  45. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    Asian cultures have been able to hone the practice for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It's been big in America for what, 10-20 years? Any practice you do over there will be wildly different from most anything over here. And you're right, a lot more focus on breathing in the traditional classes. Most classes begin with a lengthy breathing exercise that can be incredibly beneficial and I've incorporated into my own practice.

    Difficult to truly prove, but legend says that yoga originated thousands of years ago in Northern India, what is modern-day Rishikesh and Haridwar. Rishikesh is one of the most incredible places I've ever been, and hands-down the most incredible yoga classes and teachers I've ever encountered. That's where I want to get certified. There's a little bit of high-brow involved over there, and they look down on western-style teachings, but not without reason. But I also think they should practice their own teachings on compassion to an extent, be more inclusive and inviting rather than demeaning--but that's another topic entirely.
    Talking Head likes this.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Asked this in the Distance Running thread before I finally found this one.

    I’m sure this is a common question, but I am extremely inflexible; like, can’t touch my toes inflexible. Are there any apps or suggestions for extreme beginners?
  47. Room 15

    Room 15 Mi equipo esta Los Tigres
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    I was the same way. My grandma used to make fun of me for not touching my toes when she could.

    just start with some beginner yoga stuff. I like the YouTube series Yoga with Adrienne. She’s pretty hot and has a full range of videos. That way you can buy a cheap mat and do it at home so you don’t feel weird walking into a studio full of flexible assholes.

    also check out Jefferson curls, but start with low weight and build up.
    THEBLUERAIDER and AHebrewToo like this.
  48. AHebrewToo

    AHebrewToo Albino Hebrew Extraordinaire
    Indiana HoosiersNotre Dame Fighting IrishWashington NationalsIndiana PacersIndianapolis Colts

    second Yoga with Adrienne.
    THEBLUERAIDER and Room 15 like this.
  49. seanofthedead86

    seanofthedead86 Well-Known Member
    Tennessee VolunteersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedNavy Midshipmen

    If you can find it the Fountain of Youth Yoga video with Tony Horton is pretty good. It was about 30 minutes long. Half of it was posing (mostly easy/beginners poses) and half stretching.
    THEBLUERAIDER likes this.