April 19th EDIT: Everything is a lot better thank the lord. Still a long way to go, but very positive from when this thread was made a month and a half ago. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OP: didn't want to keep hijacking the positivity thread. But things are very bad at the moment, found out last night some tragic news 24 years old is way too young to pass, fml
I’m so sorry Sterling. Enjoy your remaining time and try to stay positive. Life throws some fucked up shit at you sometimes, but you’ll get through it. We’re all pulling for you and there if you need anything.
Sorry man. Not much to add except life definitely is frequently not fair. Way too young. Very sorry for her and you.
That’s terrible. I’m so sorry man. Don’t have anything to add but don’t be too proud to get help or attend support groups. This can absolutely ruin you and she wouldn’t want that.
Jesus dude so sorry to hear that. I'll be keeping you and your family in my T's & P's. Let us know if there's anything we can do or if a gofundme is started
That's awful. Very sorry. Agree with get as much help as you can. As terrible as it is, other people have been through similar things and might be able to help you.
I can’t even imagine. Try to stay strong and focus on the great times y’all had together. Don’t be afraid go talk to someone, either. I hope y’all find peace and comfort.
What a terrible situation. Prayers to you and your fiancee, and and all friends and family involved. Let us know how we can help when the time is right.
Buddy... That is absolutely horrific. I just can't tell you how completely fucked up I feel about this . I can only imagine what you and her family is going through. I hope, with ALL of my heart, that better places are in store for you both. If there is anything I could do, please message me. Unfair and complete Bullshit.
I was hoping you hurt yourself in some way and this would be funny. I'm actually tearing up. What terrible news. Be strong man, comfort her and her family as much as you can. I don't pray, but I am there for you.
So heartbreaking. Get hope with the new liver only to have the world throw another big F you right when things are looking up. I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry about your fiancée. I hope you can continue to find strength during this trying time. I’ll be thinking and praying about you both today.