Incels everywhere devastated as Andrew Tate arrested on trafficking charges

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by fucktx, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

  2. IanBoyd

    IanBoyd Well-Known Member
    Texas Longhorns

    You do realize the irony of you posting this with an account from 2009 with 13k posts on a niche college football message forum or are you actually that fucking stupid?
    Clegg, Tug, Owsley and 10 others like this.
  3. Fuzzy Zoeller

    Fuzzy Zoeller College football > NFL

    Last I checked, I haven't payed a red nickel to watch anyone else post.
  4. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Do you think people have to pay to watch streamers?
    fattus, 40wwttamgib, Tobias and 7 others like this.
  5. Chipper>Jeter

    Chipper>Jeter Defund the NCAA
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsBorussia DortmundArsenalAtlanta UnitedAvengersMiami Heat

    Someone hasn’t donated to the board
    fattus, Fancy, Owsley and 11 others like this.
  6. Fuzzy Zoeller

    Fuzzy Zoeller College football > NFL

  7. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    Why is fuzzy always so torqued up
    Blu Tang Clan, fattus, Clegg and 17 others like this.
  8. IanBoyd

    IanBoyd Well-Known Member
    Texas Longhorns

    You're missing the entire point which answers my question, you really are this fucking stupid.
    fattus, dump, Cabs and 1 other person like this.
  9. BWC

    BWC It was the BOAT times, it was the WOAT times
    Nebraska CornhuskersChicago CubsPittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh PenguinsNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Had to wear a mask for a concert one time
  10. Andy Reocho

    Andy Reocho Please don't get lost in the sauce
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    Kansas JayhawksKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsNewcastle UnitedBig 8 ConferenceFormula 1

    Incel energy.
  11. Fuzzy Zoeller

    Fuzzy Zoeller College football > NFL

    I'm not missing it at all. All of us are actually participating in the conversation. We're not paying to watch other people post on TMB.
  12. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    I don’t pay to watch streamers either…
  13. IanBoyd

    IanBoyd Well-Known Member
    Texas Longhorns

    This was not even close to the point, keep trying.
  14. Fuzzy Zoeller

    Fuzzy Zoeller College football > NFL

  15. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideNew York YankeesJacksonville Jaguars2pacSneakersFormula 1

    You know we have a lot of lurkers right? And watching streamers is free. You only pay if you want to skip a few commercials per hour. You pay to watch TV with commercials.
  16. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

  17. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Included with Amazon Prime on twitch.
    dblplay1212 likes this.
  18. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    i watch twitch every day and i've never donated anything beyond a twitch prime sub bc it's free w/ amazon prime.

    i also don't ever have sex so maybe there's an overlap
    Tug, fuxstockings, BudKilmer and 2 others like this.
  19. Chipper>Jeter

    Chipper>Jeter Defund the NCAA
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsBorussia DortmundArsenalAtlanta UnitedAvengersMiami Heat

    My kids watched Dan TDM free of charge for about 5 solid years. I can think of much worse shit on the internet for two pre-teen boys to be watching than some goof ball gamer.
  20. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    Can’t believe fuzzy is so entrenched in this stupid stance. Saying streamers should die because they’re either good at a game or entertaining.

    That’s essentially the equivalent of saying athletes should die to put it in this boards terms. We can all play sports too, just like we could stream. We’re just not good enough at it to make a living
    fattus, Owsley and Daniel Ocean like this.
  21. Bartledoo

    Bartledoo coys
    Nebraska CornhuskersNew York YankeesSan Francisco 49'ersTottenham Hotspur

    It's fun to go to a small streamer's channel and make them put a shoe on their head or something for my prime sub
  22. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    UCLA BruinsDenver BroncosLos Angeles KingsSneakersBook Club

    I don’t watch gamers and probably never will. I didn’t get it until someone explained it to me with this example. I watch sports (so I’m watching someone else engage in an activity I enjoy) that’s the way people who watch gamers feel. They are merely watching someone who is extremely good at an activity they enjoy.
  23. IanBoyd

    IanBoyd Well-Known Member
    Texas Longhorns

    A stream is also something you can just have on as background noise while you're working, eating, pretty much doing w/e.
    Lyrtch likes this.
  24. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    A stream is also something that can carry things through a medium.
    Iron Mickey, fattus, Nole0515 and 8 others like this.
  25. BayouMafia

    BayouMafia Thought Leader in Posting
    Staff Donor
    LSU TigersTexas RangersNew Orleans SaintsFulhamFC Dallas

    Islands in the stream. That is what we are.
  26. pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ

    pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ Mind your own damn business
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArizona WildcatsTexas AandM Aggies altTennessee Volunteers

    I'd pay money for the stream of a guy in his 20s. Think I'm already getting some bph and I'm not even 40
  27. Drew Swinney Esq

    Drew Swinney Esq Successful Attorney in Atlanta
    Clemson TigersAtlanta BravesCarolina PanthersGrateful DeadUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    a mountain stream laughs because its banks are hill areas
  28. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also a robot
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    He read Latinx once and lost it
  29. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    LiverpoolBig Ten Conference

    It’s still kinda winter he’s just waiting for the Texas summer where he thrives
    Cornfed Buffalo likes this.
  30. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    LiverpoolBig Ten Conference

    So much horn on horn violence on this board lately
  31. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    I feel as though some of you are watching ads and it's my duty to educate you on how to avoid such fuckery because Twitch ads are a fat load of bullshit.


    PurpleTV. adblock built in, 7TV and BTTV built-in. I don't watch a ton on my phone but this basically makes it like a desktop experience if I do. is the latest stable build.

    also idk what Apple users use or if they have an option, that's not my problem.


    S0undTV. never used but I hear great things. ymmv, find it yourself with google I guess.


    get uBlock, which is the only adblock you should ever, and I mean ever, use. it's on Chrome and FF stores.

    ok, there are some extensions out there but they're a bit shaky at times because Twitch is a fucker and there's a lot of back-and-forth between them and adblock devs so the extensions can break occasionally until devs fix it so we're gonna go a slightly different route and use a direct filter (which still needs to be updated but this just works quicker and better).

    - open uBlock (it's the little red shield next to your address bar)
    - you'll see a little set of gears in the bottom-right, click on that
    - under the Settings tab, you'll see a section that says Advanced. click on the little box that says "I'm an advanced user" then click on the little cogs beside it
    - you'll be whisked to another set of settings in a new tab and at the bottom on the left you'll see a line that says "userResourcesLocation"
    - copy and paste the following next to that line (if anything else exists there for some reason just make a space after that and paste this thing in)
    - hit apply changes and close that tab
    - go back to the original tab now and go under My Filters and on a new line at the bottom copy and paste this
    - turn uBlock on and off (open uBlock again, hit the big blue button twice) or just close and reopen your browser

    for clarity's sake, doing the above with that script will skip ads by inserting a new stream over the ads but at the cost of lowered resolution (480p). when the ads are done, you should flip up to whatever you have your default set to (or whatever the streamer can output, 720p or 1080p). it's not particularly jarring but if your streamer is an ad whore (Twitch has a base minimum of ads per hour they must run but streamers can set the rate MUCH higher) then this will happen a lot so...

    use this script instead and it will seek to maintain max resolution while blocking ads. the risk with this script is streams may freeze depending on whether the script or Twitch wins the battle but you can just F5 and try again, it usually doesn't take long for the script to win out. I use this script FWIW and typically if you can make it past the initial ads (almost all streams have ads at the beginning when you open these days) then you're golden. but see which one works for you.

    that's a lot to read and probably seems a bit scary to some but it's genuinely dead simple and like I said, you shouldn't be getting pounded in the face by blocks of ads over and over. if you watch a small streamer and want to give them the ad money, just whitelist their stream on uBlock.
    #481 Sir Phobos, Mar 15, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  32. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    PS - uBlock also is essential for Youtube watching on desktop/laptop.

    also, there is a killer app, maybe the single best app on the planet, called ReVanced and it is adblock (and a shitload of other features) for Youtube including playback while minimized or turning off your screen. however, I will not be guiding you through that install as it gets complicated so go follow the reddit guide. I will promise you, however, that it is 100% worth it if you use Youtube on your phones at all.

  33. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

  34. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    Also team its great background material, started when I had to spend a couple hours every day charting from my couch
  35. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    3 day weekend, yo. but no.

    I do enjoy helping people set stuff like this up. QoL is greatly improved for anyone who watches any decent amount of Twitch or Youtube. Twitch especially, fuck them ads. you'll be watching someone about to clutch a match or break a speedrun record and nope, seven ads in a row.
    #485 Sir Phobos, Mar 15, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    Hatfield, Owsley, BayouMafia and 4 others like this.
  36. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also a robot
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    Just pay for yt premium peasant.
    TrustyPatches likes this.
  37. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideNew York YankeesJacksonville Jaguars2pacSneakersFormula 1

    Yea yt gets my money for premium, no regrets
    fattus, TrustyPatches, dump and 2 others like this.
  38. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    YT premium is good. Can confirm
  39. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideNew York YankeesJacksonville Jaguars2pacSneakersFormula 1

    I use yt music and podcasts too so it all ties in. Our whole house is integrated with Google.
    fattus likes this.
  40. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    There’s also twitch turbo if you watch streams all the time. No ads on any stream
    BudKilmer likes this.
  41. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    I’d cancel everything I have media related before I canceled YouTube premium
  42. electronic

    electronic It’s satire!

    I’m not that bothered by commercials, but I’m #builtdifferent.
  43. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    It’s more the ability to put something on my phone and close my screen and listen. There’s podcasts, audiobooks and tons more I can just listen to and given the fact I listen to something just about all day it’s easily my most valuable media app by leagues.
  44. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    Biggest reason I got YouTube premium was that it came with YouTube music, so more expensive than Spotify but I can easily download videos to watch offline (basically listen to podcasts uploaded to YouTube in my car).

    If I didn't want either of those things then it's a little expensive. I get some discount because I use the Google Rewards app, to get small amounts of money answering surveys, and it draws from my Google Play balance first.
    dump and dblplay1212 like this.
  45. Whammy

    Whammy Donde es
    Alabama Crimson TideVanderbilt CommodoresNew Orleans SaintsChicago BlackhawksAtlanta United

    Fellas - is it gay to enjoy sex with your wife?

  46. Simon Templar

    Simon Templar Well-Known Member
    Kansas JayhawksChicago CubsSneakersBig 8 Conference

    Well I am apparently gay since we only have one.
  47. Nole0515

    Nole0515 Well-Known Member
    Chicago Bears

    I have 0. Im super gay
  48. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I enjoy feel-good pee pee sex
  49. DuffandMuff

    DuffandMuff Well-Known Member
    Tampa Bay LightningSan Diego Padres

    *Google Ecosystem
  50. Fuzzy Zoeller

    Fuzzy Zoeller College football > NFL

    The odds of Andrew Tate being gay are greater than 100%.