They already voted to gut abortion rights by controlling the SC so I don't get your logic. The most likely time this could get enshrined by Congress is if Democrats control the Senate the next two years.
the SC ruling doesn’t matter if congress codifies abortion rights the senate will have to eliminate the filibuster for that to happen it may not happen right away if dems don’t control the senate in that case, those who don’t vote for it and are up for reelection will have a tough road in the midterms however due to the importance of abortion, you may see more Rs willing to vote for it
how what all works? congress has to pass the law, which is why I asked what can she do if they dont get the senate knowing that a republican will sue an EO how is that not a legitimate question or do you prefer to just respond with a non-answer?
In a midterm it's quite likely they could lose the house if they control next year. This issue has been settled already for these house races imo, it'll have to be in the next two years or in 2028.
where’s the not part? He was pissed and he said it and it’ll get plenty of press. I expect him to apologize which is something Trump or the comedian would never do. Harris campaign gotta wish he’d just hide for the next six days.
maybe stop projecting whatever bullshit you're thinking and just dont reply then? fuck me for asking a legitimate question
it literally isnt helping anyone by punting the issue for 2 years which is why I asked the question again, it seems as if you dont have an answer so just stop replying to the inquiry
she can’t just wave a wand and make all our hopes and dreams come true why don’t you understand that? the only shot of roe being codified is if she wins. if she wins, and the senate map isn’t ideal, the hard work will have to continue. progress isn’t linear why can’t you grasp that?
That’s it, I’m not voting for Biden because he stuttered over maybe calling Trump supporters trash. I care less about his comments than I do about Walz getting laid in China a million years ago.
With these two parties calling each other trash, they've left me no choice and I think the only thing I can do is to vote for neither and go with RFK jr
Joe lost the house in 2022, incumbent has historically lost seats especially when people aren't coming out to vote against Trump.
“When they go low we go high” fuck that, they are human garbage and need to be called out as such. He didn’t go low enough. They don’t deserve oxygen
He said "the only garbage I see is his supporters... his demonization of Latinos." He should have added a "no" in there for the ... to clarify he meant Trump but that's what the pause was for.
true but dems were supposed to get creamed in the house and ended up barely losing the majority in a “red wave” cycle with no trump on the ballot. norms are out the window if abortion is still on the ballot
Team let Joe cook. He's not lying about anything and everyone voting left agrees with him. Fuck them if their feelings are hurt for being called exactly what they are.
If anyone really cares what Biden said after the Nazi rally and everything else then they are incredibly stupid and shouldnt vote anyway
Trump said the left is the enemy from within that needs to be destroyed. One foot out the door Biden called Trump supporters garbage Kamala has lost my vote
the argument online is did he say “supporters” or supporter’s” but I don’t think maga knows what a possessive even is
This is honestly how most Liberals want our leaders to start saying out loud. Maybe not lost, but I for one want this rhetoric from the left.
yea its kinda funny part of the party is like “no no that’s not what he really meant” and the other part is like “yes they are garbage I’m glad he said it!”