might have serious ramifications in the Ohio v. Florida battle http://wkbn.com/2015/09/14/ohio-voters-have-2-opposing-marijuana-issues-on-november-ballot/
How stupid do you have to be to have two separate questions expressly legalizing it and expressly making it illegal on the same ballot?
The Responsible Ohio amendment is Issue 3 and would make growing, selling and using marijuana in Ohio legal... The state assembly put their own issue on the ballot. Issue 2 would make the marijuana cartel illegal immediately. What analysts do not know is what will happen if both issues pass. wut
There are only 10 people who are going to be allowed to grow and distribute in Ohio if issue 3 goes through as they are the ones who got it on. That's why issue 2 was put on so that if both pass, weed is legal and people will sue to be allowed to grow/distribute. It's shady workaround law but the hope is that it is made legal in the process...
The coalition opposed to the legalization is made up of children’s health organizations, business groups and county prosecutors, among others. The campaign has a simple but powerful message for the voters of Ohio: Legalization “would allow for the wide-open sale of marijuana and marijuana- infused products, like cookies and candy, and other edibles, which can easily fall into the hands of innocent kids and others, possibly causing irrevocable harm.”
This is far from a valid argument. The same could be said about a myriad of legal substances that kids shouldn't use.
I'm all for weed being legalized but the way they put together issue 3 is retarded. Just a bunch of rich people getting even more wealthy if it passes. I seriously doubt it passes anyways, hopefully in another 5-10 years they put a legitimate campaign together when it will have a better chance of getting approved.
Illinois awarded 20 cultivation sites and a bunch of of dispensaries. A had a client get awarded 2 grow sites and 4 dispensaries and he was basically fighting off investors trying to invest $25M into his company on top of the $20M they had already invested. Those investors gave him $3M just to apply. And all that was just for shitty, IL grade medical marijuana (not the good medical stuff in other states). Of course, in Illinois the plan was to give those licenses out to friends of the old governor, which our client was not, but when he got voted out the new governor gave them out based on the quality of the applications.
It's unreal how much they oppose it. I've openly talked to my 80 year old grandma and we've come to an understanding. She doesn't support gay marriage, marijuana use, or alcohol consumption, but whatever happens with those issues now won't affect her forever so she just votes how her grandkids vote. Fuck old people voting on shit that has little to no impact on them.
Legalization has about the same chance of passing in Ohio as a one loss B1G team winning the playoffs.
I can't speak for other states but my employer plans in continuing to test for it if it passes. Of course they have it written into their policy as something they prohibit use of as a term of your employment so I don't think anyone has much of a legal leg to fight on.
I haven't really followed this that much but it seems like most of the potheads want issue 3 to fail... not sure why.
Probably had more to do with the moronic parents leaving the edibles laying around and a kid just thinking "hey candy!".
Scott's/MiracleGro HQ in Marysville tests for Nicotine. And I'm fairly certain its a condition of employment, not just for health insurance purposes.
have to deny legalization of something reasonable because THINK OF THE CHILDREN if only we applied to that everything else
It will basically become a monopoly similar to how the casinos are. Only a certain number of people are allowed to grow/distribute.
I'm really not sure how I feel about 3. What are the benefits and problems with restricting commercial growing? Our other "sin items" are restricted, aren't they? Like alcohol having a finite number of liquor licenses. Can companies start making and selling cigarettes?
I stopped for lunch in Palm Coast Monday. Jesus Christ those people should be embarrassed of themselves. miserable, old, very tanned dickholes
I'll vote yes on 3, no on 2. I highly doubt it passes tho, like someone said above they should have waited until 2016 to take advantage of a higher turnout.
being high while I read this post coupled with the rapidly laughing Danny Masterson nearly broke my brain just now
If I still lived there I'd vote no on 3 and I partake in the herbal medicating. Just don't like how the point is to make a handful of dudes rich, and not legalizing something that should be legal.