Official Gardening/Homesteading thread: Our back yards are our grocery stores

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by lhprop1, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Those look really healthy
    Emma likes this.
  2. Emma

    Wisconsin BadgersMilwaukee Brewers altMilwaukee BucksGreen Bay Packers

    There's two individual plants in there, both crimson skies. Fuckers have grown like crazy.
    Willpépé and One Two like this.
  3. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Where are you geographically?
  4. Emma

    Wisconsin BadgersMilwaukee Brewers altMilwaukee BucksGreen Bay Packers

    Central Wisconsin, zone 4 I believe
    Willpépé and One Two like this.
  5. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    I’m sure you know this but avoid pruning and fertilizing until next spring after last frost. Great looking roses my dude
    Emma likes this.
  6. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Fall cleanup day at the farm. Need some cooler Temps, highs still in the 80s. Been pretty dry on and off this summer, and have found two yellowjacket nests that I gassed one night this week. Got covered with seed ticks both yesterday and today. Trying to burn a stump out, which doesn't seem to be working very well, but is cathartic. Got about half the bush hogging done. Hoping stuff doesn't grow back at this point. Rain in the forecast for all next week, and the leaves should be changing pretty soon at our place. Other fall plans include planting a couple Atlas cedars, and maybe a Deodar as well, if the guy makes it. Playing wait and see with a big white oak that got hit by lightning a month or so ago. Be nice if it makes it, but firewood if it doesn't. Hope y'all are having good Saturdays, peace.
    arrdub, One Two, -Asshole- and 2 others like this.
  7. Arliden

    Arliden Well-Known Member

    First avocado of the season off the tree.
  8. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Please post fall foliage pics when it’s time
    bigred77 likes this.
  9. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    What a beaut. What's the yield like?
    Willpépé likes this.
  10. Arliden

    Arliden Well-Known Member

    It’s still a young tree at only 3 years old. Hass avocados are supposed to start producing at 5 years. This one started in year 2 but for this year I’d say there are about 10 avocados on it.
    Owsley, BigReff73, Ric Flair and 5 others like this.
  11. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    I've never wanted an avacado tree before but here we are
    BigReff73, jkun, Hatfield and 2 others like this.
  12. Arliden

    Arliden Well-Known Member

    Rented a boom lift to do some tree trimming. Been wanting to do it for a few years but finally got around to it, was pretty fun once I got the hang of it.

    Now time for backyard burn season to open up.
    Had some fun and just extended it up a ways to have a different vantage point. Will be nice to get some more rain and green things up a bit.
    Also finally got around to putting up an owl house my lady made.
    #2362 Arliden, Nov 9, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
    Owsley, Ric Flair, One Two and 9 others like this.
  13. -Asshole-

    -Asshole- TMB OG Reject
    LSU TigersNew Orleans Saints

    “Green things up a bit”?

    Here in the northern hemisphere we are preparing for winter.
  14. Arliden

    Arliden Well-Known Member

    Haha in California it means everything turns nice and green from brown.
    Hatfield likes this.
  15. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Hoping that I've watered everything for the last time this year. Twentyish new trees and shrubs.
    Also posted in recent purchase thread, I ordered and received a Husqvarna 545 forestry-clearing-saw. Came with a harness. Having used it for 2 hours, I wish I'd bought it 20 years ago. Total destruction of stuff up to 3" thick. This is several steps up from a weedeater, and would be overkill for regular yard work. However, if you have a brushy areas or have to maintain trails and other places that only get worked on once a year or so, this is a helluva tool. I'll never have to bend over and run a chainsaw again.
    Willpépé and bigred77 like this.
  16. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

  17. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    A. That's awesome.
    B. Figs are right there with pears, imo.
    One Two likes this.
  18. Emma

    Wisconsin BadgersMilwaukee Brewers altMilwaukee BucksGreen Bay Packers

    What effect will the up and down, inconsistent temperatures have on my climbing roses?

    40-60 during the day and 20-30 during the night. We've had up and down temperatures for the last month. It's frosted a couple of times in a row, I've cut them back and prepared them for winter, they're currently covered with burlap.
    #2369 Emma, Dec 14, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2021
    bigred77 likes this.
  19. BayouMafia

    BayouMafia Thought Leader in Posting
    Staff Donor
    LSU TigersTexas RangersNew Orleans SaintsFulhamFC Dallas

    No frost yet so still getting bumper crops. This was picked yesterday
  20. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    First set of lambs for the season

  21. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    I cannot wait for this thread to get fired up again in the spring
  22. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Beehives arrived last week. Terms of grant are that you have to get bees within a year. Wife is signed up for a class over the winter. Pretty geeked to learn and start the process. Also really hoping this year fall plantings green up. Atlas cedars look good, but my bald cypress looks pretty poorly. Might have to get a new, more established one in the spring.
    One Two and billdozer like this.
  23. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    Are you in Florida? Seems very early to get bees otherwise.
  24. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    VA. Just hive boxes. Colonies in the spring.
    One Two and billdozer like this.
  25. BigReff73

    BigReff73 Well-Known Member
    North Carolina State Wolfpack

    Where do y’all get seeds? I’m a burpee’s man myself. This is going to be the summer of sweet peppers for me
    One Two and bigred77 like this.
  26. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    I gave up on seeds, I'm no good at em
    I just go to my local nursery place and buy a bunch of their 3" already started plants. They are a fraction of the cost of home depot and have a much better variety
    One Two likes this.
  27. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    But also this^^^ from a local nursery. For more exotic chilis and tomatoes though
    bigred77 likes this.
  28. blotter

    blotter Aristocratic Bum
    Florida State Seminoles

    2 ft of snow on this garden right now. big boy is itching to get out and shit in my gardens before I cover them for the season

  29. BayouMafia

    BayouMafia Thought Leader in Posting
    Staff Donor
    LSU TigersTexas RangersNew Orleans SaintsFulhamFC Dallas (just placed my order yesterday) and, but over the years I’m becoming less enthused about starting from seeds so this year I’m doing seeds for the things I can’t otherwise get and getting the rest of my tomato plants from my local nursery.

    ordered yesterday:
    Long White Zucchini of Palermo
    Orangeglo Watermelon
    Sweetheart Cherry Tomato (these are heart shaped rather than round)
    Riesentraube Cherry Tomato

    also still have some Paul Robeson and Giant Belgian Pink tomato seeds from previous years that I’m going to plant along with Hansel eggplants that I loved this year
  30. BayouMafia

    BayouMafia Thought Leader in Posting
    Staff Donor
    LSU TigersTexas RangersNew Orleans SaintsFulhamFC Dallas

    Subject to change of course, but my plan at this point is 12 large tomato plants (three each of four types), 3 cherry tomato plants (1 of each type), 3 Hansel eggplants, 6 Palermo Zucchini, and 2 orangeglo watermelon. I may create another raised bed if I get really ambitious
  31. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Gotta plant a cherry tomato to keep the squirrels off the bigger ones
    BayouMafia and bigred77 like this.
  32. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    That's been something I've learned over the years
    BayouMafia and One Two like this.
  33. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    I was planting one year and the old man that lived next to me at the time walked out and said “make sure you plant twice as much as you need, to feed you and the squirrels and birds.”
    Owsley, Funshot Residue, PJP3 and 2 others like this.
  34. Jt272929

    Jt272929 TMB only ISU Fan.

    1. Last year Japanese beetles dismantled my garden to the point I really am regretting even trying this year, anyone have any tips on what works best to keep them off?

    2. I purchased an Aerogarden for myself a month ago and just did my first full harvest of Romaine ( 7 Pods) I am interested how long it will take to grow back.
  35. WillySaliba

    WillySaliba Well-Known Member
    Philadelphia 76'ersArsenal

    I have no idea on the beetles, but I would be interested. They absolutely hammer my favorite tree in our back yard which covers the deck, where spend all summer and I don’t really know if it’s realistic to sling pesticide that far and wide. Bags don’t really do much as a deterrent.
  36. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Best method is to be proactive for any insects really. Start applying neem oil on recommended schedule after last frost to help ward off infestation. Bonus: neem also has anti fungal properties. If they do manage to take on switch to an actual insecticide and then once that treatment is complete back to neem oil.
  37. blotter

    blotter Aristocratic Bum
    Florida State Seminoles

    was kind of surprised at how many Japanese beetles were in my dirt the first time I turned it over. You could use nematodes this spring if you want to give yourself the best chance and if it makes sense for your situation to spend the money to knock back this year's crop.

    personally i'm using weed fabric either way, but worth noting it will work better the larger an area youre covering. Grubs in the ground will still feed on roots, but the females wont be looking to burrow into the ground to lay eggs under impenetrable fabric to perpetuate the lifecycle. I'm sure like most pests they emit some pheromone or sound or whatever that lets the other's know this is where the fucking and feasting are happening so you're stacking the deck by making it unattractive to the females. I wouldn't use row covers for them, but similar logic

    diatomaceous earth is probably what I'm grabbing next to beat back pressure. It gets less effective every time it gets wet, but it's just fossilized powder that acts like shards of glass to insects that can be applied as much as someone has patience for. I apply it wet via a sprayer when I use it
    Willpépé likes this.
  38. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    Anybody use weed barrier in their garden?

    I've fought a losing battle with weeds and grasses coming up in my garden and have seen the weed barrier used at the local strawberry farm that looks like it works pretty well.
  39. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

  40. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    Had 3 more lambs born in the last week. One of the twins was stuggling so we had bring it in and it's now a bottle baby living in the house until it warms up a bit after this snow.

  41. blotter

    blotter Aristocratic Bum
    Florida State Seminoles

    always. with t-tape buried a couple inches underground, if it doesn't take much time to hand water no need for the drip tape. both are obviously heavier on the upfront time, but the only way I could realistically manage my setup. I use a torch to burn holes as weed fabric is slightly prone to run if you cut it.

    the silage/grain tarps that farmers put in the field to keep certain crops dry is plentiful around here, my neighbor was burning his old ones and I use the black side up in my melon patches and some other things where it makes sense. onions, anything that I plant in plots vs single plants like carrots for example. it can get too hot for certain plants fabric stays cooler obv. regular black visqueen is what most people use for plastic

    can help a bit on irrigation if any one with decent sized plots is tired of hand or overhand watering looking to get set up or has questions
  42. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Anybody have any experience with portable power packs as mobile power sources/emergency back ups? Looking at the JACKERY 1500. Jumping off point to get into some light solar, as I don't have cash for a full system yet. This platform seems like a solution for remote work areas and for some ability to run small appliances during power outages.
    Part B. Is that they sell panels to go with, but they are small and seem to be expensive for no reason beyond convenience. Wondering if I could buy one large panel elsewhere and hook up?
    Appreciate any feedback. We had a solar guy in the Home thread, but I can't remember which user it was.
  43. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    Six more lambs born over the last few days. Up to 11 now.

  44. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Tickler Extraordinaire
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta Braves

    billdozer, bigjrock and One Two like this.
  45. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    6 more lambs born this week, including the sister wives as we call them. Last year they lambed at the same time and cleaned up their lambs together and let them nurse off of each other. Normally, ewes will butt other lambs away that try to nurse. These ewes have done the same thing again this year.

  46. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    They're both supposed to be white

  47. billdozer

    billdozer Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersCarolina Panthers

    Started off the 2nd round of lambing quickly. 3 twins and a set of triplets in the last 3 days.

  48. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Not our farm, but Moms goats all kidded within the last 10 days. Think she had 3x twins and 1x trips. Good mix of does and bucks it sounds like. We're working on building frames etc for our bee setup, and daffodils, crocus, and winter magnolias are all blooming. 20s Saturday night means a bunch of it will get nuked, but that's kinda standard. Should start our survey process for another 20 acres + in the next couple of weeks. Busy spring, but life is good.
    Owsley, Arliden, BayouMafia and 3 others like this.