Umar fought an incredible fight but Merab’s cardio just takes your soul. Won’t be the last time they fight.
Funny thing is he probably thinks it’d just be a striking match with Umar, but Umar showed how well his grappling is tonight and he could dry hump Sean around the cage if he wanted to.
The top 4 at 205 are certainly beasts but my god I can’t remember the rest of the division being as bleak as it is now. They desperately need Ulberg to beat Blachowicz. I mean Johnny Walker is the 10th ranked fighter in the division. That’s how weak 205 is currently.
With 8+ Billion people on the planet, there’s still probably just one Jiri. The ushers were like what the hell are you doing lol. He also isn’t a blue check mark
missed this fight initially but yeah, he’s going for that Jake Paul fight I guess. Didn’t see Talbot getting washed that bad coming either Hookers five rounder with Dustin was a war
Here's what The Global Fight League is about. The Global Fight League is a necessary evolution for the future generation of mixed martial artists. Our mission is to build a world-class, athlete-first league rooted in integrity, collaboration, and a shared passion for mixed martial arts— sharing revenues with our athletes, and delivering unparalleled excitement to fans. For the first time in the history of combat sports, the GFL is implementing a true team-based league model for MMA. GFL athletes become true equitable partners with 50% of all event revenue sources going directly to them. In addition, the GFL is contributing 8% of each athlete's purse into a retirement fund and a 2% contribution going towards insurance.
my guy just refuses to learn how to grapple? Dana should have fed him 4-5 fat bodied slow puncher tomato cans until he learned some semblance of grappling
That was an awesome PFL fight. I had Nurmagomedov on my scorecard but a Hughes decision definitely wouldn't have been outrageous.