really wish they lost their leaves in fall instead. Would make it better. Instead they do it now, I have to rake them all up, and then they jizz all over the place right after.
My northern friends and co workers are so confused when I tell them. Par for the course in a state where most things are ass backwards.
Zero oak trees on my property Of course my next door and across the street neighbors have giant ones.
I have TruGreen but they are shitty to deal with if they mess up the billing. Lawn looks good though. My first house had 5 oaks and I was raking leaves every weekend for months to keep the yard nice. Now I have 9 palm trees and it’s much better plus less pollen.
I used Green Solutions when I lived in the Heights. I thought they were really good and easy to work with.
I’m supposed to be going there next weekend (will be insanely busy.) My dad asked me the other day a good question on it. Are the hole layouts the same at every location or different for each?
Ran into some Philly people at macdintons. After a few years not being able to Sunday funday it’s a good time.
I was at MacDintons yesterday. we’ve had a good time. about to check out Sparkmans Wharf. not sure what there is to do on Sunday night.
we went to the Dollhouse last night. we were supposed to go to Mons Venus but they said you can’t drink there. is the casino nice? I feel like we might wind up there.
Hope you're winning money at the casino. No alcohol at the strip clubs where they're fully nude. I remember reading about this as a kid in the paper without reallly realizing whats up. Joe Redner was ahead of his time
If we're being honest I do get antsy about the thought of the girls having to pay a scumbag pimp or whoever to dance but seems like that's been eliminated. Some of that is on Redner some is jus the mob/other crime groups not being able to get away with stuff they've could've 20+ years ago.
As i don't live in America if i would i'd go live in Florida. It's actually a nice looking area. It's also close to the cricket nation in South America called West Indies. West indies is equilent to Tasmania.
I'm about 95% sure that it's a bit. But there is that 5% chance we may have acquired a version of Gubbs from the land down under.
Can confirm Aussies are huge college football fans and are drawn to college football centric message boards at a young age. They can't get enough of it.
Agreed. At my Aussie neighbors house right now. Moved here so he could eat at the original restaurant and get a Fosters.
The city was so much simpler back in the day. Met my elementary/middle school friends thanks to our after school program because for all of us both parents worked, fun times in private school.
Should I feel out of touch that I was unaware of this political race and have no idea what Stovall House is?
Stovall House is a member only dinner club type place on Bayshore built on a formerly residential lot. Membership isn't that bad if you're 21-34. $5,000 plus $250 a month. 35 and up is $20,000. There was a big fight by the neighborhood to keep it from happening but it was allowed anyways. I have friends that are members. It's extremely nice but it's just a place for rich people to go act rich if they're tiring of dinners at TYCC and Palma Ceia.
My in-laws live on Coachman which is the street Stovall house is on. My FIL was canvasing the neighboring streets against it and was so mad and frustrated when it was approved. My best friend is a member and I went once for drinks in December but it isn't anything special, in my opinion. I also would never tell my FIL I went.
One of my partners also lives around the corner. His wife was raising support against it as well. It's very nice and the garden area is incredible. No real reason to ever join unless you need to constantly be entertaining clients and/or have money that you have no idea what to do with. If you're members of TYCC I don't really the point.
Not at all. They bought there in 1977. They have one of the few remaining original houses on the street. Two homes were knocked down across the street and rebuilt and sold for $2-2.5 million in the last two years. They bought theirs for $60K and now it's been appraised for around $700K just for the land. My wife and her brother are trying to get them to sell it and move up to North Carrollwood/Lutz where we live but they wont do it.