It’s so fucking stupid that people can switch parties after an election like this. They should lose their seats and the party should place a replacement.
First they get the draft rights if a guy who killed a girl and then this. What a fucking terrible state
As the director of compliance at the local hospital system told us this week at our patient privacy meeting this week, 1) shut up and 2) if you don't need to access or talk about the information to do the job you're paid to do, then don't access it or talk about it. There are healthcare employees who get fired for saying far less about protected health information (PHI) than what that doctor just did. I could easily see it as a HIPAA violation. 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio that traveled to Indianapolis in late June that got an abortion after being pregnant for over 6 weeks at Indiana University contains numerous attributes that can be used to identify the patient when all combined together. Age Rape victim Sex (as males can't get pregnant) Resident of Ohio Was pregnant Got an abortion Was six weeks and three days into the pregnancy Performed the procedure in late June Traveled to Indianapolis from Ohio to Indiana to get the abortion Was a patient at whatever medical facility that doctor practices at Not all of those are explicit identifiers that require redaction to no longer be considered PHI that fall under federal HIPAA law (like patient's home location ould have to be more specific than the state of Ohio, for example), but at the end of a list of 18 identifiers is the lovely miscellaneous catch all of "Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or codes." You combine all the information in that list above, and if you know who the girl is, then it's easy to see how someone can figure out from the doctor's story that the girl got an abortion. Because how many 10-year-old female rape victims from Ohio who were six weeks pregnant in June 2022 traveled to Indianapolis and Indiana University to get an abortion? I would hope you could count that on only one hand.
Shut the fuck up Shawn She came out and said something because the fucking Ohio AG was calling it a lie and saying it never happened
Setting aside everything else, it's so fucking disingenuous that they'll cite Europe to extend a pregnancy but completely ignore how Europe treats women after they deliver. Fuck these people.
Incredible thread Imagine being forced to sit at the table with these definitely good-faith actors and being browbeaten by "the adults in the room" to make compromises
Some spicy back and forth among the all-conservative court in this non-opinion-opinion. Hate to see it.
Now the US government needs to enact a shield law protecting the recipients of those pills. That is the real problem. Or are we just worried about protecting the money stream?
They’ll vote for abortion rights and at the same time elect Republicans that will ensure their abortion rights ballot initiative never becomes recognized as law. Then, they’ll blame the woke Democrats for it all.