We’re also not going to allow exceptions for if the mother’s life is at risk, so we might just kill you and her before you’re born anyway.
Would imagine a lot of the gray states will be scrambling to get something codified one way or the other within the next few months.
it's pretty defeatist. They're fucked, they know they're fucked. It's too late to stop what's coming, and not just with regard to reproductive health care / rights.
now I didn’t go to law school so I’m grateful for people like this to explain that may isn’t as close to november as june or july
Are you still going to get on people that say this country sucks? While we force women to have children in all kinds of terrible situations and then provide absolutely no kind of support to the mother and child after their birth?
It will never stop weighing on me that Donald Trump was the useful idiot these unhinged lunatics were able to ride into their autocratic dystopian right wing nightmare.
not to single you out, but these posts point to some of the most privileged, ridiculous views. “I don’t think anything really affects my personal life, so I’ll stand by and not care to learn about the world for myself because mommy and daddy said so” now, all women are being told they are less than and they can be prosecuted for making decisions regarding their own body, so NOW’S the time to be “furious and sad!”
Voting doesnt do shit when the loophole allows others to win My vote in a deep red state is useless eventhough i keep casting it
Don’t attack Marbles wife. He’s made it clear in other threads she’s a saint for being able to put up with him. Being blind to massive faults can have its positive side too.
It definitely doesn’t help that argument. This is a particularly shameful chapter of what has become a morose and dystopian book. I’m not religious, but I do have some sympathy for the POV of pro-lifers that truly believe it’s murder and want to protect children, but as you said, the complete disregard for social services for the ensuing rapid rise in the population of underprivileged children reveals it for the hypocrisy that it is. It’s hard not to look at the current political class of America and not see them for what all their actions have indicated them to be; completely amoral, apolitical, dispassionate grifters gaming the emotions and stupidity of their voters to shift money and power their way while doing nothing of great import that will benefit anyone but themselves.
The originalist version of abortion was a medicine man taking a rusty piece of thin iron covered in tetanus and stabbing the placenta. so yeah it makes sense why it wasn't mentioned in the Constitution you dumb fucking shit, Alito.
The establishment dems suck and have for a while, but we are in the unfortunate position of having to vote for them or seeing every single minority group you can think of having their rights systematically targeted by republicans.
I got a text from the DNC today saying we must hold the GOP accountable for their attacks and I should donate $15
I'm sure the follow-up question was how she'd vote if a law to codify roe came up. I'll just wait for someone to post it
I mean if someone has a better idea than voting for democrats, I'm all ears but it's the best we got rn.
While I think that they'd like to overturn Loving, they also just make shit up they go without concern for precedent
They’re not going after interracial marriage or stuff like that. Healthcare and affirmative action are next.
Would need Clarence to write that opinion just to show how little these monsters actually care about people.
I explained this out to my Dad abt a year ago and said, "You're not pro-life, you're pro-birth, and that's it." He was not pleased.
My freedoms were taken away when I had to occasionally wear a mask but not when I’m forced to give birth
I don’t think this is me turning a blind eye. My life revolved around me getting sober and controlling what I can control. Keeping my emotions in check. When trump was elected I got so wrapped up in my emotions and realized I couldn’t do that and stay sober. I’m sorry if me prioritizing my own life and death somehow brought about this in your eyes. But to call it privileged probably not.
Maybe. I don’t feel like there’s a whole lot of pressure to reverse that. Once GOP lost that as an election issue, they’ve seemed to just let it go.
Interesting. I never hear anything about it in Alabama. Maybe I’m living under a rock, but seems kind of accepted as way it is even here now.
they're going to go narrow as fuck on the 14th, putting all sorts of precedent in mortal danger. Loving, Brown, etc.
senator collins, m’am. i’m with the department of wallet inspection. gonna need to see your wallet or purse to check things out and make sure you’re safe.