SEC Basketball Thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Croomsday, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. chuckmasterflex

    chuckmasterflex Attack and dethrone God
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    He doesn’t recruit hard enough, but if he did he’d great. Great “coach” just doesn’t do the other stuff to go to a better job.
    Wywan Bwowna likes this.
  2. DriveByBBQ

    DriveByBBQ Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideTiger WoodsBirmingham LegionPGAGrateful DeadUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Refs trying to give it to Kentucky.
    Dump and LeonardWashington like this.
  3. gilstein21

    gilstein21 Tight Rip 26 Seal Right
    Auburn TigersSt. Louis CardinalsGreen Bay PackersWyoming Cowboys

    Yup, sec office in the ear pieces tonight
    Dump and DriveByBBQ like this.
  4. gilstein21

    gilstein21 Tight Rip 26 Seal Right
    Auburn TigersSt. Louis CardinalsGreen Bay PackersWyoming Cowboys

    That’s three fouls the wrong way with #34 in the last minute
  5. chuckmasterflex

    chuckmasterflex Attack and dethrone God
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    There you go
    Dump and LeonardWashington like this.
  6. LeonardWashington

    LeonardWashington Leader of Tuanon
    Alabama Crimson TideSan Francisco GiantsBoston CelticsMiami Dolphins

  7. jplaYa

    Donor TMB OG
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  8. LeonardWashington

    LeonardWashington Leader of Tuanon
    Alabama Crimson TideSan Francisco GiantsBoston CelticsMiami Dolphins

  9. jplaYa

    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    He did catch him. Don’t hate that call near as much as the over the backs missed as long as it’s not flagrant
  10. LeonardWashington

    LeonardWashington Leader of Tuanon
    Alabama Crimson TideSan Francisco GiantsBoston CelticsMiami Dolphins

    I’m kinda in shock about that but happy it worked out
  11. jplaYa

    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Vandy should def get in if they pull this off
  12. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Joey Freshwater likes this.
  13. jplaYa

    Donor TMB OG
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    Oh boy Toppin out after missing both
    Joey Freshwater likes this.
  14. DriveByBBQ

    DriveByBBQ Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideTiger WoodsBirmingham LegionPGAGrateful DeadUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Good for Vandy, their style is fun to watch and Stackhouse seems like a good guy.
  15. stric006

    stric006 Recovering Butter Beer addict
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideNew York Giants

    God damnit pigs. We fucking had it.
    bertwing and Dump like this.
  16. Wywan Bwowna

    Wywan Bwowna Wywan Bwowna
    Vanderbilt CommodoresTennessee TitansNashville Predators

    I hope so, but I’m not going to get my hopes up unless we also knock off A&M this afternoon.
    #23616 Wywan Bwowna, Mar 11, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  17. cheddarisbetter

    cheddarisbetter Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsSt. Louis CardinalsLiverpool

    Havent watched much basketball this year but I like Mizzou's coach
    Truman likes this.
  18. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    We played like shit today. Some of that is credit to Bama. But we missed so many at the rim. Bummer
    Snakes, Joey Freshwater, Dump and 2 others like this.
  19. The Blackfish

    The Blackfish The Fish in Black
    Staff Donor TMB OG
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  20. Owsley

    Owsley My friends call me Bear
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    Great game. Y’all have a fun team and Gates is awesome.
    Snakes, Joey Freshwater, Dump and 5 others like this.
  21. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
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  22. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    That would suck for clanga
  23. Joey Freshwater

    Joey Freshwater Slingin The Pipe Since 75
    Alabama Crimson Tide

    GGs. Y’all are a fun team to watch. Gates is awesome.
  24. JGator1

    JGator1 I'm the Michael Jordan of the industry
    TMB OG
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay LightningChelsea

    Getting a coach after only a year or two of success feels weird but with essentially all the transfer recruiting it’s a lot different than a few years ago.

    I will say say Truman as good as Gates has been feels like some Jimmy Sexton nonsense getting him more money by pretending Georgetown is relevant.
    Truman likes this.
  25. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
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    Jans spent a lot of time at Wichita as an assistant.

    Like 10 years or something.
  26. JGator1

    JGator1 I'm the Michael Jordan of the industry
    TMB OG
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay LightningChelsea

    Yeah completely get that but so many of those types just can’t cut it as a head coach.
    Dump and southlick like this.
  27. Joey Freshwater

    Joey Freshwater Slingin The Pipe Since 75
    Alabama Crimson Tide

  28. JGator1

    JGator1 I'm the Michael Jordan of the industry
    TMB OG
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay LightningChelsea

    With one of those Koch assholes croaking entirely possible the $$$$ aren't there anymore and famously Wyatt Koch wants to promote his shirts not athletics
    Truman, Dump and Joey Freshwater like this.
  29. gilstein21

    gilstein21 Tight Rip 26 Seal Right
    Auburn TigersSt. Louis CardinalsGreen Bay PackersWyoming Cowboys

    Jans did well at nmsu too right? Maybe he can bring heair back to Wichita with him if he goes.
  30. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    It’s just how it works these days.
  31. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    Awfully quiet in here. About to sweep this bitch. Auburn fans talked so much shit last few years and have nothing to show for it.
    the Weimar Beer Belly likes this.
  32. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
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  33. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    McNeese St must have made a strong ass offer
    Snakes, Dump and Owsley like this.
  34. The Blackfish

    The Blackfish The Fish in Black
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideIndianapolis ColtsBook Club

  35. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    Tiffin likes this.
  36. stric006

    stric006 Recovering Butter Beer addict
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideNew York Giants

  37. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
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    Go State, fuck Pitt!
    Rammer Jammer and gilstein21 like this.
  38. gilstein21

    gilstein21 Tight Rip 26 Seal Right
    Auburn TigersSt. Louis CardinalsGreen Bay PackersWyoming Cowboys

    Pitt should lose just bc of the shitty uniform
    Owsley likes this.
  39. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
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  40. Shawn Hunter

    Shawn Hunter Vote Corey Matthews for Congress
    Kentucky WildcatsBoston CelticsNew England PatriotsUniversity of LynchburgAEW

    At least Kentucky decided to pull their weight for one round this year
  41. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    I really expected SEC to look rough, maybe just really was a really deep year and teams that struggled before conference play found themselves during it.

    Also LOL A&M.
    Dump, THF, southlick and 3 others like this.
  42. Shawn Hunter

    Shawn Hunter Vote Corey Matthews for Congress
    Kentucky WildcatsBoston CelticsNew England PatriotsUniversity of LynchburgAEW

    suck some dick Kansas
    Deep dirt, Dump and blind dog like this.
  43. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    Muss led this band of babies and underachievers (and Devo Davis who is all man and can have all the babies) to his third straight Sweet Sixteen.

    I am not unhappy with today's events.
    bertwing, THF, Tiffin and 9 others like this.
  44. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    Remember when Auburn fans were up in here acting very pretentious like they had an elite program and no other team was on their level? Only to now be exposed in back to back years. And like it was preposterous to say Oats>Pearl. Now those same posters have fallen off the face of the earth. Embarrassing!
    glimmer and Tiffin like this.
  45. Joey Freshwater

    Joey Freshwater Slingin The Pipe Since 75
    Alabama Crimson Tide

    Cool by jasper. He seems like a good dude.
  46. Room 15

    Room 15 Mi equipo esta Los Tigres
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Yea I think he is.

    I wish he was better at scoring points tho.
    Joey Freshwater likes this.
  47. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    my auburn fan cousin sent me a list of the players he thought are the only ones good enough for pearl to keep on the team. here it is in all its glory:

    kd johnson
  48. Boom TittyMilk

    Boom TittyMilk User Formerly known as Big R
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    Definitely not KD
    Dump, Snakes and Napoleon Bonerfart like this.
  49. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    i spent a lot of time trying to explain to him exactly how bad kd sucks but apparently talent doesn't matter when you hustle.
  50. Boom TittyMilk

    Boom TittyMilk User Formerly known as Big R
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    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta United

    When does he hustle? I guess after he’s stared down the crowd for 6 seconds after a made layup and his guy is already down the court on the other end. Or after a “missed” foul call when he pouts on the floor

    I think Wendell could be a hell of a player off the bench for us.