Not getting out Xander was the dumbest move they could have made, in my opinion. There was a pretty obvious and important strategic reason to take out Xander. He does not currently have a vote but at some point he will, and at that point he could then have his vote, an extra vote and a hidden immunity idol. In addition he will be holding a grudge against the women that voted him out. All of this could not matter but its all a possibility and wasn't worth the risk. The moment that Tiffany started to lose her mind Evie and Liana should have held firm or completely but bait with Tiffany. I understand the logic of keeping weaker players in your alliance, but Tiffany is straight up dumb. She could not understand the fact that Xander could not have an idol per the rules, nor a vote. The fact that she pestered the other 2 so much to get what she wanted is mind blowing. She was lucky to have still been in the game and then somehow got to dictate the vote? What in the world...
I miss the old days of keeping strong players early to win team eliminations and then pick off the threats after the merge.
Maybe I'm crazy, but it feels like the tribes that go with the eliminate strong players early strat never make it far because they have no shot of winning any individual immunity competitions and have had their tribe decimated in early game.
yea I agree. It needed to be Xander or Tiff. Makes no sense to not do either. Evi could of kept up alliance by controlling the other female and working w Xander. or blindside a dangerous player like Xander who is now going to be pissed they didn’t work with him.
One of the best things they brought back was not giving them food. They use to have to keep the people who were good at catching fish or climbing trees for coconuts around longer too.
Tiffany needed to go. There's no guarantee they're going be an early merge or switch tribes. If your tribe keeps goign to tribal and dwindles down to 2 or 3 members, youre gonna get picked off at the merge anyway
I think it always depends on the circumstance and how many tribes there are. 100% agree with this. They arent going to have much to work with even if they do merge relatively soon. They will be down to 3 people most likely and be greatly outnumbered. Given the pace of the game its likely most of the other tribes stay loyal as it will be easier, and safer. Its easy to say from the outside, but its obviously been hammered home to all of them that this season is much different. They shouldnt be banking on the same old styles of play to get them through. Even outside of the physical limitations of Tiffany, she showed a significant lack of game awareness and understanding. She was going bonkers about Xander possibly having an idol even though Evie explained numerous times it was impossible. I don't know that I would ever want to ally with someone that is so clueless. They got so hung up in the idea of "sticking with the girls" that I think they didn't realize the guys had their trust and wanted to play with them. Had they kicked off Tiffany and rolled with those 4, I would bet they win the next immunity challenge and remain a strong 4. I don't know, I thought it was a horrible move given how idiotic Tiffany looked.
Most of the smartest women in Survivor history knew that they had to have a man at some point in the game
Only because it's a short season. I've been watching since the inception and tribes used to eat rats.
Trying to finger roll the sand bag was hilarious. The show is doing too much new shit. I have no idea who has and doesn’t have votes, extra votes ect. Does Xander lose his vote in perpetuity since Brad went home w the secret 3 way thing?
Agree on the incorporation of the new stuff. It’s hard to really keep up but I have liked the season so far. Still can’t understand the rush to show everyone your advantage all the time. Someone is always going to tell someone else.
the secret phase stuff is stupid. there's no reason to have to say it more than once. once people hear the same phrase 2 times, they're gonna know something is up. but it doesn't really matter because these fucktards tell multiple people about it, so half of every tribe knows what's going on and who on the other tribe has the same advantage.
Jeff is really concerned about social issues after the sexual harassment season. The whole "is guys ok?" Question was weird
The 100% planted the 3-ways one-by-one to get those dumb challenge shots. Next week we’re virtually guaranteed to get all three after the re-plant the green one. Nearly everyone already knows anyway.
It's all for show. Why was that conversation televised? If it bothers someone they shouldn't say it but I don’t think putting the contestants on the spot in the middle of a game where flying under the radar is a strategy is the right move. This was on display with the sexual harassment dude and the person who spoke up getting railroaded for it.
So many horrible players so far. Ricard, We are ready for the merge because we know how to vote people out... WTF?
I thought that ep was good, and that 3-way challenge actually came into play. I kind of wish Shan get sent home. Would have been hilarious to see her make the same mistake she got JD to do.
I wonder how seriously Shan and Ricard where actually considering voting the other off, and how much of that was editing and prodding by the producers. I think it's a fair amount of the latter.
Disagree, this would have been the best time for them to have turned on each other. You can’t have 2 alphas in an alliance and eventually they will have to turn on one another. Shan could have kept Genie who was extremely loyal to her.
Genie is pretty worthless though. They both need someone that could win over votes from others. I think Shan could use Ricard as cover. Let him cause a ruckus while she sits in the background. They're both playing too hard though. It's cool to watch but it will backfire on them.
their only shot of surviving post merge is to be two strong that can be absorbed into a bigger alliance. Even then, they have very little shot of making it to the end.
But they have to. They're the last two players remaining on a tribe of six. If they weren't playing hard, they'd be gone already.
Ricard and Shan both fucked up bad. They were at a point where they were forcing a merge anyway, so taking out a good player was 100% the move. They have a crack over the extra vote, plus they aren’t going to want each other sitting in the final 3 for various reasons.
I actually like the merge twist of having them compete to earn it. Not sure how I feel about the twist of reversing immunity. I think it’s intriguing but also a bit concerned it’s a bit of an overstep but production. It’s probably less egregious then producers guiding players to immunity idols, which I’m convinced happens at time. I am willing to roll with it and see how it plays out, but loved the challenge built in for the merge.
What a dumb episode. I trying to think if Id be more annoyed if they didnt tell us about the twist in the first two minutes or just surprised the viewers at the end. Either way they made that entire episode meaningless. Here's a cool new merge system... that means nothing because it's going to be undone!
Was a very dumb episode. I'm betting that she doesn't bust the hourglass. She needs to be liked too much to do it.
I think she does it because she feels like being sent off was a message that she was a target of the safe squad anyway.
That was a great episode and I'm so glad that Liana's overpowered advantage is gone. Loved seeing her go down in flames.
I just don’t understand how no one can keep a secret with advantages. also not a fan of letting them re-strategize after the fake idol thing.
That was a great episode. Usually the side meetings at tribal are cool, but yeah - that was too much to negate Xander's great move
Yep completely agree. It’s normally fine and cool to see the chaos but it almost hurt Xander to allow them to rethink.
Also I'd be pissed if I was Syd. She won every single challenge and got the boot. Because of a dumb producer twist
Couple thoughts.. - The twist was 100% unfair and I would have been pissed. Its obvious that Sydney was furious and let it impact her game after the immunity challenge. I just dont like the idea behind lying to the contestants and flipping things like that. I am sure it makes great TV but man, hard to swallow as a contestant. - Its impossible to keep up with all the advantages but I do not think it slows down. - Why did Liana feel such an urge to use her Knowledge is Power advantage so quickly? Did I miss something and she was required to use it at that time? I feel like there was no need to try and use it at that point, especially with EVERYONE knowing she had it. - I have changed my opinion of the live tribal councils and I have come to hate them. I just don't like the idea of everything going crazy right before they vote, just not a fan overall.
I think Liana just got caught going to fast and trying to show her power. If she would of just laid low she would of been in great shape. Keep that advantage and “let” Shan do all the moves and get the jury mad at her.