Just my guess but Having a net worth of a million would firmly put you in the top 20% of Americans if not higher. edit. Already addressed above.
She thinks because she's an actor and has some fame that she should be living a luxurious life. It would be beneath her to actually live within her means.
What did I always say? Most important thing in this town is, when you’re making money, you buy a house in town, you don’t rent. Eddie O’Brien taught me that.
Guys she said something out of touch and dumb. Let’s agree and move on. It’s really not outrageous enough to derail the thread anymore.
Not saying her interview isn’t dumb but $25k per episode with only 9 a season is amazingly shitty with how popular Euphoria seems to be. Understand her frustration in that regard.
euphoria actually takes a pretty long time to film, they spent 3 weeks on one ep last season having said that, she's a smaller role so she isn't doing shoots that long
So she’s making about $225k as a bit player in a cable show, while still working on other projects and getting paid by other sponsors like fashion designers. My heart breaks for her.
She was pretty important to this season so I imagine she'd was there from beginning to end. But yeah Europhia takes forever to shoot, at least 6 months like a movie. Think about how long it probably took them to prep and choreograph all that play stuff in the season finale alone. I'll also say she's right about actors getting stiffed by steamers on residuals. Other than that I can't say I care enough about her finances to continue to discuss it.
think I posted in the Euphoria thread that I thought she was one of the worst actresses on the show /runs
Every time I see three pages suddenly in a thread like this, I assume the lady in question has been photographed having sex with mermaids or unicorns. You'd think I'd have learned after 10 plus years...
her statement makes sense in the context of most everyone else in young hollywood being unfathomably rich by being nepotism kids also theres no funnier discussion on this board than the attempted middle class stolen valor argument
If you live in LA & are in the entertainment biz, you feel broke to middle class unless you make like $500k a year. The amount of wealth and casual absurd spending that goes on is insane. In that world you have to play the game until you're a certified star... go to the dinners, parties, clubs. Travel and post everything. Live in a cool house. It's exhausting & expensive A buddy of mine is a big time agent (represents like a few of *the* most famous people in the world) and during Covid was selling all of his classic cars, expensive sneakers, etc because money was so tight and the agencies clamped down on commissions. Then next door to him there's probably some 32 year old who has never worked that comes from old money & will never think about a dollar. It's a fucked up place if you get sucked into it
Yes, I don't see why we can't discuss her vs solely look at her. I blame Daniel Ocean solely bc she lives near UCLA
Zendaya is clearly the lead, but idk SS at a minimum seems to be a main character in the ensemble cast. If it's zendaya 1, she is tied at 2 with 4 others
Unfortunately most actors/actresses/musicians come from money now. They're the only people who can afford to not make much money for years trying to make it.
She gave a forthcoming interview where she actually spoke her mind. Was it out of touch? Definitely. But I can at least understand where she's coming from. I would be pissed too if I looked over and the Will and Grace guy is worth half a million bucks from reruns and I'm only making a million a year as the biggest star on TV. Not to mention most of her peers are sons or daughters of already rich celebrities and they don't even have bills to pay. Y'all think Maya Hawke or Dakota Johnson ever felt the need to do makeup ads on Instagram? Hell no. She at least got there on her own. This shit is all relative. Comparing her lifestyle to ours is silly. Reminds me of my boomer co workers calling pro athletes overpaid.
It is amazing how many young actors have famous parents. The vast majority of them are straight up nepotism babies.