The Hilary Duff Appreciation Thread: Boothpaste

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by HotMic, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    Ok my dentist says I need to use an electric brush

    What’s this brush you all love so much?
  2. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    One Two and NilesIrish like this.
  3. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt
  4. seanofthedead86

    seanofthedead86 Well-Known Member
    Tennessee VolunteersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedNavy Midshipmen

    I have the Oral-B Pro 1000 and I like it.
  5. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also a robot
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    Oral b io series 6
    Irush likes this.
  6. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I've used sonicare and oral b. Oral b's battery doesn't last as long but it gives it to me much harder. That's what I like.
  7. Robert Randolph

    Robert Randolph Well-Known Member

  8. visa

    visa Well-Known Member
    Michigan WolverinesArsenalEnglandOlympics

    thread is great and then of course someone found the video

  9. Eathan Edwards

    Eathan Edwards Well-Known Member
    New Orleans PelicansNew Orleans SaintsMississippi Rebels

    Slight pivot but I came into possession of a new nose trimmer due to an odd relative late Christmas gift.

    The microtouch Titanium Max professional grade made with German Steel sounds like about as much of marketing nonsense as you can put into one item but I'm obviously going to test this bad boy out.
    #3709 Eathan Edwards, Feb 12, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    One Two, Taffy, Keef and 1 other person like this.
  10. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    Using the nose trimming attachment was a revelation. For years, I used tweezers like a goddamn barbarian
  11. Eathan Edwards

    Eathan Edwards Well-Known Member
    New Orleans PelicansNew Orleans SaintsMississippi Rebels

    Were you just attempting to get rid of your tears?

    I didn't even mean that in a passive aggressive way - you're gonna cry if you start ripping out nose hairs.
  12. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    The IO
    One Two, blind dog and Irush like this.
  13. Eathan Edwards

    Eathan Edwards Well-Known Member
    New Orleans PelicansNew Orleans SaintsMississippi Rebels

    Actors do that shit:

    "Hit me, no pull out two"
    Eric The Viking likes this.
  14. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I think I was just too lazy to look at everything that came to my trimmer. Bought another one just to have a dedicated nose guy :rockin:
  15. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    I had to get one to do my brows, nose, and ears because apparently getting old as a man means hairs they goddamn well never mentioned in school as growing so much they need grooming do, in fact, need grooming.
  16. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    whoa a 100 dollar toothbrush
    Prospector likes this.
  17. NilesIrish

    NilesIrish Not a master fisher but I know bait when I see it
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    worth it
  18. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    what’s so special about it
  19. Lip

    Lip Well-Known Member
    Michigan State SpartansDetroit LionsDetroit Red WingsGeorge Washington ColonialsDetroit Tigers

    it’s a special kind of pain though. I’m addicted to tweezing
  20. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Also a great way to get an infection inside your face, can even get MRSA and almost die like 3noles did.
  21. Lip

    Lip Well-Known Member
    Michigan State SpartansDetroit LionsDetroit Red WingsGeorge Washington ColonialsDetroit Tigers

    You can’t put a price tag on improved dental hygiene
  22. bruce bowen

    bruce bowen Well-Known Member

    I kopped this a month or so ago, it rules
    Lip likes this.
  23. Xander Crews

    Xander Crews Founding Member: Dangerous Nights Crew
    UCF KnightsMiami DolphinsAvengersMiami HeatBig 12 Conference

    I feel your pain. I have had the eyebrows of an old Greek man since birth. Now, my mid 30s is providing me with really fun nose and ear hairs. On both the inside and outside of my nose and ears.

    Luckily my brow threading lady is a wizard. Barely hurts at all.
  24. AptosDuck

    AptosDuck Pedantic Hausfrau
    California Golden Bears

    I just use Swiss army knife scissors
  25. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
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    I just got a trimmer because tweezing was fucking up the inside of my nose.
  26. Eathan Edwards

    Eathan Edwards Well-Known Member
    New Orleans PelicansNew Orleans SaintsMississippi Rebels

    Wife does the brows thankfully.

    If I walk out with one stray nose hair I'm getting roasted.

    "I see you have a new friend, is he gonna be around for a bit or leaving town soon?"

    Fucking asshole morning joke but I can't hate on it.
    ARCO, DistantFactor, ClemPson and 8 others like this.
  27. NilesIrish

    NilesIrish Not a master fisher but I know bait when I see it
    Donor TMB OG
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishChicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksDemocrat

    Someone else explained the actual tech, for me it just works better than anything else I’ve used. I’ve go no problem dropping money on something I’m using daily so a toothbrush was an easy splurge.
    SugarShaun likes this.
  28. BuckeyeRiot

    BuckeyeRiot Team Nicki: Artisan of Penes: King Thread Titler
    Ohio State BuckeyesBoston Red SoxPhiladelphia EaglesKent State Golden FlashesCleveland Cavaliers

    I still rip out nose hairs like a barbarian with my thumb and pointer fingers. I ain’t going out like that bitch.
    NilesIrish, soulfly, One Two and 8 others like this.
  29. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    For tweezing a hair?
  30. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United


    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Didn’t he also pick his nose a lot, which actually caused it?
  32. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    Uh oh. My kid is fucked
    Taffy likes this.
  33. Lip

    Lip Well-Known Member
    Michigan State SpartansDetroit LionsDetroit Red WingsGeorge Washington ColonialsDetroit Tigers

    Today I learned there’s real scientists out there who wonder shit like, “what if picking your nose excessively actually causes Alzheimer’s?”
    Hank Scorpio likes this.
  34. backinblack23

    backinblack23 Bang Biscut
    Iowa HawkeyesChicago CubsChicago BullsDallas Cowboys

    This thread has officially come off its rails.
  35. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
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    Is your wife always making dad jokes? If you say you're getting a haircut, does she ask if you're getting them all cut?
  36. timo

    timo g'day, mate
    Penn State Nittany LionsPittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh PenguinsTottenham HotspurPittsburgh Pirates

    Hank Scorpio, Prospector and One Two like this.
  37. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    I just got 6 brush heads from Sam’s “on clearance” for $40. Good deal or did bertwing dupe me again?
  38. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
    Staff Donor
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    If you send me your credit card number and that little 3 digit code on the back and I can look it up for you
  39. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I routinely get an 8 pack of braun generics for $10, so I'd say you got got
  40. COVIDiskilingme79

    COVIDiskilingme79 Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsChicago Cubs

    Cheap heads for a bunk ass toothbrush. Step your game up.
    Name P. Redacted and DirtBall like this.
  41. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    This has been the braun thread longer than it's been the duff thread. Kindly check yourself
  42. COVIDiskilingme79

    COVIDiskilingme79 Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsChicago Cubs

    Sir, you're posting in the Oral B io thread. Kindly check yourself.
  43. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    My brother, braun is oral b. I have the same app that I don't use that you do. I am one reply away from challenging you to a gum off
    steamengine, a.tramp and blind dog like this.
  44. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    It’s been two days and I still can’t process a 100 dollar toothbrush
    bigred77 and Prospector like this.
  45. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    only $100, damn that’s a steal
  46. Duck70

    Duck70 Let's just do it and be legends, man
    Oregon Ducks

    I was going to say, is the Oral B io 9 like $800?
    blind dog likes this.
  47. infected donkey

    infected donkey Arkansas Razorbacks
    Arkansas RazorbacksChicago CubsAvengersBarAndGrillSoutheastern Conference

    Thats with the discount msrp is $1650
    NilesIrish and DirtBall like this.
  48. HotMic

    HotMic PopTart Mascot Enthusiast
    Ohio State BuckeyesCleveland BrownsKent State Golden FlashesCleveland CavaliersCleveland Guardians

    Me every time visit my thread and have to see what it’s become:

  49. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Just because P&G owns both brands and Gillette has invested in both does not equate the two. Braun is a Germans with sharp metals company while Oral B is an innovator and leader in the dental cleaning arts dating back to the good Doc Bob Hutson in the 1940s. Have fun with your shiny metals, we civilized folk will continue fighting systemic diseases via plaque reduction thank you very much,