In this economy with the long shoreman strike, hurricanes, and sleepy joe at the wheel I donated what I could. Just sleep better knowing I gave more here than I do at church.
expenses are around $600 a month and rn we have around $850 after some fundraising from this thread. thought we were in a decent spot with monthly contributions but we bled it down over time I think
Gunners use some of that tow truck driver money you’ve swindled devine use bae’s credit card broke boi Taques use your RA money you earned loser
I donate every month. I can up it a bit bc GFA engages me when I shit post Tow truck drivers been taking my money since your bitch ass quit Royals beat my team so fuck donating tonight
You people donate monthly to all sorts of dumb shit. Set up a recurring donation for this dumb shit as well
if you're going to use this money for another vacation, just make sure you bring your FIL and keep a running diary.