Took the L hard this morning on those AM90’s, which is probably good considering where we are at with everything. Wife wanted to get me a pair for my birthday so those were the pick. Ah well. Are these the go to for storage?
It’s what I’m planning on getting. Bought a couple of their black rail racks for now until I make space.
Yeah. I used to be kind of fussy about the light breaking down shoes, which is why I kept them in boxes. Have you guys noticed that happening using these?
No. TBH I was concerned about it when talking to dbl about the off whites we got lil man since the foam on the 10s turn yellow because of light etc. his foam is still pretty blue four months in.
Maaaaaaaaaaaan I need these. I think I posted the Madden 90's I got. These are a must have.
Nordstrom rack has a lot of Nike’s on good sales. Just picked up a pair of 270’s and vapormax’s. Need to up my work show game.
Fuck buying those from the container store, you can get them super cheap on eBay and they work the same
Those Cammos look tacky af, what respectable grown ass man would wear camouflage on their feet out in public for like actual fun? I know I guess in the south it’s okay to dress like a militia man and wear cammo, but like c’mon
Same. Im still disappointed thats what they did for Air Max day, still dont think they look as good as the original, and still overall its a pretty meh shoe but they have grown on me a bit. I think it was because some of the early pics were so awful. Went from not even caring about getting my L to gonna be only slightly aggravated about getting my L.
Got my son the vapormax from the same sale. They only had the sunset in his size. I thought the mango looked better but I missed out on them by seconds. His little brother has the fly knit black and whites and he’s been jealous for a few months now even though his sneaker game isn’t that bad.
I’ve read about these being super flimsy and coming in more pieces than a deck of ikea playing cards.
Gah those ER2's for 62 bucks are a steal. Picked up the black/neon pair and have to sit on my hands to not buy more.
I'd get a pair of those ER2s if I weren't trying to be so responsible under the impending threat of financial crisis.
Any idea how long this is running. Because im eyeing some stuff but i want to see if i get yeezys this weekend first.