They are locking team threads because they apparently slow down the whole board. Not sure if ours was on the chopping block but I defer to George Bush's policy of preemption in times of doubt.
they're locking threads that have hundreds of pages. the UT thread wasn't even close, but it's whatever
was in the library from 11 AM - 8 PM. Took a couple hour break to eat and watch the Grizzlies. Studied a couple more hours and I'm slowly dwindling down today. Bought to pop another adderall and make a night of it. Mother fucking fuck law school finals that start a day after thanksgiving break
advanced analytical methods this morning. it's a 2 hour elective that's basically designed to teach you how to answer questions on the bar. we take small segments from torts, contracts, civ pro, and property and take sample bar test questions. it's a class designed by barbri. kind of like a light bar prep course but for a grade. this afternoon i have advanced criminal procedure. i'm actually not terribly worried about the final as far as the material because i know this class better than any of my classes this semester, but i'm definitely working on fumes right now, so that has me a little worried that i'll space out during the final. at 4:00, i'm smoking a fat bowl and passing the fuck out for awhile, or as long as i can before i have to start studying for my con law final thursday
Trying to get away from all the predictions that Gruden was going to be announced weeks ago? I see through your plan.
posted this in the other thread, lol at 9 million a year
so apparently VQ mouth breathers are actually mentioning Fisher as a long shot. He's only one of the highest paid coaches in sports.
Correct. It's a bullshit class, but 2 hours of credit isn't half bad, and it's a slightly important test they're trying to prepare you for
Guys dont worry some insightful Volquest posters have said they are making the announcement friday and it's 100% Gruden. Thank god i was worried
I wish the basketvols would wear orange at home. Especially last night when the opponents colors don't clash.
Welp... @Mengus22 If an ACC invitation comes tomorrow, Louisville has a legitimate chance to keep Charlie Strong.
The sad part is people won't realize that this was lifted straight off one of the boards from earlier today.
wish you guys would hire someone good and not be bad anymore don't really know how to take a bowl-less tennessee squad shit ain't right
i just feel bad for the players. im sure they were looking forward to traveling to a cool place, meeting new and interesting people, and losing to them.
Is anyone else hearing this browns stuff? Gruden could get ownership in the browns if he comes to TN.
You just referenced a "story" that a Memphis TV station took from the 247/Volquest message board. The onion writes better stories.