SIAP: for you guys with tons of plays (I just passed 900 games completed) what is your percent? I had a rough L60 days or so and think I'm never gonna move off of 98% won. I could dip down, but the odds to get (back) to 99% are low.
Holy crap, totally lucky guess, was about to try album but then realized the A wasn’t good so went with the next word with a B that came to mind
3/6 POUTY DYING VYING Getting Y on the first guess and knowing it wasn't in the 5th spot, really narrowed things down. Got lucky. Rest of my wordle group really struggling.
Not sure why i thought it could be grody, but at least it’s nice to know that it’s acceptable for future reference
Holy crap, pretty lucky guess but also one of only decent options at that point (and thought it was better than junky or punky)