Young justice returns for season 3

Discussion in 'TV Board' started by BiMaleStripper, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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    On the 2nd half of season 4
  2. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
    Donor TMB OG
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesLos Angeles ChargersAvengersSneakers

    So, in this universe, General Zod has a son, interesting. Plus he’s black.
    #3 pearl, May 7, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  3. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
    Donor TMB OG
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesLos Angeles ChargersAvengersSneakers

    Zod is cool
  4. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
    Donor TMB OG
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesLos Angeles ChargersAvengersSneakers

    Season 5 gonna introduce Black Mary, Super Girl and Big Barda
    Beeds07 likes this.
  5. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    I’m in
  6. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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    Agreed, that’s one helluva lineup for the furies. Also, They can still do the Imperiex storyline, fucker literally has the power of the Big Bang inside him
    Beeds07 likes this.
  7. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Hope it gets renewed for Season 5. Think it's still up in the air.

    Finished up Season 4 this week. Really loved the episode with the callback to the Green Lantern animated series. That show deserved more than one season.
    pearl likes this.
  8. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
    Donor TMB OG
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesLos Angeles ChargersAvengersSneakers

    With Razor? Had me wondering if it’s set in the same universe with that episode.