2024-2025 College Basketball Thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Taques, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Napoleon Bonerfart

    Napoleon Bonerfart Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesChicago BlackhawksGrateful Dead

    Looks like cal is really going to work out!
    RoderickJaynes and devine like this.
  2. SummerOfGeorge

    SummerOfGeorge Friend of the Program
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    Cal really leaning into the whole Jimbo Fisher thing early on in his tenure hu?
  3. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    I think he might have early onset dementia

    He's made a lot of nonsensical comments in his interviews over the last two years
    devine likes this.
  4. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Bullshit end to the first half

    Humrichous was outscoring Penn State with less than a minute to go and Illinois gave up two buckets to ruin it
  5. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
    Staff Donor
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    Arkansas has been 0-2 to 0-4 the last ~6 years to start conference play so we’ve got them right where we want them :twocents:
  6. Napoleon Bonerfart

    Napoleon Bonerfart Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesChicago BlackhawksGrateful Dead

    Ya’ll are dogshit. Sorry to break the news.
    devine likes this.
  7. devine

    devine hi, i am user devine
    West Virginia MountaineersSt. Louis CardinalsBoston CelticsNew York KnicksPittsburgh PenguinsManchester CityPittsburgh PiratesSan Diego PadresBarAndGrillCoors Light

    Well dang maybe Kansas just stinks
  8. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Ace Baldwin hurt his back flopping
  9. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
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    Thanks for the breaking news bonerfart
    Owsley, yaywaffles, spagett and 4 others like this.
  10. RoderickJaynes

    RoderickJaynes Well-Known Member
    Indiana HoosiersChicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago Blackhawks

  11. RoderickJaynes

    RoderickJaynes Well-Known Member
    Indiana HoosiersChicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago Blackhawks

  12. Napoleon Bonerfart

    Napoleon Bonerfart Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesChicago BlackhawksGrateful Dead

    Enjoy Cal!
  13. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
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    MAGA/newsmax Pearl
  14. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    That guy is a legend

    Wears the same thing every game. Probably just old piss. Find a new slant.
    steamengine and devine like this.
  15. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    On second thought, it's probably nut

    The basketball is good
    steamengine likes this.
  16. The Milkman

    The Milkman Send lawyers, guns and money, shit has hit the fan

    Epic meltdown occurring in Norman. Oklahoma has blown an 18 pt lead
    dump likes this.
  17. TAS

    TAS 20_ _ TMB Poster of the Year

    Phelps vs Goodine :ballin:
    dump likes this.
  18. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

  19. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    Suck it matthew cleveland!
    TAS likes this.
  20. Napoleon Bonerfart

    Napoleon Bonerfart Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesChicago BlackhawksGrateful Dead

    What a win!
  21. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    That kid needs his ass beat
  22. Napoleon Bonerfart

    Napoleon Bonerfart Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesChicago BlackhawksGrateful Dead

    I think you mean Yale?
  23. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
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    Even worse! :roll:
  24. RoderickJaynes

    RoderickJaynes Well-Known Member
    Indiana HoosiersChicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago Blackhawks

    Washington on pace for 4 points at MSU right now. Welcome to the league boys
  25. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Rutgers loses by 18 at home to Purdue

    Purdue was 4/24 from 3 and 8/16 on FTs
    devine likes this.
  26. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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    Need them to shoot like that this weekend
  27. theseasonisover

    theseasonisover Well-Known Member
    Oregon DucksKansas City RoyalsPortland Trail BlazersKansas City Chiefs

    pfft just beat ohio state in the month of january

    RoderickJaynes likes this.
  28. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Pikiell is the nicest human being on the planet and opposing coaches are going out of their way to make excuses for him, it pays to be kind folks
  29. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    79-61 Maryland
    devine likes this.
  30. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Tom Izzo did that for Bruce Weber. Groce was not the answer, but keeping Weber wasn't either
  31. mtsucalico85

    mtsucalico85 Well-Known Member
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    Izzo does that for basically everybody, he talks up Ben Johnson every time we play the Spartans.
  32. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
    TMB OG
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    Rude of them to tank our win quality out of spite
    Shiggityshwo likes this.
  33. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Gonna lose at home to Musselman
    dump, bertwing and Owsley like this.
  34. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
    Staff Donor
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew Orleans SaintsTiger WoodsBarAndGrill

    Muss owns Illinois
  35. Owsley

    Owsley My friends call me Bear
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    steamengine likes this.
  36. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    LiverpoolBig Ten Conference

    That looked bad for broome
    Owsley likes this.
  37. Dan Kendra

    Dan Kendra Fan Of: FSU, Leg Presses, Chemistry

    Will Venmo anyone at the FSU/Clemson game 2k to push these rednecks behind the crowd mic down the stairs.
  38. Gunners

    Gunners Nicking a living
    Ohio State BuckeyesBaltimore OriolesWashington WizardsWashington CommandersWashington CapitalsArsenal

    Mick is easily a top 3 dickhead in a profession full of them
    Fat Drunk & Stupid likes this.
  39. devine

    devine hi, i am user devine
    West Virginia MountaineersSt. Louis CardinalsBoston CelticsNew York KnicksPittsburgh PenguinsManchester CityPittsburgh PiratesSan Diego PadresBarAndGrillCoors Light

  40. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
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  41. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    Love Parrish but its always so shocking to see him instead of just hear him. So odd looking lol
  42. Sportfan

    Sportfan From Six to Dumptime
    San Antonio SpursHouston TexansNew Mexico State AggiesTexas AandM Aggies

    Why does Tech keep giving ISU free timeouts down the stretch?
  43. Sportfan

    Sportfan From Six to Dumptime
    San Antonio SpursHouston TexansNew Mexico State AggiesTexas AandM Aggies

    So AFTER tech makes a FT they take a timeout. During that TO the officials somehow are allowed to look and reset the game clock from when the foul occurred that sent Tech to the line. They add .5sec on the clock and ISU makes a layup where the ball leaves the players hand at .2sec. Idk who to laugh more at the coach or officials.
  44. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
    TMB OG
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    Made for a fun game though!
  45. Owsley

    Owsley My friends call me Bear
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    Lol Texas tech what a choke
  46. Owsley

    Owsley My friends call me Bear
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  47. Alshon

    Alshon Well-Known Member
    South Carolina Gamecocks

    so much neck
  48. bingbing

    bingbing Learning to care less about things I can control
    Louisville Cardinals

  49. b0ne5

    b0ne5 Well-Known Member
    Arkansas Razorbacks

    You’re not very good at this.
  50. JGator1

    JGator1 I'm the Michael Jordan of the industry
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    Same type of shit as notorious agent/coach ass kissers like Woj and Thamel?