Pres is building a blogging empire like you read about
Holy tits he hired that hot Fox News blonde too
Saw they are in LA trying to pitch a TV show Can only imagine what it could possibly be like and what network would air it
Last 10 seconds was laugh out loud funny
Listened to it this morning, was mainly just an introduction to what they'll be doing and it sounds pretty awesome. Only criticism is that PFT says hot takes way too much, I hate that phrase Btw the latest mailtime with big cat was really interesting if you're into the business side of what they are doing
The new portnoy show with his dad was hilarious too, pretty much the first thing his dad said was "I'm going to compliment myself...." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
both podcasts are very funny, i feel bad for kfc he pretty much started it and all he has is his radio show.
they discussed that in mail time last night if kfc radio debuted next week, it would open at #1 just like the new podcasts. just a function of where barstool is now and with time all 3 will probably post similar numbers
getting burnt out, didnt wanna plateau with doing 10 blogs a day and not do more career wise said they both woulda left within 5 years if not for the chernin purchase. kfc sounded like he was closer to the end of his rope than big cat
Kfc hates being on camera its pretty well known. He is awesome but knows dan kills him on the rundowns
Just like any company going bigger it loses people. Look im not saying i want this or anything but a lot of stoolies hate kevin
but who are they losing? he literally has stock in the company now and is one of the big 3 at the company i'm confused
what does that have to do with kfc? he's one of the biggest guys in the company and one of the faces of it it's crazy to think he's going anywhere what are you talking about
He has talked about how he has shares/major equity now and he is going to stick to a lot of the behind the scenes almost overlooking the podcasts
Died laughing at that part in the rundown talking about Brady possibly being suspended again, the Hank zoom in pres was great Now I'm hoping it happens
And he will be on big cats podcast next mainly due to But I'm sure big cat will try and get some good Dave stories out of him
Didn't realize until watching the rundown that Paul LoDuca is the one talking in the PMT Electric Avenue intro
Saying pardon my take is a rip off of pti and first take which it is and they have openly said that. You just cant copyright words tho
Big Cat @BarstoolBigCat 49m49 minutes ago Hey @ESPN, did you not realize I watched the entire OJ/Ron Goldman Civil suit documentary? You messed with the wrong hombres @PardonMyTake
Kevin Hobbs@khobbs123 @BarstoolBigCat swear to God never crossed my mind the name is a cross between the two shows Big Cat @BarstoolBigCat 34m34 minutes ago Big Cat Retweeted Kevin Hobbs Thank you Kevin, may we use this as testimony in our countersuit?
If we dont comply with there demands by March 18th, they will be forced to take further legal action, which sounds like something youd say in a ransom video, kind of threatening to be honest. Why is it called “terrorism” when ISIS does this, but when its ESPN its apparently just good business practice? Seems like a doublestandard, and say what you want about the Islamic State but at least they’ve never broadcasted a entire summer of “Who’s Now.” Fromt pft's blog on the espn letter
Listening to pres podcast, he's saying they are pitching the rundown to different networks to try to put it on TV have no idea what type of network would pick them up