Watched the Barstool Spelling Bee last night. It was a repost, but I'd never seen it before. Lol'd at them misspelling mayonnaise 4 times.
Charissa Thompson Last few weeks they've been posting tons of old videos on their YouTube page, fell down that rabbit hole and was watching them for like an hour the other night
The casting couch stuff has been great. They are currently doing one with Clay Travis now who Pres hates.
those arent accusations so much as they are statements of fact bc clay travis is a plagiarizing, no-talent assclown credit to wes tegg for the description bc i do not wish to be labeled as a plagiarizing, no-talent assclown
G-reg video was hilarious. Could only watch a couple minutes of the Clay Travis one because they were just bitching at each other.
The casting couch with Clay Travis was great, he definitely was trying to steal pres' shtick Seeing how mad pres was getting was great Watched the pres goes to the AVN convention again from '14, hadn't seen it in years....still amazing
Yeah he really brings nothing to the table Even when TJ Lavin was fucking with him u could tell he didn't know what to say.
i hate him so much he just sits there like a fucking weirdo. the only one he talks in is the tre boston one but that's only bc they know each other
i'm out on khaled and this just makes me hate caleb even more drives my roommate insane when i say i am burnt out on khaled snap chat shit
Not a fan of Caleb either but they said in a podcast that him being silent was on purpose... They think it's funny that he just sits there and says nothing while taking up room on that little ass couch.
wes tegg turned me onto BS. From a distance I thought it was kind of lame generic bro stuff, but was like, "if wes tegg likes it, I might" and gave them a shot. Big fan now, but really feel like El Pres carries the team... his "schtick" is 100. Don't like Big Cat all that much and kinda indignant that Chris Spags doesn't recognize a Tinder savant in his midst when I send him gold on Twitter.
I disliked Caleb at first, but he was pretty damned funny on the Dixie videos during football season. The one at State was laugh out loud funny.
People give him shit but Pres is the straw that stirs the drink. He's hilarious. He's the best part of BS IMO. That and the comment section. It's rare, but there are some incredible zingers in there from time to time. Those people are savages. The comments on Dana's blogs are incredible
I also enjoyed the Fietelberg date to the Pats game article where he said dozens of drunk stoolies walked up to him and the girl screaming "You gotta fuck this girl Fiets!!!!"
Sports related opinions are generic and obvious... ostensibly anyone old enough to have a career and accompanying dental insurance, but maintains a noticeable gap between their central incisors, bugs me... and he overdoes the gregarious token fat guy thing.
Pres is the talent and his judgment is usually spot on. I still crack up at his Goodell video..."all you do is lie, lie, lie, lie, lie........Hitler. Yesterday he was on boston sports radio from radio row but they had to run an extension cord out to him in the common area because the NFL wouldn't credential him, nor would they even give him a day pass. funniest part of his radio spot yesterday was when the hosts asked him if Brady is still pissed at him for running the nude photo of his son and Prez said he thought they were even now that Prez went to jail for brady.
It's like "The Chris Farley Show" meets "Dog Bites Man" with a hint of very early Colbert Report interviews....
Caleb pulls of the genius retard thing so well....doesn't say much, has a horrid grasp of the english language, but comes in with awesome takes and zingers all the time. Huge fan
The periscope of Pres waiting on her is hilarious. He was so nervous. Big Cat had a couple of funny tweets when he was in the car with her picking her up.
The Chernin Group must be throwing out all kinds of dough to line up some of these interviews for them.