DCU: Superman Legacy, 7.11.25 New Era Marvel we Coming

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by -Prime-, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. All_Luck

    All_Luck OK. Cool Husk em!
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  2. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

  3. Shawn Hunter

    Shawn Hunter Vote Corey Matthews for Congress
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    Until they cancel it after it's 90% done
  4. ugafish

    ugafish Not a new member
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsLiverpool

    Good lord. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
    Tex likes this.
  5. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    One would think
  6. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    Apparently 70% of HBO Max employees are getting shitcanned.

    They are moving away from scripted movies/shows.

    Supergirl movie is apparently cancelled. Looks like the Green Lantern show is done too. I’m sure more will follow.
  7. Butthead

    Butthead Fan of: Oregon

    Uhh what are they moving toward? Streaming movies I can find everywhere else?
  8. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    So they’re going to make it a reality tv network? Or just scrap it all together? Not sure how someone could conclude that HBO, the premier network for scripted shows, should scrap them.
    jrmy and Aussie like this.
  9. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    It’s the shows and the DC content. I can’t fathom how reversing back to a cable based network is somehow a good move. I’ll pay for streaming and I’ll steal their stuff for free if it’s on cable.
    Beeds07 likes this.
  10. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Can't wait to get a new season of Amish Mafia instead. Fucking hell.
    gordon bombay likes this.
  11. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    I have no idea what they are doing. Apparently they only want big movies.

    Seems like Young Justice and other animated stuff are fucked.
  12. ugafish

    ugafish Not a new member
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  13. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  14. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
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  15. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    Gunn already confirmed season 2 is safe.
    Hoss Bonaventure likes this.
  16. portlandspartan

    portlandspartan Well-Known Member

    HBO Max has been awesome. Don’t fuck with it.
  17. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Gunn came out and said Peacemaker is still on. Can't imagine they would cut a show so popular.
    Hoss Bonaventure likes this.
  18. ugafish

    ugafish Not a new member
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsLiverpool

    Yep. I would rather them kill off shark week rather than king shark .
    Hoss Bonaventure likes this.
  19. dump

    dump The Revolution Will Be Televised

    Discovery+ makes wayyyy more money than HBOMax if you look at the numbers

    none of the HBOMax shows have been good. Theres still gonna be a HBO though so you’ll get the good content there.
  20. ugafish

    ugafish Not a new member
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsLiverpool

    That is mind blowing to me. I never for once split second considered the need to get Disc+. Doesnt seem remotely interesting.
  21. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
    Los Angeles KingsLos Angeles LakersUCLA BruinsLos Angeles GalaxyLos Angeles Rams

    HBO Max had 48.6 million U.S. subscribers after Q1. Discovery+ had 22 million globally, while HBO Max was at 76 million globally.

    Just keep them separate and do a bundle if need be, but Discovery execs running the Warner Bros. division is on the way to being a huge catastrophe.

    Check out this week's episode of Sydney Sweeney crying on Euphoria on Discovery+!
  22. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    I won't have you besmirch Hacks on my watch!
  23. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    Dump and Tex like this.
  24. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    pearl, Dump and Beeds07 like this.
  25. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    Sir do not tell me this. It will only make me unhappy
    Tex likes this.
  26. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    YJ and Harley Quinn are amazing so of course they’ll kill them off.
    CaneKnight likes this.
  27. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    Killing off Harley Quinn would be an elite level of criminal negligence. It’s literally one of the best things they’ve ever made
    snowfx2, pearl, Dump and 2 others like this.
  28. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    One good thing that might come out of this is the new rumor is Gotham Knights might be cancelled.
    Aussie, pearl, Dump and 2 others like this.
  29. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Sorry sir. Seems like the red wedding is about to go down :(
  30. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    It suck’s because they’ll keep churning out those trash ass non Matt reeves movies and just take all their good content to the chopping block because why the hell not right.

    it’s incredible how poorly run the DC franchise is by these people.
    #7580 CaneKnight, Aug 4, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
    Nandor the Relentless and Tex like this.
  31. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    I want all the DC content. They don’t know what they are doing over there.
    CaneKnight likes this.
  32. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    The worst part is Marvel shows us it’s not hard, which makes their inability look a thousand times worse. Maybe Disney can just buy it all.
  33. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    Marvel takes characters most people don’t even know exist and makes people crave more of that content. DC can’t even get fucking Superman right. It’s truly incredible how incompetent these people are.
  34. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    Hilariously Smallville showed how to properly do Superman decades ago and the movie studio just ignored it. Superman can be very interesting but he’s gotta have a strong cast of characters around him or it’s destined to fail. This isn’t that hard

    “Let’s make him a brooding asshole like Batman”

    literally no one asked for this content why are you doing this?
    bigCUM, Dump, snowfx2 and 1 other person like this.
  35. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    Also, the Snyder Cut has been retconned and the Whedon JL is the official canon of Justice League. Just stunning incompetence. I thought the Snyder cut was better, but spending $100 million to do a directors cut of a movie only to ignore it happened is why they are who they are.
    Dump and CaneKnight like this.
  36. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

    I mean they’re both hot trash that couldn’t stand up to most marvel movies (which is sad because there are some very forgettable marvel movies) but it was pretty obvious that people enjoyed Snyder’s cut better
    Dump, Dr. Mantis Toboggan and Beeds07 like this.
  37. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    I have to imagine they are probably going to reboot everything sooner rather than later so it probably won't matter.
    Dump, IV and Beeds07 like this.
  38. Seavie

    Seavie Loading tweet...
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    Thought I read something about Henry Cavill coming back as Superman though. To what extent I'm not sure. Or maybe that isn't even accurate at all.
  39. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    That was a rumor but nothing has come of it so far.

    I just think it's all such a confusing mess if they really want to do a connected universe it probably needs a revamp.
  40. The Fuck Lion

    The Fuck Lion Well-Known Member
    Bowling Green FalconsSyracuse Orange

    I want to see the data that suggested Batgirl was a good idea in the first place.
    ugafish and IV like this.
  41. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    It and Supergirl were ideas from the now-axed CEO, who wanted a female led DC lineup, replacing Batman and Superman, etc. She's been fired so who knows what will come next
    Dump, Tex and Beeds07 like this.
  42. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    If Flash gets canceled, among the other implications and storylines that would spawn, is the idea that it would mean Michael Keaton would have returned to the role of Batman, to great acclaim, starred in one movie (Flash), cameoed in another (Aquaman), and was a major supporting player in a third (Batgirl)...and will never appear on screen.

    Only WB could be so incompetent as to have a huge reveal like "Keaton back as Batman," spend a ton of money on three movies to feature him, and then cut, cancel, or reshoot him out of each one of them.

    Not even Sony is that poorly run and they released Morbius twice.
  43. IV

    IV Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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    Just like I’m sure that I could be POTUS I’m sure that I could be the head of DC
    BudKilmer and Beeds07 like this.
  44. dump

    dump The Revolution Will Be Televised

    WB already had the perfect Flash casted in house and yet they still managed to cast the male Amber Heard

    not to mention they did actually cast Amber Heard as well
    pearl and Hoss Bonaventure like this.
  45. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  46. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    NBC now reporting that HBO Max and Discovery+ will merge with Discovery+ being the new service.

    Seems like a not smart idea, but I'm not the head of one of the oldest media empires in Hollywood.
    pearl, BudKilmer, Dump and 2 others like this.
  47. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    Dump likes this.
  48. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  49. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    Ya that won’t happen
  50. IV

    IV Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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    I thought they already did that