Passan this morning: "The Atlanta Braves are targeting a long-term rotation solution with only Spencer Strider and Bryce Elder under contract beyond this year."
I would guess we’re going to wait until the 11th hour on Max. Getting hard to ignore the injury history at this point and he’ll cost a lot.
Love Max, but he has yet to show that he can be a consistent playoff ace. And that is what we need to be spending money on.
If Max could get up to 250+ lbs before the upcoming season I would consider signing him. At his current weight of 135, it’s a hard pass.
Actually seems like a nice pickup, Murfee’s normie numbers look pretty good. Definitely way outperformed his FIP in a smal sample last year, but he was really solid as a rookie for the Mariners.
Has to be so sick for a player to be claimed by the Mets and end up on the Braves without having to pick up a ball
He subscribes to my OF and was impressed with the levels to which I was willing to debase myself for this organization
Penn Murfee is the etiquette school Clown Baby sent Breighlee and Braxley to when they were toddlers.
you can always tell who’s showing hole for love of the craft and who’s showing hole for love of the cash.
Well you can tell when CB shows it that there’s a certain element of love associated with each act being more intentional than the one before it.
CB got ring lights professionally installed in his studio. we’re talking over 10,000 lumens, 96+ CRI rating, the whole nine. the guy’s an artist first.
I don’t want to deprive anyone of my art but at the same time I must insist that its value be recognized, so please don’t share any copyrighted images here
That might look like latex but I’m actually covered in the same goop that Baron Harkonnen was in Dune (2021). Industrial Light and Magic did it as a personal favor for me.
I'm still clueless. Just like looking at those books in elementary school. I lied about seeing the dinosaur Ms. Davis, okay. I hate this game.