HoF [REDACTED] v2.0: “just one of those days”

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by One Man Wolfpack, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. seanofthedead86

    seanofthedead86 Well-Known Member
    Tennessee VolunteersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedNavy Midshipmen

    It was a terrible idea moving it in the first place. I don't think anyone in Atlanta was actively campaigning to get it moved. Stacey Abrams even said it was a bad idea. I'm assuming this is MLB making up for that.
  2. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    but he’s lazy!
  3. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    Rome Emperors logo is sick
  4. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Snakes, Chipper>Jeter and One Two like this.
  5. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

  6. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Incredible feat considering he didn’t also play 2nd base
  7. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    rip bill plaschke
  8. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNew Orleans PelicansDallas CowboysBirmingham Legion

  9. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Fwiw last time we had someone win MVP, we won the World Series the following year, so GET YOUR HOPES UP
  10. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    safe to say he did you dork ass loser

  11. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

  12. jrmy

    jrmy For bookings contact Morgan at 702-374-3735
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesDallas CowboysNational LeagueAvengersBarAndGrill

    Marcell got a 9th place vote allegedly
    wes tegg likes this.
  13. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

  14. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    credit to jeff for accepting the L

    him pushing the fakest stat of all time in bsr will never not be absurd
  15. Chipper>Jeter

    Chipper>Jeter Defund the NCAA
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsBorussia DortmundArsenalAtlanta UnitedAvengersMiami Heat

    I want a La Sabana 13 jersey
    Nug, Napoleon Bonerfart and One Two like this.
  16. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

  17. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Nice to see some of the boys hitting nukes off the tee. Did a double take seeing Wheels play golf righty

  18. Connor Norman

    Connor Norman Cool ass dog and 5 star recruit
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta United

    Weird Oly is a righty golfer.
    Snakes, Reggie Washington and One Two like this.
  19. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Lol of course


    Snakes, wes tegg, ashy larry and 2 others like this.
  20. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    How can I watch these broadcasts?
  21. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Go to the 6 minute mark in this video. Sounds like it’s $25 for the winter season

    One Two likes this.
  22. One Two

    One Two Hot Dog Vibes
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    That’s a steal
  23. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    One Two likes this.
  24. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    Ron is about to hit

    Edit: after this long ass review
  25. ashy larry

    ashy larry the egg bar is coveted as fuck
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesWu-tang

  26. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    That’s a Bummer…
  27. Louis Holth

    Louis Holth but we also just might be those motherfuckers
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesCarolina PanthersTottenham Hotspur

    What’s an Aaron bummer? We’re freeing up some roster spots for sure it seems.
    One Two and Paulbee78 like this.
  28. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

  29. Jake Barnes

    Jake Barnes Team Mac OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Since the Rule 5 deadline is past, I'll assume that means we're planning on adding at least three more free agents.

    Two pitchers and a LF?
  30. Jake Barnes

    Jake Barnes Team Mac OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Bummer's advanced metrics look pretty strong and consistent, just bit by the BABIP bug the last two seasons (.384 in 2022 and .340 last year) and had a few too many walks last year. Under team control until 2026.
    #202280 Jake Barnes, Nov 17, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  31. HtownTide

    HtownTide Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesHouston RocketsHouston Oilers

    Sucks that the Soroka era had to end this way. So much promise completely derailed by freak injuries
    Snakes, Louis Holth, jplaYa and 4 others like this.
  32. It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens

    It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens Well-Known Member

    So this guy was one of the worst players in all of baseball last year. But was really good before that. Fingers crossed.

    Like all of these guys going to a non rival so we can still pull for them.
  33. SC

    SC I’ve got a houseboat docked at the Himbo Dome
    Donor TMB OG
    Atlanta BravesTennisMississippi Rebels

    Missed a lot of bats and got a lot of ground balls even with surface level struggles. That’s enough to bet on and give Kranny a chance to fix the rest.

    Cleared out a bunch of 40-man flotsam.
  34. Degausser

    Degausser #NewProfilePic
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta Braves

    I feel like I remember Bummer getting a lot of hype a few years ago. Either way, we aren't giving up much. It's a lot of names we know, but very little substance. Only one that makes me sad is Soroka.
    Reggie Washington likes this.
  35. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Tickler Extraordinaire
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta Braves

    Nicky Lo will go down as one of the all time Braves Legends
    PAHokie, Snakes, Owsley and 5 others like this.
  36. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Tickler Extraordinaire
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta Braves

  37. Jake Barnes

    Jake Barnes Team Mac OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    The internal grief I’ll suffer as we watch Shewmake win five straight MVPs on the South Side will be hard to bear.
  38. jrmy

    jrmy For bookings contact Morgan at 702-374-3735
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesDallas CowboysNational LeagueAvengersBarAndGrill

    Bummer's stuff is fucking gross and now he gets out of a dysfunctional nightmare. Love it.
    gus_chiggins and Jake Barnes like this.
  39. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Tickler Extraordinaire
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta Braves

    Now we bring in Tim Anderson
  40. Reggie Washington

    Reggie Washington Championship-Level Knowledge
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta Braves

    Soroka - 1st rd 2015
    Shewmake - 1st rd 2019
    Schuster - 1st rd 2020

    Lot of top busts in that trade.

    (and yes, I know Soroka's situation is different but still)
  41. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

  42. Stone Cold Steve Austin

    Stone Cold Steve Austin Tickler Extraordinaire
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta Braves

  43. Drown ‘Em

    Drown ‘Em The Candy Man
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNational League

    This is a Snit managed team. He only needs 10 position players. The four infielders, the three outfielders, 2 catchers and one back up.
    jplaYa, ashy larry and One Two like this.
  44. seanofthedead86

    seanofthedead86 Well-Known Member
    Tennessee VolunteersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedNavy Midshipmen

  45. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    Black Rome hat will be purchased
  46. Silky Johnson

    Silky Johnson Player Hater of the Year
    Florida GatorsAtlanta BravesNew York JetsTennis

  47. It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens

    It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens Well-Known Member

    why would we non tender him?
    HtownTide likes this.
  48. Jake Barnes

    Jake Barnes Team Mac OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Yeah, it’s odd. He def outperformed his expected numbers, but his arb number would still be pretty small. Maybe they want to give the system guys a chance to show what they have?
  49. SC

    SC I’ve got a houseboat docked at the Himbo Dome
    Donor TMB OG
    Atlanta BravesTennisMississippi Rebels

    Going to guess the medicals on that shoulder weren't the prettiest thing.
  50. gus_chiggins

    gus_chiggins Where you goin’ with those clubs, punk
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTiger WoodsGrateful Dead

    As long as we get Bobby im cool with it