That entire interview is hilarious. I think there's a very good chance he's never actually met a Jewish person.
The reason he spent 30 minutes on the house floor is because it took that long for somebody to come pick him up off it.
While today the GOP may hold the executive and judicial branches, one day, they will not...but you, Madison will be paralyzed forever.
it is 100% ok to mock him for his disability both because a) he's a racist piece of shit and, more importantly, b) he isnt actually paralyzed
making a major donation to the first representative to tell him his arguments have no leg to stand on
saw someone on twitter say he really thinks he's joe swanson and is gonna be allowed to join swat or whatever
just re-read the thread and she is very attractive. its not that i hate her for being with this nazi. that is what it is. i hate her for participating in the cover-up to hide his functioning legs. there would be no trust between me and her. we wouldnt work out
if you started fighting him, do you think he'd still pretend to be paralyzed or instinctually he'd start using his legs?
there was a movie in the early 90s where Christopher Reeve played a man who faked a spinal injury so that he could get away with murdering his wife (he stood up out of the wheelchair and shot her) this was before his accident
I’m pretty confident that he’s going to end up doing a Dr. Strangelove. Can he get through his first term without Heiling his way out of the wheelchair?
I’ve been to DC so many times that all the tourist attractions in The National Mall area have blended together. It took me a good ten seconds to “get it”.
Every time this thread gets bumped I come in hoping to see news of him being indicted. Always disappointed when it’s not happening.