You guys are stupid. That's clearly the Lincoln memorial in the way way waaaay back to the left of the Washington Tower
Correct I mean the pentagon. Behind the pentagon you can clearly see the Lincoln Memorial Stop hating on this poor cripple and his fake girlfriend
I can’t decide if it’s more likely that his dumbass didn’t know it was illegal, or if he knew the riots were coming. *why not both dot gif*
It’s a shooting jacket. Denzel Washington wears one in the shotgun scene with the Italian mob boss in American Gangster.
Going to be entirely shocked when someone finds out it was a popular type of jacket worn by the nazis
I appreciate that he still does the Republican motif of holding a rifle and dressing up as the forest to let us know he hunts. Big woodsman, Madison.
He’s my congressman. I thought that when I moved to known lib utopia Asheville that I’d have some decent representation but nope, got a legit nazi instead.
Cawthorne represents Asheville even in the redrawn court approved ones, which is more remarkable iyam
I used to assume that Asheville had its own 80% liberal district. Modern GOP cheating in NC elections and what happened in Wilmington post reconstruction puts North Carolina in the elite tier corrupt states.
The idea of Madison shooting a gun and the recoil knocking him down a flight of stairs is just too sweet.
Saw today that Wicked Weed brewing is one of Cawthorne’s biggest donation sources. Gross. Edit: the statement above is not official and may be from a disputed source