4R Top 5 Power Rankings let’s goooo 1. OBSK 2. OESV 3. OBSO 4. OESO 5. OESK Both F recipes are the worst
Capitol Tater Society is doing a river roots rye drop tonight on FB. I haven't gotten anything from them in about a year but they typically do some high-quality picks.
Just realized - they are also doing this one, that's the Buffturkey but there are only 30ish bottles of that one I think.
To be fair there's many bourbons with the same distillate as Blanton's that are aged in different locations at Buffalo Trace as different labels
Has anyone tried this year's EHTBP? I've never had a bottle or pour of one, but picked up a bottle last night.
Well fuck it. Found it for $165 so yolo. It’s good, fruity syrup sweetness. Not sure if it’s not as good as my 2021 bottle or if my palate has changed. Also grabbed an 8yr EC toasted barrel proof.
I haven't had it in a long time. If you're ever looking for something similar I hear the Sagamore port is excellent.
Sagamore has the best available ryes on the market imo. The 9 year is one of my favorites of 2024 and just got their 7-year BiB that I'm going to open tonight.
Meh, idk. I'm cooling on everything lately. Legitimately the only thing that blows me away is the second batch of RR13 I have and my 2021 4R BPLE or whatever the acronym is. Otherwise, I'm fine just drinking $80 bottles of ECBP.
Yeah I've switched to an OF store pick as my go to. This place gets tons of picks. That being said I think I have 18-20 bottles arriving via shipping lol
I enjoy trying different single barrels more than anything. Especially NBC stuff. Just wish it wasn't so pricey.
For me, sure. But it's not my first MWND and I'm growing salty towards the whiskey scene in general. To a seasoned collector, probably not. To someone who's never had it, idk probably.
Bourbon guys: got a bottle of Angels Envy Finished Rye aged in Caribbean rum casks as a gift. How happy am I about this?
It's a unique bottle that you wouldn't have bought for yourself. You should be incredibly grateful. I'd love to tell you what to expect, but try it and report back. My is to pour yourself a glass after dinner when things are winding down.
Glad you opened it. The worst part of whiskey is treating this shit like Pokémon cards. That said it’s a unique pour for sure. Thick sweetness like syrup.
It’s getting crazy over here, mixed 2 KLukes cause one had like 1oz left. Yah I know I put too much ice in it suck my dick. Bonus footage of JD 130something rye and living the swing life