By the way, I reserve the right to change my opinion, but I was not feeling that ECTB last night. I love the K Luke toasted and the toasted rye by them but they are like 120 proof. This low proof dessert stuff is for the birds .
They have been doing some barrel picks of the toasted that are barrel proof. I haven't had one yet though so not sure how they are.
I’ve got one and it’s very good. Much more comparable to the KLuke toasted barrel than the regular ECTB offering. I agree the 94 proof is too sweet. The one I have open I offer to anyone who isn’t a bourbon lover as something to try that’s easier to drink.
Got some River Roots in this week, LOL. For those of you who haven't seen these bottles before, there is so much opportunity to do cool things with label design. I have been playing around with some, but open to ideas for our 12 year MGP rye, assuming we pick one.
yeah. I’m not sure. The local store here that is friends with Jonathan says he doesn’t know either. Don’t know if i believe him
DDB knows. I think Bardstown and then some is from Indiana. I think it’s multiple sources. Not gonna lie, of all the stuff I have, KLuke is up there in my favorites.
I ran into Jonathan at the grocery store the other day and told him his old store wasn’t getting any good picks in. He told me it had just become a lot harder. No one is really letting them go in there and fly up to the distilleries and do the picks like they used to. They’re just doing sampler kits
We are going to try to get the barrels he likes but doesn’t choose if you want to follow along with his tasting…
I don't know. I'm not in it. I think some of his picks have been pretty highly praised. I think the tier that allows you access to picks is full at present.
what level gets access to picks? Don’t want to pay for something if I can’t even get a chance at the picks
I'm in it and his picks are great $25 tier will get everything $10 will get most if you are ready to go right when it hits your tier
The $25 level basically gets you at least something each drop. Last drop was the first time that almost nothing made it to the $10 tier. he will probably sell these in a way that makes it get to the $10 tier by only allowing tier 1 to buy both. Here is his barrel pick spreadsheet. He hasn't added the two MGP rye picks from River Roots he was just promised, but they sound ridiculous. We are asking for the following barrels to sample... 181 - 128.2 proof Bittersweet, Four roses Floral, red fruit, dark Chocolate Off Profile, chocolate mid palate, bittersweet, very rich 184 130.8 133 yield funky monkey nose, Industrial tobacco, rocky mineral but not Dickel Palate: ooh great front, fruit mid, weird finish, very weird Finish is nutty but front is just insane, Armagnac finish, walnut bitter 179 131.9 proof Brighter, more alcohol forward, singes nostrils, clean profile, no funk leather or fruits, no Dill Really Really Good Palate, Long finish, rye lovers rye
I'm going to join the $10 and see if I can get any picks. I really wanted that double barrel one he did recently. Opus or something.
Currently leaning towards some version of this art for the label. I may try to add in some other mascots like a bulldog, tiger, and mountain lion trying to chase him down. Wax will either be yellow or red or maybe a swirl of both.