tacitly admitting that your precious buttcoins only have value because people will give you real currency for them, moron.
This is what cracks me up. It’s like some here think I lost 100% of my investment on NFTs 10k to 350k pretax Still have about 50k in assets in todays climate
no it isn't you dipshit. If your endgame of fiat currency collapse comes true your coins wont have any value either. If the USD ever collapses, there's a better chance of roving bikers are BBQing your organs than of you living in some sort of future buttcoin elysium with elon musk.
The jealousy itt is weird. Y’all should find other outlets for your bizarre behavior. Ain’t no one forcing you to buy anything. Nor does itt follow around your index fund investing hoping you lose money. The FTX situation sucks for anyone who had money on that exchange. Newsflash: like every equity is down huge from its all time high. So is crypto. Who cares. Allocate capital where you see fit. I’ll be over here accumulating and not selling btc.
I appreciate any coiner who admits its a scam that they used to get themselves rich at the expense of suckers. I just can't stand the morons who think it's anything other than a digitizied pet rock.
An open source software protocol that is entirely voluntary and promises its users literally nothing. You’re honestly too ignorant on the topic to argue it.
Bitcoin is a giant scam because it's either currency or an infinitely appreciating store of value. It can't be both. Why would anyone ever actually *spend* a bitcoin if they were possessed of the belief that it would appreciate infinitely? its useless as a medium of exchange. People only value them because they can easily be converted into liquid fiat currency that can be used to actually buy shit. It's also dependent on a global interconnected system that, if it collapses, renders it all pointless. So it's not like its some sort of apocalypse-proof currency like bullets or gold. Further, the value of bitcoins fails to capture the intense environmental destruction wrought by bitcoiners siphoning off the world's electricity to do pointless math so they can steal money from foolish investors. And unlike a fiat currency, bitcoin has no country that's willing to back up acceptance of the currency via military force. So we've got a useless, arbitrary string of numbers that simultaneously fails as a currency and a store of value, provides nothing of tangible worth and only has worth because people are willing to exchange fiat currency for it, oh and it's poisoning the fucking planet to make more of it. Oh, and because of how it's stored, I can make my bitcoins more valuable by simply killing people i know have bitcoins and then watching as their bitcoin supplies remain locked off forever, unable to be used by anyone.
a scam is a scheme to take advantage of people thats the entirety of the crypto space including btc, a scam to recreate financial markets outside of regulation and with questionably legality so those with money can take money from those without
What is proof of reserves and how does it resolve all this drama the same posters continue to spill? Hmm
My favorite is when you literally can’t argue your point. I created a software protocol. It’s open source for all the world to see. It promises its users absolutely nothing. In fact, it takes years before it’s even exchanged for any dollars. It organically has millions of people around the world who decide to voluntarily opt into the protocol with promises of absolutely nothing besides the rules of the protocol. So go ahead, define the scam. I’ll wait.
the two party system is a logical and inescapable consequence of first past the post voting systems. It generates undemocratic and unpopular results that protect the status quo. It's absolutely a scam.
You weirdly haven’t answered the question in the post. What’s the scam? Is it the open source nature of the protocol? Is it the protocol promising absolutely nothing besides its open source rules? Who is taken advantage of in the system that is opt-in only? By your own definition, a scam is taking advantage of people. Is your point that some people are too dumb to understand what btc actually is (versus whatever you think it’s promoted as) and that makes it a scam? Because man is that a poor argument.
do you think rich people buying something (in this case something with no intrinsic value) and then spending hundreds of millions to market it to others while manipulating the market in other more nefarious ways is a scam because that's a scam
Look, all he has to do is pick the red queen and he wins. It's not a scam. Nothing about my three card monte game violates the non-aggression principle.
There were dozens if not hundreds of very wealthy investors who knew from the very beginning that madoff was a ponzi schemer but participated anyway because they knew they would get out before the collapse.
again, this logic fits perfectly in turbo nerd libertarian logic where "lifes pvp" and all that other nonsense so admitting to is fine, its the logical endpoint
Oh damn. I must've missed the part where MLMs promise absolutely nothing. Are MLMs also open source? Do they publish software protocol rules for how their entire systems work? These arguments are so tirelessly bad.
You’re carrying water for a millionaire right now. It’s embarrassing. Nobody has come at you, and by all accounts, the two of you are invested in entirely different things (ETH for you, and BTC for user; am I incorrect in this assessment?)
AHAHAHAHAAHAHAAH and here we are. Now we're getting to what you might actually believe. BTC HaS nO uSe!!! The fact that millions of people disagree with you and transact trillions of US dollars of value in it on chain is apparently not evidence enough of your poor subjective opinion on "intrinsic value." The btc uses are myriad...in this country and in countless others. The fact you don't yet understand them is on you.