Official Ukraine Thread: Putin On The Fritz

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by AU3kGT, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    I am familiar with James Vasquez and followed him a bit on twitter. There was always something "off" about him in Ukraine. His videos were always clearly far from the front and no real danger, Uniform/equipment/hygiene too clean and perfect, no active combat videos etc... War Tourist seems like a good term. With that said, his fund raising did seem legit. Very sad to hear he is a POS and pocketed over $3,000,000 from people thinking they were helping Ukraine.

    String him up on the wall
  2. Gallant Knight

    Gallant Knight Fat Neck
    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    I mean if that’s the case he’s likely going to prison?
    BudKilmer likes this.
  3. theregionsitter

    theregionsitter Well-Known Member
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  4. Gallant Knight

    Gallant Knight Fat Neck
    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    To be fair I’ve never heard of any of these people
    Voodoo, Doc Louis and BudKilmer like this.
  5. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    In the most corrupt country in Europe? Not likely. Probably will get a pat on the back, and a job offer if he can scale up his gift and cut the right people in on it.
  6. Gallant Knight

    Gallant Knight Fat Neck
    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    He did it in England?
  7. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    Oh, well then he'll definitely be arrested.
  8. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    England is probably top 5 most corrupt, they’re just very white collar about it.
  9. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    He did just get his ass beat on an NYC subway....

    idk fraud rules when in another country
    BudKilmer likes this.
  10. Carl Brutananadilewski

    Carl Brutananadilewski do what now?

    Thread on soup, they weren’t kidding
  11. RockHardJawn39

    RockHardJawn39 Not all time is Standard time, bitch
    Penn State Nittany LionsSan Francisco GiantsPhiladelphia 76'ersPhiladelphia FlyersLiverpoolWrexham AFC

    That’s an enjoyable thread
  12. HuskerInMiami

    HuskerInMiami Well-Known Member
    Miami DolphinsNebraska Cornhuskers

    Thanks for sharing this. I was assuming they wanted more soup because they didn't like our food.
  13. StevieJanowski

    StevieJanowski Owner of a rug that really ties the room together
    Minnesota TimberwolvesMinnesota VikingsMinnesota TwinsTexas AandM Aggies

    That intelligence convoy went out over the middle of the Black Sea and must have turned off their transponders. They appeared on Flightradar24 until they hit the middle (south of Sevastopol) and then disappeared. The US has been using drones over the Black Sea throughout the war, but most of the manned intelligence aircraft have stayed within allied country airspace. Maybe it happens occasionally, but I don't often see the Rivet Joint aircraft on Flightradar over the middle of the Black Sea. :idk:

    Update: After about 25 min the convoy turned back on their transponders and popped back up on radar heading back towards Romanian coast
    #26013 StevieJanowski, Mar 24, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
  14. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    Eurofighter Typhoons are Wild looking air craft
    Tigers likes this.
  15. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    I'm not a huge fan of them doing that. The RJs are just heavily modified 767s and so basically look exactly like a passenger jet on radar. Doing a flyby of an area with a ton of SAM systems, flashing your transponder, and then disappearing back into a commercial jet radar signature next to a country with a nasty habit of shooting down passenger planes seems like an unnecessary thing to do. Leave the transponder on, do your little fly by in international waters like the US does all the damn time, and don't invite a massive CIVCAS incident.
  16. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    Correction, 7 OH 7s, as in one of the OLDEST jet airframes still flying
  17. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    You're right, got the frame confused with the new KC-46.
  18. StevieJanowski

    StevieJanowski Owner of a rug that really ties the room together
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    Timely...this after that RJ flight this morning

    HuskerInMiami and BudKilmer like this.
  19. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    RJs don't do targeting. They're pure SIGINT/COMINT platform.
  20. StevieJanowski

    StevieJanowski Owner of a rug that really ties the room together
    Minnesota TimberwolvesMinnesota VikingsMinnesota TwinsTexas AandM Aggies

    Understood. Just curious they were close only a couple hours before this. Perhaps snooping if impending attack was being prepped for...or any communication anomalies?
  21. angus

    angus Well-Known Member

    Getting pounded and they keep coming.

    Tigers, boozerbuck and HuskerInMiami like this.
  22. Bricktop the white

    Bricktop the white Well-Known Member

    World War 1 with drones.

    absolutely horrifying.
    Doc Louis, Keef, Jax Teller and 7 others like this.
  23. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Don't forget there's no real unified command for this (other than theoretically Ukraine's). You have Ukraine doing stuff, you have the US doing their own collections, the UK doing their "WE'RE STILL A WORLD POWERRRR" stuff, and any time you have a bunch of players and no-one coordinating everything, sometimes there's awkward timing.
    StevieJanowski likes this.
  24. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
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    That strike in video 2 was a fucking bullseye
    HuskerInMiami likes this.
  25. HuskerInMiami

    HuskerInMiami Well-Known Member
    Miami DolphinsNebraska Cornhuskers

  26. THF

    Arkansas RazorbacksSan Francisco GiantsOklahoma City ThunderDallas CowboysSan Francisco 49'ersMontreal Impact

    Interesting idea.

    BudKilmer likes this.
  27. fsugrad99

    fsugrad99 I'm the victim here
    Florida State SeminolesTexas RangersAustin FCNXTAEW

    We’re giving them the Alien Death Ray
    Tigers, Jax Teller, THF and 2 others like this.
  28. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    I'd have my doubts about them getting MQ-9s; those require a lot of ancillary equipment (most notably access to the US owned satellite network required to fly them) and classified systems.

    If we were going to give them something like that, I'd say it'd be mothballed MQ-1B Predators (although that carries the same satellite communication issue) or the Army's MQ-1C Grey Eagle, which is a line of sight system and is more exclusively a hunter/killer system. Biden also said he was giving Ukraine the Grey Eagle last June.
    Tigers, Duck2013 and THF like this.
  29. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    Agree on grey eagle. I think they may already have some.
  30. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    I would also like to announce I will arrest Putin if I see him! Like this post if you agree!
  31. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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  32. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    Have we discussed Iran attacking us forces in Syria?
  33. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
    Chicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksIllinois Fightin' IlliniLiverpool

    In the correct thread, yes
    southlick likes this.
  34. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Billionaire Playboy
    Michigan Wolverines

  35. Goose

    Goose Hi
    Ohio State BuckeyesCincinnati BearcatsCincinnati RedsCincinnati BengalsReal MadridXavier MusketeersDayton FlyersFC CincinnatiPGA

    So they are abandoning a lot of them but still have a gold mining operation there?
  36. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Billionaire Playboy
    Michigan Wolverines

    That's how I interpreted it.

    I would imagine their losses in Ukraine are straining their operations elsewhere
    EagleDuck likes this.
  37. angus

    angus Well-Known Member

  38. timo

    timo g'day, mate
    Penn State Nittany LionsPittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh PenguinsTottenham HotspurPittsburgh Pirates

  39. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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  40. HuskerInMiami

    HuskerInMiami Well-Known Member
    Miami DolphinsNebraska Cornhuskers

  41. theregionsitter

    theregionsitter Well-Known Member
    TMB OG
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    Seems like by the end of this month most of the western vehicles will be in Ukraine

    I’m guessing May is when things get weird
    HuskerInMiami, Jax Teller and Hawks11 like this.
  42. Hawks11

    Hawks11 The arsonist has oddly shaped feet
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Hawks

    This may be a stupid question, but does Ukraine have enough men to support an offensive campaign?
  43. Killy Me Please

    Killy Me Please I lift things up and put people down.


    that was a stupid question
  44. Hawks11

    Hawks11 The arsonist has oddly shaped feet
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Hawks

    There’s no need to be condescending.
  45. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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  46. Tigers

    Tigers Admin of the Year 2011-2014
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    Bodies? Yes. Properly trained troops? Unknown but we know they have been holding nato trained troops back for the past several months to preserve them for this offensive.
    Gallant Knight, The Banks and Hawks11 like this.
  47. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    It would be pretty cool if they took back crimea and then said “we good fam”
    NineteenNine likes this.
  48. theregionsitter

    theregionsitter Well-Known Member
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    no not yet
  49. theregionsitter

    theregionsitter Well-Known Member
    TMB OG
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    Russia let’s use all our expensive and currently irreplaceable cruise missiles on civilian energy targets

    Ukraine 6 months later