Stern Nation

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by colonelrascals, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. roggins

    roggins Butcher of Bakersfield & Chris Gaines impersonator
    Florida Gators

    I forgot about Brent. I liked him at first. He seemed like a knowledgeable dude. Then the swinging shit came out. That was interesting for a min and then it just got kind of tiresome. The Brent, Shuli, and Ronnie segments got old quick. Also Brent's wife is disgusting.
    snowfx2 likes this.
  2. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
    Los Angeles KingsLos Angeles LakersUCLA BruinsLos Angeles GalaxyLos Angeles Rams

    It felt way too manufactured and lazy as those segments continued. Some of the best stuff in Stern history is when there was legit heat between staff members.

    I enjoyed Ronnie the first few years of Sirius because he wasn’t on the show all the time. His hothead act was fine when it was maybe once a month he’d get all fired up. Richard and Sal then made some incredible prank calls with Ronnie sound bites. T-O-P-L-E-S-S
    roggins likes this.
  3. denvermint

    denvermint Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    you’ll do it when you get up here
    snowfx2 likes this.
  4. fish

    fish Impossible, Germany
    Los Angeles DodgersLos Angeles RamsLos Angeles KingsSouthern California Trojans

    I first became aware of Howard in the 80's with his appearances on Letterman. I watched his Channel 9 show (which played in L.A.) for about a year until the radio show came to L.A. on KLSX. I went to the Mark and Brian funeral, ordered Butt Bongo Fiesta, got pissed when Jackie left, enjoyed Artie, etc. He'll always be a legend to me but I always said I'll stop listening when he stops making me laugh.

    I've stopped laughing.
    MODEVIL and mc415 like this.
  5. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    show was in its death throes when Artie left and it died entirely when ETM acked his last ack. him constantly re-upping is just killing his legacy at this point. he should have bowed out in 2015 and it would have been a great end at the right time.
    Hank Scorpio, mc415 and roggins like this.
  6. NYGator

    NYGator Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsNew York YankeesNew York KnicksNew York GiantsNew York IslandersNew York City Football ClubTottenham HotspurUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    I haven't listened much at all in the past 4 or 5 years. I literally listened for 25-30 years without stopping. When I started working from home it became less and less meaningful to listen. In fairness to Stern, as much as he received criticism for his show back in the day, there is just no way that he could, and would, do so many of the things that we found funny back in the day. The world has changed and most of us have as well. I assume he either regrets or at least realizes that some of the humor is just not considered funny or acceptable anymore.
    roggins likes this.
  7. GoS

    GoS I heart shitty FB teams my life is forfeit

    I use someone's response to this video as a test for friendship compatibility. If you don't find this funny, get fucked:

  8. KeepingItRealSince1853

    KeepingItRealSince1853 We're Not Cocky, We're Honestly Just That Good
    Florida GatorsMiami DolphinsChelsea

    Boo MFer! and I were discussing this tonight and maybe it’s been talked about on here previously, but who are your top 5 wack packers of all time?
  9. NYGator

    NYGator Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsNew York YankeesNew York KnicksNew York GiantsNew York IslandersNew York City Football ClubTottenham HotspurUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Beatle, Hank, Eric... after that it is a tossup
  10. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    In order:

    Medicated Pete
  11. fish

    fish Impossible, Germany
    Los Angeles DodgersLos Angeles RamsLos Angeles KingsSouthern California Trojans

    Fred, Gary, Jackie, Artie, Stuttering John
  12. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Please don’t make a mockery out of this…
  13. roggins

    roggins Butcher of Bakersfield & Chris Gaines impersonator
    Florida Gators

    Sour shoes
    High pitch
    Big foot
    Fred the elephant boy
  14. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Which Bigfoot?
  15. Frankie Carbone

    Frankie Carbone eh che se dice
    Florida State SeminolesNew York YankeesNew York KnicksOrlando CityLazioUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    ETM (only during Artie’s tenure)
    High Pitch
  16. Frankie Carbone

    Frankie Carbone eh che se dice
    Florida State SeminolesNew York YankeesNew York KnicksOrlando CityLazioUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Hell, Crackhead may be above HP.

    dame dat dune is top 10 Wack pack material
    Ray McKigney likes this.
  17. Walt Disney

    Walt Disney #Dawgzy
    Donor TMB OG
    Georgia BulldogsManchester City

    Big foot
  18. roggins

    roggins Butcher of Bakersfield & Chris Gaines impersonator
    Florida Gators

    Second one it is.
    Boo MFer! likes this.
  19. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    Crackhead Bob
    Sour Shoes
    Eric The Actor
    Riley Martin
  20. Frankie Carbone

    Frankie Carbone eh che se dice
    Florida State SeminolesNew York YankeesNew York KnicksOrlando CityLazioUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Beet is far and away #1 though. Howard would be in such a shit mood and go through the unfunny motions and it would bring everyone else in studio to that level and if he was a guest, as soon as he walked in it would instantly change Howard to a better mood that would transpire to radio gold.

    Jackie laughing non stop and throwing in funny things during the appearances was key too. Him telling Howard to keep asking questions so Beet would continue to say “who me” and telling Howard to keep having Beet spell “red” during the spelling bee with Gary the retard
    Boo MFer! likes this.
  21. Ray McKigney

    Ray McKigney Feel my ubiquity
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesCarolina Panthers

    High pitch Eric
    Crackhead Bob
  22. Aaron Hernandez

    Aaron Hernandez LikeMyPostCampaign:
    Liberty Flames

    I liked crazy Alice and hank
    roggins likes this.
  23. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    the three little people are unquestionably in the top five and I have serious reservations about your Stern fandom if you choose otherwise (my order is Beet, ETM, Hank). Riley Martin is my last name on the Wack Pack Mount Rushmore and then the last spot goes to Jeff the Drunk, who I think is one of the more underrated Wack Packers.

    I will in no way, shape, or form give any sort of recognition to that fat fuck con man HPE who is maybe the biggest leech on society I've ever seen in my life.
  24. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    ETM had the luxury of Sirius, and Hank on terrestrial radio was better than ETM on satellite. An uncensored Hank would have been absolutely incredible.
    roggins and mc415 like this.
  25. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
    Los Angeles KingsLos Angeles LakersUCLA BruinsLos Angeles GalaxyLos Angeles Rams

    Yep, Hank would’ve rivaled Beet on satellite.

    Riley Martin was so fucking gold too on the early Sirius years when it came to his own show and complaining about money.

    The John the Stutterer political show made me piss my pants. And I love that John was very liberal.
    Boo MFer! likes this.
  26. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    uh, look here, now if you paid me one one-hundredth what you pay that bitch to cook a pie I could feed my family.

    I could just endlessly quote Riley (although between stuff like "cheap Jew" and "Simian Negress" I would only ever do it to other well-versed Stern fans), he was immensely quotable. I found him completely fascinating, always had some bullshit up his sleeve to weave into a story and a terrific voice for radio. also appreciated that he was just smart enough to not be consistently duped by Stern & Co. and could deliver a quality back-and-forth with them.

    I actually listened to "The Coming of Tan" audiobook when I found it on Youtube, it's a great listen if you like Riley. really regret not getting a personalized symbol while he was still alive.
    phunkybuck, fetumpsh, roggins and 2 others like this.
  27. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Marfan Mike has died.

  28. Wendel Clark

    Wendel Clark Gambling God
    Staff Donor

    Buddy FaceTimed from the cigar shop. :roll:

    Attached Files:

    RockHardJawn39 likes this.
  29. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    How big are your balls?
  30. Frankie Carbone

    Frankie Carbone eh che se dice
    Florida State SeminolesNew York YankeesNew York KnicksOrlando CityLazioUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Who’s hiiigh piiitch?
    snowfx2 likes this.
  31. Wendel Clark

    Wendel Clark Gambling God
    Staff Donor

    I told him HI Kelly Clarkson
  32. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Thank you for being a friend.

  33. Bruce Wayne

    Bruce Wayne Billionaire Playboy
    Michigan Wolverines

    My newest coworker is a dead ringer for Medicated Pete.
  34. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    What are his interests? What is he into?
  35. roggins

    roggins Butcher of Bakersfield & Chris Gaines impersonator
    Florida Gators

    What’s up? What’s up?
    MODEVIL likes this.
  36. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Say hi to everybody for me.
  37. denvermint

    denvermint Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Sure, I’ll say hi to all my friends for you.
  38. w2b

    w2b goin' out looney like O-Dog
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    Houston Oilers

    roggins likes this.
  39. roggins

    roggins Butcher of Bakersfield & Chris Gaines impersonator
    Florida Gators

  40. denvermint

    denvermint Well-Known Member
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    So what made you become a Giants chick?
    Boo MFer! likes this.
  41. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Hollis who?
    roggins likes this.
  42. KeepingItRealSince1853

    KeepingItRealSince1853 We're Not Cocky, We're Honestly Just That Good
    Florida GatorsMiami DolphinsChelsea

  43. KeepingItRealSince1853

    KeepingItRealSince1853 We're Not Cocky, We're Honestly Just That Good
    Florida GatorsMiami DolphinsChelsea

  44. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

  45. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

  46. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

    Gary, where are you?!

    roggins and fish like this.
  47. *DIESEL*

    *DIESEL* Half man, half amazing
    Florida State SeminolesChicago CubsChicago BearsMiami Heat2pac

  48. Boo MFer!

    Boo MFer! No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay RaysJacksonville JaguarsTampa Bay Buccaneers

  49. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    saw that on the subreddit, don't believe it for a second. first off, there's never hot mics on the end of that show, it's just not a thing that happens and the one time it does *thats* what they happened to catch? second, that motherfucker doesn't leave the house anymore, unless it's a VA bit there's no chance.
  50. fish

    fish Impossible, Germany
    Los Angeles DodgersLos Angeles RamsLos Angeles KingsSouthern California Trojans


    Edit: VA as in voice acting, not voice over. Got it.