so this Viva Mas Vegas thinking is off to a great start. Vid crashed twice in first 4 mins and now is completely down.
so they made the video private smh. This is the stuff that pisses off the long time fans. they need to get their shit together
they stuck Roy and Tony on Twitter stream to have a live watch party of a stream that won't play on Youtube bec its processing and they dont know how long it will take so that are just talking about places they would like to go
1. have whoever runs the Youtube account text Tony the login. 2. have Tony take the privacy settings off. 3. ???? 4. profit
PTFO continues to be a must listen for me Greg cote Tuesdays becoming less. Just seems like the same thing over and over.
I generally like Amin but he always loses me when he does the “haha look at this loser” voice, while being someone who wears Star Wars gear in his mid-40’s. (I’m not trying to start a SW fight, but you know what I mean)
Amin was good in limited doses on NBA shows when he started on ESPN because his background was somewhat unique and he stayed in that lane, generally speaking. But I haven't understood the appeal for him beyond that role. And he generally brings nothing but awkwardness and dumb analysis when I watch him on it now.
When he slows down and delivers serious commentary I think he’s really good and is smart about what he talks about. Everyone outside of that is too over the top.
I love Amin on the show past and present. My issue is Stugotz is not the same and it has hurt the show in my opinion. To be clear, I don't hate Stu, but the chemistry is not the same.
I just heard him force a joke that didn't land the first two times, and it seems like he loves to argue about subjects he has no backing in.
Amin needs to chill out sometimes, but Izzy hasn't been back since they had that argument so I'll give Amin credit for that.
Mike no longer executive producing the show is going to be what will eventually ruins the show for me. He was the only one who could quickly change topics and the direction when needed. Billy and Chris are terrible with that job in terms of timing, topics etc
Mike sucks now, much rather he off the show doing other things. Love the crew they had today. Mike used to move topics well, now he just voices to the public what he was telling Dan in his ear if they don’t listen to exactly what he wants and then rants.
Tuesday local hour was show at its worst. 15 minutes of mike in his feelings and then the ongoing saga of Samson and the merch store with Greg cote. Is anyone finding this while Samson business guy nerch store thing in any way entertaining? Chris cote rest of the week is a good dude who just doesn’t have an eye for interesting topics. anyway back to Pablo Torre finds out
When he calls his dad. also whoever produces that show (there’s like 10 people) they are absolutely fire when it comes to figuring out topics. Cortez is a bit annoying as an on air guy but the show production is great.
Perhaps this show deserves its own thread but for now Drunk Katie and Pablo talking shit to Michael Jordan about his shitty tequila was great
The show is awful with Chris driving the ship. And Jeremey sucks. He's my least favorite character by a mile
Tache will never become a top tier character, but I can see him rising like Tony has in the last year. If nothing else, his theater school chops make for decent songs/content.
Jeremy is fine and Chris is fine. The show is fine. We do this every year this time of year. we got less Mike Ryan so we good.
Less Mike Ryan, Jess is really good now, Lucy fit in right away. Feel like the show is a lot better from where it was a year ago. I could do with less/no Tony, but that is my only gripe.
this popcorn critique has been funnier than I thought it would be. Can't be the under sell over deliver guy and have your famous popcorn just being alright
Did anyone else watch the livestream yesterday? Rarely are you able to see the exact moment a man is willing to risk it all. I witnessed that moment when David Samson saw JuJu's date walk into the studio.
I didn't really know what Charlotte's purpose was on the show when she first started, now I wish she was on more often.
Haven’t listened to that in particular but I’m pretty much over any of the segments that have been repeated for 10 years. Stu lies Stu is a hypocrite Stu skips works Stu wants to work somewhere else Greg has weird uniformed takes it’s not that these things can’t be funny but Dan stops the show to spend segments on this stuff still
well this is the first time it seemed serious which is what made it weird that they were having this conversation on air and basically turned him into the new Harbaugh of not if but when he's going to leave.