Top Gun Sequel

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Stanley Ipkiss, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Tarpon Nole

    Tarpon Nole Well-Known Member
    Florida State SeminolesTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    This movie lived up To the hype and it was incredible

    the f-14 and p-51 at the end :pipelayer:
    #951 Tarpon Nole, Aug 19, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
    Dump, HotMic, Charles DeMar and 2 others like this.
  2. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    Tarpon Nole likes this.
  3. Tarpon Nole

    Tarpon Nole Well-Known Member
    Florida State SeminolesTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    yes, fixed
    VaxRule likes this.
  4. Fuck this

    Fuck this Oh Hey
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    Streaming it now at home. Just phenomenal Tom cruise movie
  5. TAS

    TAS 20_ _ TMB Poster of the Year

  6. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    in retrospect i agree with this

    it is very forgettable
  7. Handcuffed

    Handcuffed I live inside my own heart, Matt Damon
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    re-watched it last night for the first time and i still really liked it. only thing i'd change is the dumb offense/defense football.
    Dump, g8r, War Grundle and 2 others like this.
  8. Doc Louis

    Doc Louis Well-Known Member

    That's why people keep going back and rewatching it
  9. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    I almost said this, that I'm sure it's very rewatchable but at least I didn't find it very sticky as a piece of art.
  10. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    It's closer to riding a Rollercoaster in an amusement park than anything
  11. Doc Louis

    Doc Louis Well-Known Member

    Agreed. It's good for what it is, and may have benefited from people wanting to get out more this summer after the last few years.
    Lyrtch likes this.
  12. MG2

    MG2 I like to give away joy for free

    Forgettable compared to what? Other summer blockbuster movies? What were you looking for that would have made it more memorable to you?
    Lip, Dump, War Grundle and 1 other person like this.
  13. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    A theme that stuck with me? A unique component?
  14. War Grundle

    War Grundle Nole Mercy
    Florida State SeminolesTampa Bay Rays

    Consider the source. Don’t waste your time.
  15. MG2

    MG2 I like to give away joy for free

    The visuals with the camera that come from the actors actually being in planes is unique compared to just about all the other big budget movies out there, IMO.

    To each their own, but your critique just strikes me as odd when you're talking about a summer popcorn movie. I think you're comparing it to a genre of movie it's not trying to be in. The point of the genre is to be a fun roller coaster for people to ride, and the fact that people keep going back to ride it again would suggest they succeeded in what they were trying to accomplish.
  16. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    I very literally said it was more of a Rollercoaster experience

    Edited by Stinky
    Dump, Doc Louis and BudKilmer like this.
  17. MG2

    MG2 I like to give away joy for free

    Right. That's why I brought it back in my post. You compared it to a roller coaster ride like that was a bad thing when it's clearly the kind of experience they were trying to create as opposed to something "very sticky as a piece of art".

    Again, to each their own. If this isn't your kind of movie, that's cool. I just don't think it's reasonable to judge a movie or a show based on something it's not trying to be.
    Lip, Dump, Ty Webb and 1 other person like this.
  18. War Grundle

    War Grundle Nole Mercy
    Florida State SeminolesTampa Bay Rays

    Fuck you, you piece of shit. No one likes the smell of their own farts more than you. Man you are miserable.

    Your continued arrogance is astounding.
    Tiger Z likes this.
  19. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    I like roller coasters. I'm just not necessarily going to remember it beyond "that was fun" and turn it in randomly while doing other things.

    Its really just explanatory more than a criticism
  20. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    War Grundle melting down because someone didn't think Top Gun 2 was the pinnacle of art.
    AubCabs, Dump, racer and 4 others like this.
  21. Nole96SC

    Nole96SC Old Member
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    Or you know, being told to kill himself. Didnt that become a no no when the board “grew up”.
  22. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Come on, man
  23. Pharm

    Pharm I’m a vacuum
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    Maybe if he would have used bigger words it wouldn’t be as offensive.
  24. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    He had no substantive argument and made a personal attack. All bets are off at that point. That was clearly initiated by War Grundle. He can personally attack but others can't respond in kind is what you're going with?
  25. paulski

    paulski Well-Known Member

  26. LetItSoak

    LetItSoak Well-Known Member

    Telling someone to kill themselves is an appropriate response to "consider the source" these days?
  27. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    I've seen War Grundle make that same post to Lyrtch in a number of threads. Idk what he was expecting in return. Seems strange this finger wagging only goes one way.
  28. LetItSoak

    LetItSoak Well-Known Member

    His comment was beyond childish and well over the line. If you think telling someone to kill themselves in response to "consider the source" over a movie opinion is reasonable I don't know what to tell you.
  29. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    Ok thank you
  30. Pharm

    Pharm I’m a vacuum
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    The hoops some people jump through to justify telling someone to kill themselves is weird.

    Y’all act like war grundle never gets call out first ever. Not saying war grundle views I agree with but my god. It’s ok to admit that telling someone to kill themselves is not ok on any level.
  31. Doc Louis

    Doc Louis Well-Known Member

    "now Iron Eagle, that was a piece of cinematic art" - war grundle, Amazon review. 5 stars.
    Dump, racer and THF like this.
  32. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Come on man, it's OK to say good guy Lyrtch was wrong in this scenario with shithead War Grundle. Telling someone to kill themselves is not ok.
    paulski likes this.
  33. Nole96SC

    Nole96SC Old Member
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    He could have replied something about War Grundle’s opinions being bad or something. Telling someone to kill themselves isnt a reasonable or acceptable reply to anything. But i doubt anyone here is surprised you think its ok because of who did it.
  34. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    If you can't tell this is an excuse for people to give Lyrtch shit by almost exclusively FSU fans then we probably can't go any further in this conversations.
  35. Pharm

    Pharm I’m a vacuum
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    You are one angry dude.
  36. Redav

    Redav One big ocean

    Hahaha, ok
  37. Pharm

    Pharm I’m a vacuum
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    So it’s ok to tell someone to kill themselves now?
  38. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    You seem to be reaching to excuse his actions. He was wrong, it's OK to admit that.
  39. $P1

    $P1 Ball State #1
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    He was wrong. I edited it out.
  40. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    *sits down in chair backwards*
    you know who else was considered wrong sometimes? that's right, Jesus Christ
  41. LetItSoak

    LetItSoak Well-Known Member

    You're now part of the fsu fan conspiracy. Welcome brother
    Dr. Mantis Toboggan likes this.
  42. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    Dump, racer, Ty Webb and 3 others like this.
  43. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    He’s darth Vader. What did you expect?
  44. Doc Louis

    Doc Louis Well-Known Member

    Damn guy just came in and AC Slater'd in the thread.
  45. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Dump, Doc Louis and skiedfrillet like this.
  46. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    grundle never ever makes substantive contributions so i responded in kind

    also it might be gauche but we've never treated it as off limits except when certain people wanted thrasher banned
  47. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Not saying you should be banned, but I definitely think we’ve kind of set an unwritten rule that telling people to kill themselves isn’t ok.

    I don’t think anyone is disagreeing about War Grundle being 10 IQ.
    Lip and $P1 like this.
  48. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    i agree, it's gauche
    $P1 likes this.
  49. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    It’s a lot worse than “gauche” imo
  50. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    agree to disagree