Top Gun Sequel

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Stanley Ipkiss, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. If Iceman told Maverick to kill himself instead of typing up some sage advice, Mav would not have been able to blow up the faceless enemy’s weapons facility, something to consider
  2. Pharm

    Pharm I’m a vacuum
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    didn’t you go in the addiction thread and tell people to drink with their pills?
  3. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    Guys you can just call me gay if you want.
  4. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

  5. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    I have no idea what that is so feel free to post a link.
  6. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  7. hood b. goode

    hood b. goode shytposter
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    You either die a good poster or live long enough to become a shitpitter i guess
  8. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    That's it? Maybe that's the wrong thread for that but I stand by the substance of that. o7
  9. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    LetItSoak likes this.
  10. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    it was a direct reference to why some people find the pearl clutching a little shallow that you sidestepped

    you were very aggressive in arguing that KYS posts are fair game and taking info from threads we treat a little differently (depression/divorce/etc) was also appropriate
  11. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    you can address any of these substantively if you want
  12. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Seems like I've gone one direction and you've gone the other. From the same thread...

  13. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    there are no good posters

    we're all shitposters
    BudKilmer likes this.
  14. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    I still stand by my position in that thread.
  15. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    This is very untrue, I’m an excellent poster
    Lyrtch likes this.
  16. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    You stance was we're past saying and doing horrible things to each other. You've clearly swung the other way now. The old you would be disappointed.

    Dr. Mantis Toboggan likes this.
  17. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    i understand you're flailing but I agree with my old self as well. I'd say what I said in here to Grundle to his face, I'm treating him as a human being based on his behavior.
  18. racer

    racer Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks.
    Iowa HawkeyesKansas City ChiefsLas Vegas Golden KnightsOlympicsFormula 1

    So, on the theme of wishing death on people, this movie would have been better ended with Mav getting blown out of the sky saving Goose Jr.
  19. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    I will say my stance 6 years ago was wrong. Instead of "I dealt with some shitty things from poster here so others should too" it should have been "Nobody should deal with that shit bc it sucked."
    NothingIsOT likes this.
  20. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    Yeah and days of thunder would’ve been better if Tom cruise grabbed Robert Duvall and passionately kissed him instead of Nicole Kidman after the final race you big dummy
    Tiny Tom likes this.
  21. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    No you wouldn't :laugh:

    If you would, you're a terrible human.
    Ty Webb and War Grundle like this.
  22. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    Grundle has been a deranged piece of shit towards me for years. I'd very happily say it to him and it really has no impact on my humanity.
  23. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  24. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    Existence is a slow, inevitable March to death. So, if you think about it, by choosing to exist at all, you’re choosing to kill yourself.
    The mad Puto likes this.
  25. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    6 years ago:

    This isn't the wild west anymore guys. Just be a human!


    Telling someone you don't like to kill yourself is totally OK.

    Lyrtch not trending the right way
    Dr. Mantis Toboggan likes this.
  26. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    To state the obvious I never took things from our more safe space threads to ridicule people who have been mean to me. I think that's wrong and kneecaps one of the bigger benefits of this board existence that has only grown since we weeded out the chaff. I've largely disagreed with the broad tone policing and civility fetishism some hold tight to.
    I understand you're emotional right now but slow down and read.
  27. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Not emotional at all, that's just you looking for spin.

    Again, you were wrong. You know you were wrong, you just can't admit it.
  28. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    Yet you just liked a post doing the same thing to someone else
    AubCabs and Redav like this.
  29. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
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    Disagree but you do you dbl baby.
  30. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    You didn't 3 months ago.

    LetItSoak likes this.
  31. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    these are all logically consistent positions

    i don't say it all the time
  32. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    lol at that spin. It's never ok to say it bc:

  33. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    you're welcome to have that position.
  34. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    I'm honestly surprised you of all people can't just say "Yea I was out of line with that, should have used a different phrase." Thought you were better than that.
  35. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    how old were you 6 years ago for curiosities sake
  36. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    What if he had told Derek Chauvin to kill himself?
  37. poor paul

    poor paul Well-Known Member
    Wrexham AFC

    Would you kill baby Hitler?
    steamengine likes this.
  38. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Why is that relevant? Is there a cutoff where people can stop growing and being better versions of themselves?
  39. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    you can just not respond if you don't want to answer
  40. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Are we now comparing Grundle to Chauvin?
  41. Lawnole23

    Lawnole23 FSU Seminoles 2020 National Champions
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    I'm pro-choice so as the GOP says I like killing all babies.
  42. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    You're attempting to make this about me instead of you, which is hilarious. You were wrong today. Many people have said that, not just FSU fans. You refuse to admit you were wrong, which is surprising.
  43. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    Trying to find out how much of an absolutist you want to be on this topic.
  44. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    I, for one, am glad dbl & lyrtch found a thread where they can argue with each other for all of eternity
    Lip, Xander Crews, ARCO and 12 others like this.
  45. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Not sure, I'd have to sit down and think about that one. At first thought, I think the actions of some people make nothing off limits, but posting on a message board isn't one of those actions.
  46. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    And for once I'm the one with the moral high ground. Weird spot for Lyrtch.
  47. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    I only brought up the FSU thing because the first like six posters to dive in were all FSU fans and they have a history of posting about some of us on their private areas to rally the troops. That's just fun.

    You're welcome to your opinion about my wrongness.
  48. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Pretty sure I was the 2nd.
  49. Paddy Murphy

    Paddy Murphy Well-Known Member
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    Chefs kiss to the nuking of this thread by the usual suspects.

    Literally hundreds of people are like this movie is sweet, we love this movie, fun! We agree it’s a cheesy movie and we like it! Same five as always show up and shit everywhere.

    Not sure even Maverick could have saved this thread, even inverted.
    Lip, RegimentML, paulski and 7 others like this.