What point out of nowhere did you know you were getting old?

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by UncleJesse, May 7, 2024.

  1. B-Boy $P1

    B-Boy $P1 Ball-knower, Poster, Trusted Agent
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    Michigan WolverinesChicago CubsLos Angeles LakersChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksBorussia DortmundWest Ham UnitedBall State CardinalsOlympics

    Was just pretty hyped about cleaning the patio door track just now. Fuck it looks good.
  2. infected donkey

    infected donkey Arkansas Razorbacks
    Arkansas RazorbacksChicago CubsAvengersBarAndGrillSoutheastern Conference

    Renting a boat and I don't have to have a boaters license because I was born before the deadline.:chan:
    slogan119, Baron, and 4 others like this.
  3. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
    Staff Donor

    The movie fone episode of Seinfeld just makes no sense if you're under 30
  4. chet fire

    chet fire Man in Members Only jacket

    I'm too young to have ever legally drank a beer before I was 21, but by God, I got that one nipped in the bud.

    Also on the list:
    Saying things like "nipped in the bud."
    Craig Pettis likes this.
  5. sooz

    sooz A grumpy old fart
    Utah JazzNew York JetsLiverpoolMinnesota Twins

    My hair is starting to go grey.

    Also when i read things here locally that are promoted for all women that are from my local umpiring association asking us to train.
    I don't go to training anymore only for the meetings because it's too cold.
    Imagine training in -2 degrees at night in the middle of an australian winter when the ground is frosted over.
  6. Shinzon

    Shinzon °°°°°
    Florida GatorsChelsea

    I’ve been WFH the past few days, and so I’ve played more NCAA 25 consecutively than I have since I got the game. This morning, I woke up and my thumb is killing me. That never happened when I played it like crazy back in the PS3 days.

  7. zeberdee

    zeberdee wheel snipe celly boys
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    Penn State Nittany LionsPhiladelphia PhilliesPhiladelphia 76'ersPhiladelphia EaglesPhiladelphia FlyersArsenalPhiladelphia UnionUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    going on spinny rides with my kids yesterday and having an awful time.
  8. bturns

    bturns a better poster than Bertwing
    Arkansas RazorbacksAtlanta FalconsPGA

    Had an “I’m old” moment today. Hiking today and I am wearing a gym shirt. It’s a “bucked up” shirt I got with me of those promo supplement packages. Passed a group of girls, all look about 18-20. Said hello and one goes “my dad wears that same shirt!”

    damn them targeting late 30 yos supplement ads on “the gram”.
  9. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    they shut you down with the quickness lol
  10. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    told an anecdote at work the other day and mentioned using the newspaper to find out what movie was playing at the local theater. My co-workers looked at me like I was explaining how to make fire with steel and flint
    JBF76, Clemson327, VaxRule and 17 others like this.
  11. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Local(ish) team wins the Appy League baseball championship. Their manager, Mickey Tettleton. Looks ancient. I'm not sure but I think I have his rookie card somewhere. Fuck.
    slogan119, Lip, MJH and 3 others like this.
  12. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    I use Tettleton from time to time playing Immaculate grid...his baseball ref pic is how I choose to remember that sweet bastard
  13. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    We r neighbors

    I live where the Ridge Runners are in the Appy league.
    Celemo, Funshot Residue and dump like this.
  14. Constant

    Constant Meh
    Michigan WolverinesDetroit PistonsDetroit LionsDetroit Red WingsDetroit Tigers

    Loved Tettleton.
    Lip, Celemo and Funshot Residue like this.
  15. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    When is the last time you woke up and felt 100%? Like nothing hurt at all?
    slogan119 and Greybeard like this.
  16. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    Greybeard likes this.
  17. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    should've been nominated for an Academy Award playing himself in Little Big League :twocents:
    dump, CF3234 and Constant like this.
  18. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    this movie is so damn good.

    Also, we are old because we remember the golden age of sports movies.
    steamengine and Celemo like this.
  19. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    just saw a tiktok last night playing the scene where Billy convinces the staff to let him manage by telling them what he'd do against Steve Farr and his palmball...I'm gonna watch it tonight I think
    dump and CF3234 like this.
  20. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    At least 5+ years. I'm just getting over a bout of IBS for the first time ever. Couldn't take a proper shit for over a week. My back also just exists in a perpetual state of discomfort.
  21. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    saw the same tiktok. Just absolutely obliterates them with the response. Billy haywood hated bunting before all the analytics guys

    Also, RIP the palm ball. Does anyone throw one of those anymore?
    Celemo likes this.
  22. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    depends on what you mean. I have the pain that comes with working out. As long as I stretch properly I’m good. But, luckily I don’t have to he nagging pain that comes simply from aging.
    Simon Templar likes this.
  23. brahmanknight

    brahmanknight MC OG, UCF Knights, bacon, vodka, white wemminz

    90 days into the Covid lockdowns. I then realized my back had been sore for years.
    JBF76 and CF3234 like this.
  24. chet fire

    chet fire Man in Members Only jacket

    Told my son a story about the time I delivered a mattress to a guy who lived in a trailer village on the outskirts of town.

    SON: You actually met someone through Craigslist?
    ME: Well, no...

    ... and basically told him how I had called the city newspaper, told them what I needed the free classified ad to say and then had them publish my home telephone number along with it.

    It was getting to the point where even I was having a hard time believing it.

    (SON: You should have told them your number was classified!
    ME: That'll be fine. I make the jokes around here.)
  25. Funshot Residue

    Funshot Residue Mammoth Stabber

    Every day I wake up and feel like a million in fifties. Then I get out of bed and the house of cards that are my joints feel like they may crumble at any point. Okay, that's being a bit melodramatic, but I did take note today that it might be a good idea to sit down while putting my socks on rather than the ol' hop around on one leg in the near dark routine.
    Craig Pettis, fish, dump and 2 others like this.
  26. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    I would never be allowed in this pool

    JBF76, NP13, i am a bammer and 7 others like this.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Among others, when I noticed myself getting irrationally mad every time someone called something “cringe”. “That’s so cringe.”
    I hate you so much.
  28. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

    My wife recently told me she was very excited for her new transition lenses to arrive. That’s when I realized, she’s getting old and I’m still cool af.
  29. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    This is such a cringe take
    THEBLUERAIDER likes this.
  30. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    I absolutely hate the phrase “ate that” or “left no crumbs” when someone does something well. It bothers me beyond belief.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Is it a verb, adjective, or noun? The world may never know.
  32. chet fire

    chet fire Man in Members Only jacket

    I still hate "binge"
  33. herb.burdette

    herb.burdette Meet me at the corner of 8th and Worthington
    Ohio State Buckeyes

    My wife and I have an anniversary, so Im planning a surprise trip back to Columbus where we met to eat and drink at some places where we went on dates.

    There are almost none of these places left.
    JBF76, Clemson327, slogan119 and 2 others like this.
  34. Celemo

    Celemo Ban the Corner 3
    Michigan WolverinesPortland Trail BlazersDetroit Tigers

    Take her to Rax
  35. B-Boy $P1

    B-Boy $P1 Ball-knower, Poster, Trusted Agent
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    insert BBC joke here
    Celemo likes this.
  36. Kevintensity

    Kevintensity Poster/Posting Game Coordinator
    Atlanta BravesCalgary FlamesPoker

    Bit of a cringe binge this last page or so
    Cabs, bruce bowen, Lip and 4 others like this.
  37. poor paul

    poor paul Well-Known Member
    Wrexham AFC

    I hear the waitresses are nice at Urban Meyer's place.
  38. herb.burdette

    herb.burdette Meet me at the corner of 8th and Worthington
    Ohio State Buckeyes

    It is kind of remarkable. Since 2000, the restaurant where my wife and I met while both waiting tables has been torn down and a hotel built there.

    A bar down the street that we used to go most often is torn down, with an apartment complex there.

    The restaurant where I proposed on NYE is torn down, with an office complex on it.
  39. poor paul

    poor paul Well-Known Member
    Wrexham AFC

    the average lifespan of a restaurant is like 8 years.
  40. herb.burdette

    herb.burdette Meet me at the corner of 8th and Worthington
    Ohio State Buckeyes

    I’m talking whole city blocks demolished though, in three different spots. It makes me old.
    JBF76, dump, poor paul and 1 other person like this.
  41. ohbluefan

    ohbluefan Well-Known Member
    Michigan WolverinesCincinnati RedsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksSan Diego Padres

    The “gotcha” after everything said is starting to annoy me
  42. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    JBF76, Craig Pettis, ARCO and 11 others like this.
  43. infected donkey

    infected donkey Arkansas Razorbacks
    Arkansas RazorbacksChicago CubsAvengersBarAndGrillSoutheastern Conference

    A week after your 39th birthday you're told you have to have a stent put in because you have 70% blockage on your LAD. Family has a history of major heart attacks in early 40's so I think I just prevented being another statistic.
  44. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNew Orleans PelicansDallas CowboysBirmingham Legion

    Last night I was walking to the bathroom and my dog had his big ass rope hidden under his doggy cover.

    I stepped on that bitch and twisted the fuck out of my ankle.

    I have grass to mow today!!
    ARCO, devine and bigred77 like this.
  45. Ralph

    Ralph Well-Known Member

    Someone asked me last night at a gathering if I'd ever used a dating app, and realized I stopped dating a fucking quarter of a century ago (1999, when I met the wife).
    Also had 3 mixed drinks and a beer like an asshole, as if it was still 1999 and that wouldn't torpedo my entire Sunday. :facepalm:
    JBF76, Clemson327, ARCO and 7 others like this.
  46. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    woke up this morning and my ankle hurts like hell and i have no idea why
    JBF76, ARCO, slogan119 and 6 others like this.
  47. Redav

    Redav mostly cows and rocks

    I remember watching my dad get up off the couch and out of bed when I was a kid and wondered why he walked like that when he first got up.
  48. notboldjustold

    notboldjustold Well-Known Member
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas City RoyalsBoston CelticsBayern MunichBig 8 Conference

    Was 42 or 3, checking into the lodge at Yellowstone when the college age desk clerk asked me if I wanted to claim any discounts like AARP.
    JBF76, Clemson327, NP13 and 10 others like this.
  49. Whammy Business

    Whammy Business Well-Known Member

    Turned 40 in April. Had any number of people ask me if I felt 40. I’ve felt 40 for 10 years.
  50. London Humphreys

    London Humphreys The next Julian Edelman, obviously.
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedLiverpoolFormula 1

    You have the Gout. Ts and Ps.