This takes me right back to facing two blunts with my buddy and us spending $12 each, which back then got you half the menu. Usually we’d drive thru, but sometimes we’d get daring and sit inside with eyes redder than Lincoln on a Saturday home game.
The fact is rarely do people eat at fast food restaurants anymore. I think Pizza Hut realized this and shifted faster than others. Pizza Hut used to have a salad bar, pizza bar, an arcade game. Wendy’s also had a salad bar with a baked potato bar and a green room.
Add Dairy Queen to that list. Use to go as a team after every baseball game. First place I ever played Mortal Kombat back in 92.
I wish KFC buffets were still a thing, they had one here hold out until like 2015 before it took it away
There is one by my in-law's house. At least I think there is. The sign still says Buffet, but it's also ancient.
LMAO - this uncovered a memory of a time when my mom took us kids to visit the grandparents for the weekend and my dad was home alone; I forgot that there were some Nintendo rentals in the basement, so my mom had to call him and remind him to return them. The entire thing was a huge debacle, but I remember having to get on the phone at my grandparent's house to 1) explain to him the names of each game, what the decal on the cartridge looked like, him relaying back to me what he was looking at to confirm if it was the right game, how to get a game out of the Nintendo, and 2) assure him they didn't need to be rewound or anything else that might result in additional charges. It all seemed so simple in my mind, so I didn't understand why he was so mad. Looking back on it and realizing that I'm now roughly the same age he was at the time, and how excited I get at the concept of being home alone, and how even the smallest of errands seem like a total burden.
Rental place near my house counted the day of the rental as a day and it was a two day rental max so if my mom took me on Friday after school the game was due back on Saturday night. I have finished so many games because of that.
They were closed on Sunday here, so Saturday was the day to rent a game. Two whole days with your Nintendo tape! Still never beat Battletoads
That's the third level but yeah. (First it's the planet surface, then you're going down that mine shaft, then Turbo Tunnel). And you have to jump to hit that one ramp. But it just gets harder from there. There's more motorcycle levels later on
Little League team did extra batting practice on Fridays at some batting cage with pitching machines, wanna say I heard that song multiple times on the way home/there so I think of that. I'm sure it's been posted but fuck it love an old NCAA intro
I had a computer class that we figured out how to automatically skip all the typing programs and it said you got a 100 on it. We would fuck up a few items early to drop the score to mid 90s. Then loaded Unreal Tournament on every computer and played that for the rest of the class. Those were the days.
One Mediocre IT Employee vs. Hundreds of Motivated Children was really the battle of the decade in the late 90s - 2000s.
God damn, computer/typing class in High School in the early 2000s were such a free-for-all. It was generally trivial to bypass the school's firewall by changing the proxy settings in IE.
Do not know how the teacher (RIP, fuck cancer) never caught my friend, but he would a few times a week just open Word, put the font up to 120pt and print a single letter a dozen times. The teacher would just stand over the printer and sigh "not again..."
Just missed those days, I think my last keyboarding class was 1999. We learned how to make business letters and memos. [enclosure] tc
I liked the orange keyboard covers. They just had a nice texture and were a weird kind of satisfying to put on the keys.
My favorite was a football coach that taught some sort of health class. All he did was show videos. This was when the watches came out that you could use to control TVs. We programmed my friend's watch to the TV and every time he would put it on the channel for the VCR we changed the channel up or down. He would lose his fucking mind every time.
My football coach taught history and we watched a knights tale a few times per year for no reason at all. That and we had some other movie I’ve forgotten, but I remember he taped it off of local tv during a blizzard and it had the weather warning overlays from like 5 years prior. It was the best. Rural school, grad class of 60 for reference
I was in 9th grade in 2002. Our county tried a "pilot program" where they gave every student in 9th grade at our school laptops. That program probably singlehandedly lowered my high school GPA about half a point. None of the teachers knew how to actually use the laptops to instruct, so we just chatted on AIM and played Medal of Honor on them in class. There was one recent college grad IT guy and every time he'd block something, one kid would figure out a way around it and it would spread to the rest of the school. Not only that, obviously plenty of 14 year old public school kids are nowhere near responsible enough to be trusted with a laptop they didn't own. So many viruses and physically broken computers. It was a pretty huge disaster. I learned almost nothing about Earth Science or World History that year but still feel like I know more about computers than most of my friends without computer science or similar degrees.
The first time I saw the internet was in the school library in middle school. The librarian demonstrated it to us. I didn't understand what it was for. I remember her showing Yahoo and we just made fun of how she said it because she was Asian
This reminds me - before we moved to the farm after 7th grade I went to city schools, which had a few hundred per grade. 6, 7, and 8th grade at my middle school were each divided into two ‘teams’ which were basically sets of teachers and wings of the building, and such. Anyway 7th grade had Alpha and Beta and looking back that’s pretty funny.