Cant they get sponsors? I’m sure local supermarkets or sandwich shops would support the team. Obviously it would make more sense for the billionaire owner to set aside 100k annually to properly feed his future players...
I had zero interest in attending the first one but for some reason kinda want to witness this inevitable disaster in person.
Not on the same scale as Fyre, but situation brewing for another class action suit against a festival organizer. tickets were only $175 each for a weekend. Pretty sure they already had one in Nashville earlier this summer so the whole thing is bizarre
You would leave within like 5 minutes - you'd last longer at the Juggalo festival. Honestly you'd probably get so upset with how it was being operated you'd end up a damn manager there
I've seen a similar sentiment where Wall Street money manager that have lost billions of dollars are very easily able to land on their feet. A couple of the sentiments being: well they must have been successful leading up to blowing up, getting to a position where you are given that much rope to hang yourself is impressive, they just got unlucky and may have been able to dig their way out of trouble, having been burned that bad they will be more careful next time and are less likely to blow up again In a similar way, Billy could be the most qualified to pull off a festival like this in that you will get thousands wanting to go for the novelty alone. Like his very public failure that millions of people laughed at could now be a valuable asset.
The ability to buy a verification badge was a huge mistake. Lots of mistakes by selling Twitter to Elon. but that’s not the subject here, sorry, carry on!
The funniest possible outcome would be of Fyre Fest 2 was another scam and Billy McFarland went right back to prison