Barstool Thread 2.0

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by wes tegg, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Iowa Trent made himself useful, I lol'd

  2. Kirk Fogg

    Kirk Fogg "Tell them what they've won Olmec!"
    Donor TMB OG

  3. Quick

    Quick We ain't no puppies
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersLiverpool

    Am I the only one that likes Pres rap way more than KFC? I mean it sounds terrible but it's hilarious.
  4. colonel_forbin

    colonel_forbin Well-Known Member

    I don't really follow Barstool much, and I have no idea who Caleb Pressly is, but this video was pretty cool up until they showed him. I liked the song.
  5. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

  6. PhupaPhever

    PhupaPhever Well-Known Member
    TennisNew Orleans SaintsTulane Green WaveNew Orleans Pelicans

    Does anyone know where the vine is of pres eating a turkey leg while rolling on the ground and throwing money in the air?
    wes tegg likes this.
  7. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League


    @KFCBarstool: Well this is the cutest picture you will ever see in your entire life. Brother and sister getting along just fine.
  8. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    saw that on Twitter and it was the cutest pic i have ever seen
    teel likes this.
  9. IrishLAX2

    IrishLAX2 So you’re telling me there’s a chance
    Donor TMB OG
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    Comments to that photo were fantastic.

    Everyone gonna print it out and throw it in their wallet.
    teel likes this.
  10. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Go Pres Go! Chernin!

    @barstoolsports: Barstool Sports Emergency Press Conference - New York, New York
    devine, Señor Cockblock and wes tegg like this.
  11. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Lost hard at pres calling Peter Chernin the big swinging dick at the cracker factory
    wes tegg and Corky Bucek like this.
  12. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    big cat already has gotten numerous texts about bookies in nyc

    he's the winter's biggest free agent
  13. allothersnsused

    allothersnsused Wow that’s crazy
    Virginia CavaliersAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksWashington CommandersChelsea

    I'm going to miss seeing Pres' pathetic basement on the rundown. It was always a nice reminder that as much as he talks shit on twitter he's actually just a weirdo piece of shit. Now he's a millionaire with cool office space.

    Big Cat leaving Chicago makes me legitimately sad, and I'm not even from Chicago. Just feels wrong.
    PhupaPhever and wes tegg like this.
  14. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    he leaves as soon as the Cubs get good haha

    said the reason he was being extra mopey on rundowns after the nlcs sweep was bc he knew this was happening and it'd be the last time living in chicago :tebow:
  15. Corky Bucek

    Corky Bucek Placeholder for a Custom Title
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    Curious to see how much money Pres made off of whatever amount he sold.
  16. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    @darrenrovell: @BarstoolBigCat Dinner on me next month. We'll Periscope the whole meal.
  17. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    The deal was between $10-15 million lawddddd
    wes tegg likes this.
  18. dvnasty

    dvnasty donuts make me go nuts

    wow, that's bananas - where was that number posted?
  19. IrishLAX2

    IrishLAX2 So you’re telling me there’s a chance
    Donor TMB OG
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishNew York YankeesNew York GiantsNew York RangersLiverpool

    I was actually expecting more. Though they only bought majority share.
  20. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Pres said he felt it was worth more and could have gotten more but liked the fit with Chernin

    Saw it on Twitter, he was apparently answering questions on periscope
    dvnasty likes this.
  21. Quick

    Quick We ain't no puppies
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersLiverpool

    It will be better having them all in 1 location. Their videos when they are all together are my favorite.
    Baron, wes tegg and Tobias like this.
  22. Corky Bucek

    Corky Bucek Placeholder for a Custom Title
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    They need to bring Jared Lorenzen in for the first Rundown at their new office/studio.
    Baron, Señor Cockblock and wes tegg like this.
  23. dvnasty

    dvnasty donuts make me go nuts

    had this odd reaction where I was happy for them the same way I would be a friend who made it big...good for them, my other fave on the web aside from TMB
    devine, Iron Mickey, wes tegg and 2 others like this.
  24. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Big cat looking trim btw

  25. fattmante

    fattmante Well-Known Member

    I enjoy Big Cat and KFC. Can't fucking stand Pres. He's just not funny or creative. But good for them getting paid.
  26. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    pres is hysterical bc of how idiotic and delusional he is. if you take him seriously you'll hate him. he's playing a character
  27. PhupaPhever

    PhupaPhever Well-Known Member
    TennisNew Orleans SaintsTulane Green WaveNew Orleans Pelicans

    Don't know what to think? Pres delivered papers about barstool and now he's not a majority share holder, but it must have been hard decidion b/c he built the name ground up? I hope their contract is solid and barstool can make decision without second approval. I guess I support this and big cat has high sugar/diabetes.
    wes tegg likes this.
  28. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
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    He's the most creative of them. His whole schtick made the brand.
  29. PhupaPhever

    PhupaPhever Well-Known Member
    TennisNew Orleans SaintsTulane Green WaveNew Orleans Pelicans

    Big cat is really letting himself go.
    wes tegg likes this.
  30. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    if you don't like him fine. but the site being ran by a "delusional moron" as he portrays is why the whole thing works. he never breaks character and just constantly pushes kfc and big cat over the edge.

    it's hilarious. his insistence on the 6/12/18/24 challenge was amazing.
    devine, Thoros of Beer, GGCD and 4 others like this.
  31. mb711

    mb711 West Coast Barner
    Auburn TigersGolden State WarriorsSan Francisco 49'ersSan Jose Sharks

    And he buys into his schtick often so it makes even funnier/crazier. He can be too over the top at times and can make you hate him at times, but that's what makes him great.
    Corky Bucek and wes tegg like this.
  32. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    yeah he pushes it so over the top sometimes that even the guys in on the schtick aren't sure about it

    like the 6/12/18/24 challenge. big cat said something like "dave i loved the content you brought to the site yesterday but i need you to admit that you weren't actually doing it. for my own sanity i need to you to say you honestly didn't think you were doing it" :laugh:
  33. Andy Reocho

    Andy Reocho Please don't get lost in the sauce
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    The video of Big Cat, in full Blackhawk uniform, taking a bite of his hotdog as Tampa scored the OT winner, will always make me laugh
  34. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    I've been a pretty big stoolie since Chicago debuted, but at times I step back and realize how appalling it might be to people who don't get it.
  35. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    This will never not be funny

    mb711 likes this.
  36. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    The best part is that Renee has to be the one filming those unless he brings an employee with them on vacation.
  37. Andy Reocho

    Andy Reocho Please don't get lost in the sauce
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    Kansas JayhawksKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsNewcastle UnitedBig 8 ConferenceFormula 1

    I occasionally glance at the site, but I really only follow Big Cat on twitter, and he's hilaroius
  38. Señor Cockblock

    Señor Cockblock Eastside to the westside
    South Carolina GamecocksManchester UnitedEngland

    They should put a camera in Big Cat at all times. He's going to be the breakout star of this move.
  39. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    pres after the super bowl last year and the complete contempt and hatred kfc and big cat had for him was phenomenal
  40. mb711

    mb711 West Coast Barner
    Auburn TigersGolden State WarriorsSan Francisco 49'ersSan Jose Sharks

    He said today that once he gets to NYC, that he's going to do a pizza review a day until he eats at every pizzeria in town :roll:
  41. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    kslim and wes tegg like this.
  42. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill


    kfc wants to keep a straight face but it's just too absurd
    wes tegg and Señor Cockblock like this.
  43. PhupaPhever

    PhupaPhever Well-Known Member
    TennisNew Orleans SaintsTulane Green WaveNew Orleans Pelicans

    I thought he would have left barstool by now.
  44. Señor Cockblock

    Señor Cockblock Eastside to the westside
    South Carolina GamecocksManchester UnitedEngland

    Sounds like he was taken care of in the deal, from what Pres mentioned during one of the videos. Hopefully it works out extremely well for him, because he's hilarious.
    devine and wes tegg like this.
  45. Quick

    Quick We ain't no puppies
    Florida State SeminolesAtlanta BravesTampa Bay BuccaneersLiverpool

    Pres hinted that he and kfc have equity in barstool.
    Señor Cockblock and wes tegg like this.
  46. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    someone asked big cat about it on Twitter and he said "if it was no he would have said no" so they definitely do
  47. mb711

    mb711 West Coast Barner
    Auburn TigersGolden State WarriorsSan Francisco 49'ersSan Jose Sharks

    pres being pres
    don't know how to embed tweets

    Attached Files:

    #98 mb711, Jan 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
    Corky Bucek likes this.
  48. teel

    teel Schiano Man
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York MetsNew York GiantsNew Jersey DevilsNational League

    Corky Bucek and wes tegg like this.