Coffee snobs

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by High Cotton, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    I mainly drink it for the morning dumps

    but I like a good cup of Joe

    I also have a Keurig. I've had Panera, Newman's, Caribou, Aldi's and SF Bay cups... all pretty good.

    Is there one I should definitely try?

    also, http:// [​IMG]
  2. yesman

    yesman Well-Known Member
    Penn State Nittany LionsLeeds United

    You should probably make your own with fresh beans, a decent grinder, and a $30 Aeropress.
  3. Baron

    Baron Well-Known Member
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    Panera coffee sucks IYAM.
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  4. OopsPowSurprise

    OopsPowSurprise Owed one ass kicking from poweshow
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    Keurig's are crappy

    A French press is all you need
  5. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
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    Drinking a red eye to power through this driving.
    Kirk Fogg likes this.
  6. Merica

    Merica Devine pls stop pointing out my demise. :(
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  7. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    ya, just poo poo all over my Keurig
  8. * J Y *

    * J Y * TEXAS
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    Keurig's have their place, but only if you're in a hurry.
    BayouMafia, cal and Merica like this.
  9. BuckeyeRiot

    BuckeyeRiot Team Nicki
    Ohio State BuckeyesBoston Red SoxPhiladelphia EaglesKent State Golden FlashesCleveland Cavaliers

    cat shit coffee beans.
  10. Kirk Fogg

    Kirk Fogg "Tell them what they've won Olmec!"
    Donor TMB OG

    I have one of those blue bottle drip coffee things. I love it. Really simple, and really easy to get cunty about the beans I buy.
    Heesu likes this.
  11. 19B

    19B Did your parents have any children that lived?

    I have a Keurig that I've used for the past 2.5 years, running mostly bulk K-cups I could find at Costco thru it (Kirkland Pacific Bold is the best, also Starbucks, Caribou, and a handful of others). A couple months ago, the bad press surrounding the pollution from K-cups started piling up enough to actually get to me, with shit popping up on Facebook almost daily. I started researching refillables, grabbed a few Solofill K3s and a Capresso burr grinder, and haven't looked back. Turns out, you can brew a pretty damn good cup of coffee with a Keurig when you grind your own beans. Not to mention, it's about half the price of K-cups, maybe a little less (around $.25/cup, as opposed to $.45 and up for K-cups).

    Solofill K3, this is the one with the gold-plated screen, so maybe $15 on Amazon:


    Capresso burr grinder, $100 on Amazon:


    Looking at getting a French press, just to see how much better it may actually be.
  12. * J Y *

    * J Y * TEXAS
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    Do people like the aeropress more than the chemex and french press?
  13. RU-Omega Potato

    RU-Omega Potato We play 'til the gun you crotchety old bitch.
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  14. RU-Omega Potato

    RU-Omega Potato We play 'til the gun you crotchety old bitch.
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsNew York YankeesDallas Cowboys

    When not in a rush in the evening I prefer my Chemex and different whole beans I can get at Whole Foods.

    If Ruta Maya has been in my local Costco they are also good.

    HOOSINSC You're with me leather

    Kuereg is bad. I've tried some reusable cups and never get a good cup from them. Idk
    Iron Mickey likes this.
  16. OopsPowSurprise

    OopsPowSurprise Owed one ass kicking from poweshow
    Florida GatorsMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersMiami Marlins

    My biggest beef with keurigs is how wasteful they are with plastic
    Clown Baby and Iron Mickey like this.
  17. 3NolesFan3

    3NolesFan3 There's no cure for being a cunt
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    Some guy had a new Kcup on Shark Tank that apparently doesn't just push the water directly through the cup. All the people said they could tell a huge difference in the taste of the same coffee with it but I've yet to see it in stores.
  18. 3NolesFan3

    3NolesFan3 There's no cure for being a cunt
    Donor TMB OG

    CEO said he regrets ever coming up with it.
  19. BrickTamland

    BrickTamland You're not Ron...
    Florida State Seminoles

    Chemex is my daily maker. Aeropress filled coffee duties wile camping this past weekend. I just prefer the Chemex.
    Heesu and * J Y * like this.
  20. yesman

    yesman Well-Known Member
    Penn State Nittany LionsLeeds United

    You can make great coffee with all three, so its personal preference. I like aeropress because its the most versatile. I can make a shot of espresso, cup of americano (normal coffee), a latte or cappuccino all with the same simple device. It's also easy to clean and is made by the guy that invented the aerobie frisbee so its got that going for it.
    pratyk and * J Y * like this.

    HOOSINSC You're with me leather

    There are also some paper filters that are out there. I've never found them
  22. OopsPowSurprise

    OopsPowSurprise Owed one ass kicking from poweshow
    Florida GatorsMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersMiami Marlins

    if it was biodegradable then it'd be pretty ideal but idk if that's come out yet

    but a hard plastic that's non-recyclable is pretty goddamn reckless
  23. pratyk

    pratyk Arsenal FC, Rutgers Scarlet Knights
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArsenal

    I prefer Aeropress, esp. for iced coffee (Brew hot, low volume and press over ice cubes to dilute it)
    On a side note: Anyone use coffee subscription services? I've been using Counter Culture beans for the last few months with my Aeropress but I may try out some other roasters in the near future.
  24. BrickTamland

    BrickTamland You're not Ron...
    Florida State Seminoles

    I should add that my aversion to Aeropress is tied to my dislike for gadgets. There's a beautiful simplicity to Chemex, probably why it's in the MOMA.

    Iron Mickey likes this.
  25. * J Y *

    * J Y * TEXAS
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    yea plus you kind of feel like a barista walter white
  26. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I prefer my clever dripper too the aeropress. That's my daily driver.
  27. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    I've tried klatch, counter culture, and novo. The first two were through gocoffeego and very convenient. I did novo direct, because they have a program where you get 3 different small bags per month vs 1 large.

    Klatch has probably been my favorite for regular, and counter culture for decaf.
  28. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    yes, the pollution bothers me as well. Is this a viable solution? can I just put ground coffee in a reusable cup and brew it?
    #578 bro, May 27, 2015
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  29. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    Bump for bro
    bro likes this.
  30. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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  31. Bert Handsome

    Bert Handsome I'm sorry, the card says Moops
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    I was a participant of the Coffee Snob thread and use pour over myself, but if you are going to use K cups you should use the ones with the netting bottom instead of the plastic cups. Less plastic waste and the plastic K cups runs the risk of cancer just like they say when microwaving plastic.

    cal likes this.
  32. Iron Mickey

    Iron Mickey a guy who posted here like five years ago hates me
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    which is nice
    TaylorFartinez likes this.
  33. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    those will be 100% in the fall... I find some that are currently 97%
  34. AIP

    AIP Team bush
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  35. 19B

    19B Did your parents have any children that lived?

    Yep, it's not as simple as throwing a K-cup in the maker, but it's not difficult either. I did the research on the refillable cups, and there are a hundred varieties/brands out there. The Solofill K3 appears to be just about the most expensive, but it works like a champ, so I wouldn't cut that corner, personally--spend the $13-15. And if you're going to take the plunge, spend the extra $ on a decent burr grinder. Blade grinders are shit, relatively speaking...nothing close to a consistent grind, and you end up with powder and chunks of bean in the same cycle. The low-end burr grinders like the one I have are $80-100, and worth every penny. And seriously, the difference in how much better the cup of coffee from fresh beans is over what I thought was "fresh" in the 20-30 different varieties of K-cups I've's phenomenal. I used to put half and half in coffee, more out of habit, and now my coffee is so good I don't want to mask it with anything. I'm suddenly gravitating towards the darkest roast, oiliest beans I can find (the African stuff, Kenyan, Rwandan, etc., have all been great)--kind of like discovering hops in beer 10 years ago. It's also why I'm looking at other systems--I'm trying to figure out just how good a cup of coffee can actually get.
    bro likes this.
  36. Duck70

    Duck70 Let's just do it and be legends, man
    Oregon Ducks

    I have that grinder, its awesome. Makes a smooth cup of Aeropress coffee
  37. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    canadians, for some reason, will be the first to come out with 100% biodegradable K cups, this fall
  38. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    but if I am gonna spend a lot of money on some nice grinder, should I really still be using a Keurig?
  39. 19B

    19B Did your parents have any children that lived?


    I already have it, and it works until you get something else. But, obviously, that's your decision.
  40. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    was just asking, dunno how you feel about the quality you get out of the keurig with your own grind
  41. 19B

    19B Did your parents have any children that lived?

    At this juncture, my only two points of home-brewing reference are Keurig with a prepackaged K-cup, and Keurig with a refillable cup. Between those two, the refillable cup with fresh grind is immeasurably better. It's the difference between gas station coffee and, say, Starbucks.
  42. scarlet_tacos

    scarlet_tacos Well-Known Member
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    Can you walk me through the chemex process a little bit? What is your bean/water ratio?
  43. * J Y *

    * J Y * TEXAS
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    Keep the Keurig for convenience and get a chemex for quality.
  44. cal

    cal BOATS
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    been doing this for a while

    like posted above keurigs are nice for making that fast cup
  45. BrickTamland

    BrickTamland You're not Ron...
    Florida State Seminoles

    Tough to really say at this point because it's like a consciousness, man.

    I have the 8c Chemex, fill it two-thirds with water then pour that into a pot on the stovetop. Place filter in Chemex into which I place four heaping coffee scoops of the snootiest dark roast I can find.

    Once the water is boiling, I remove it from the heat for roughly a minute, pour some over the grinds just enough to moisten them (Chemex is big on this, called the "bloom.") Obvioulsly this is also the part where you bend down to sniff this caffeinated concoction of the Gods you're about to unleash.

    Then you just pour the rest of the water over the wet grinds and let sit. If you have a ceramic, flat cooktop or a gas range, you can place the Chemex directly over low heat to maintain temperature. You'll need their metal grate if you have electric coils on your stovetop though.

    Happy caffeinating.
  46. The_Baumer

    The_Baumer Go Mordecai!

    The neighbors invited us over for drinks. I walked in and saw he had a Marzocco GS3 and could not contain my excitement. Walking home, my wife just said "No", anticipating my question whether one day we could have one.
    BrickTamland likes this.
  47. roonskie

    roonskie Getting older every day
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    I feel like this thread may be in line with my interests.
  48. The B1G Kucktis

    The B1G Kucktis 2 years, VARSITY!!
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    My wife recently bought me a Toddy Cold Brew Coffee Maker and I've been using as it's started to warm up.

    Super easy to use and the cold brew concentrate lasts about 10 days. I normally make a cup with my aero press in the morning, so this is a nice change of pace when I'm feeling lazy in the morning. Also, if you're not interested in the Toddy the video below is a good reference for making cold brew in a French Press (Todd is a maniac and La Colombe is awesome if you're ever in Philly).

    Fancy likes this.
  49. roonskie

    roonskie Getting older every day
    Kansas State WildcatsKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsLiverpool

    I've had the Toddy system for a couple years. I really like it in the summer. I usually mix the cold brew with milk though.
  50. 3NolesFan3

    3NolesFan3 There's no cure for being a cunt
    Donor TMB OG

    He said they have a get well date of 2020 to make it biodegradable/fully recyclable.