I watched that for 2 mins and noticed people are giving him money by subbing and shit guy makes 40 mil per year not counting sponsorships
I like that pirate software guy bc his voice is like audible chocolate and he dumbs down programming talk to a 3rd grade level so I understand it
Doc is definitely going all in on the grift. My guess is he goes to kick cause they don’t care. They keep sending Nick to these exotic places, I assume so he can do his gambling streams. Nick has also fully embraced MAGA, and now has a MAGA hat on his desk clearly visible in his background. was a bit disappointed he turned out to be a chud, cause he was hilarious when playing with Tim.
I watch way more twitch than actual tv. For Elden Ring: The Happy Hob, Gino, Distortio2, Elajjaz, Mitch, and several others. For ESO I watch lots of small streamers bc it’s not a hugely popular game. for CS:GO I watch ESL, Flom, and any major/pro tournament For election coverage I watch Hasan. I loved watching Doc when I stumbled onto him around 2017 but stopped around 2019. For DnD I watch Crit Role although I watch that more on YouTube than I do live on Twitch. The weird shtick that people on this board have of it being okay to watch hours of obscure random football games but strange to watch Twitch is boomer af.
He's Chaldean, which is a very, very conservative ethnic group, devoutly Catholic, mainly living in Michigan. His heel turn isn't that surprising with that context
welcome to TMB where we constantly critique the hobbies/likes of others while having obscure hobbies of our own.
I don’t think anyone was really making fun of or critiquing more so saying they don’t understand it or can’t get into it themselves
Been watching Cohh for about a decade. You won’t find a much better person on the platform. His community is great and his streams are always fun.
Ya his r/ is pretty damn gross about the whole thing still. The most interesting thing will be who plays with him. Nick won't. Zlaner seemed absolutely devastated by the whole situation. I don't think Tim would risk all his sponsorships to be associated with Doc.
I think tim has the same views as nick but he’s always been smart enough not to say any of them for that bag
Rain and snow camping? You should be watching DayZ on Twitch. People running around a huge map with guns, making fires, hunting to survive, with some gun fights occasionally.. Great work background since the gun fights are periodic, rest of the time they are looking for food, water and loot (e.g., clothes, food, ammo, guns, survival gear). There are zombies (called infected), but no AI human characters. All the other players human players trying to survive at all cost, and it can be funny, creepy, dramatic, etc. based on the other players they run into (whether they team-up or fight or pass by). Smoke - Chill, immersive, with some hypochondria mixed in. TheRunningManz - Brit, middle aged, reasonably funny. Talks to his chat a lot. Ceremor - I think he's a certifiable loon from LA, but super skillful and PVP aggressive. Only game I watch on Twitch.
I like to watch as much survival related content as possible. If shit pops off at least I’ve watched some training videos
To clarify, I'm not anti streaming, I just barely have enough time to play games myself, definitely not enough to watch others. I'd just get jealous.
Gotcha. Us work from home people have been a boon for Twitch. Makes good background noise, and some of these people stream for like 10 hours so you literally never have to touch the remote other than calls/meetings. Ad free is competitive with streaming channels.
RP as in role play? I don't think of him as role play, though I may not know what exactly defines that.
Gotcha, agreed, his team-ups with the randoms is a huge part of why it's entertaining (could be a noob, could be another streamer). I like those so much more than the pre-scheduled Discord streamer team-ups. A lot of random team-ups know it's Smoke, but as long as they don't let that on, he's good with it. The variety of randos keeps it fresh. I've had the Namalsk stream that's about to drop from the archive page playing all day, incredible run ending a battle with French players at Research while they talk over radios. Crazy run, way more sweaty than normal.
Links to video not working. Every link I put in is trash. Go to his profile. Farthest on right of All Videos, episode 1398, oldest video still archived. Best run was in the last five hours or so, starts with a guy named Perez, I think. Last two hours or so deeper in map was really good.
Not a big Twitch watcher guy, though play Smite on Fridays with friends, watch the occasional Smite pro stream, watch Faide and don't even play Apex. Same with Rust on YT, I enjoy the solo content.
In my limited experience I’ve found that popular streamers who are good at these games are so jaded about everything I don’t trust their opinion on a game as it relates to a casual like me
I wouldve been a millionaire streaming zergling rushes on StarCraft brood war. Tried to play StarCraft 2 when it came out and realized I was beyond washed
That Cohh guy that I linked you is extremely genuine and gives his honest reviews on most games I’d play. He also is a huge streamer so he gets to play a TON of games early. I’m only looking for genuine opinions like his Even when he’s paid he’ll say something like this game COULD be great if they fixed x amount of things. I like that