Lawn care?

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by hudson, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Its going to be like 55-60 degrees all week here, I would imagine we still have some more normal winter left (snow/below freezing) before Spring gets here. Hoping this week doesn't throw anything off though as far as when to put down pre emergent
  2. Hail Southern

    Hail Southern GATA Eagles!
    Atlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern EaglesUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Any suggestions on the best edger?
  3. stringmusic24

    stringmusic24 Iconoclast, Aspiring Misanthrope
    Auburn Tigers

    A good string trimmer turned up on edge is the best. No need for a dedicated tool IMO. It might take a season to become decent at it, but you’ll never look back after that.
  4. ThirstyAltarBoy

    ThirstyAltarBoy Well-Known Member
    Wisconsin BadgersUCF KnightsGreen Bay PackersBorussia DortmundOrlando CityLiverpool

    This. I had been using an electric black & decker edger but recently switched to using my string trimmer. It’s much faster and does a better job. Although I beat the shit out of the strings to where I am constantly reloading it. Still working on that part.
    Irish226 likes this.
  5. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

    Completely disagree.

    I have had only a string trimmer and then at times both a string trimmer and edger.

    My yards look better when edger.

    1 caveat- When dealing with interior lines eg a flower bed with no divider, a trimmer works fine.
    Russellin4885 and AubCabs like this.
  6. Cabs

    Cabs eatin' fried okra with Oprah

    This. Using a string on a flower or pinestraw bed is fine, but need to use an actual edger on a sidewalk/street
    Russellin4885 likes this.
  7. thunderstruck

    thunderstruck I'm a Boss

    Sold my zero turn Friday. Time to start shopping for a new (to me) mower.

    Staying with a 60” deck and have picked out a couple commercial John Deere and Exmarks, and one diesel Kubota.
    bigred77 likes this.
  8. stringmusic24

    stringmusic24 Iconoclast, Aspiring Misanthrope
    Auburn Tigers

    See, that’s where I think a trimmer is at its best. The learning curve is steeper than with other lawn equipment, but once you get the skill down it’s the fastest, cheapest, and best way to edge. How often do you see landscaping crews using an edger? Save your money, take a little time to learn how to do it, and you’ll have an ability that will make taking care of your lawn easier for however long you choose to do so. Just my opinion. Carry on.
    ramszoolander and thunderstruck like this.
  9. Cabs

    Cabs eatin' fried okra with Oprah

    All 85 of our landscaping crews use edgers instead of weed eaters to edge. Edgers just make a better/cleaner edge. If It’s just for your yard then yea a weed eater is fine but you’ll get better looking results using a blade.
    stangd likes this.
  10. thunderstruck

    thunderstruck I'm a Boss

    What kind of mowers do you run and how many hours do you put on them before selling? How many hours on a mower would make you pass on purchasing?

    I mow four acres fwiw and want to stay with a commercial grade
  11. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

    I bought this for $269 and added the blower attachment for $80.

    The blower is slightly underpowered, but my needs are very much so met. I grew up using the backpack blower my dad had at the house which is roughly 50% more powerful based on published CFMs. That piece would be about $350-$400 on its own.

    I need a shopvac more than I need a full/overpowered blower.


    stangd likes this.
  12. stangd

    stangd I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch
    Florida State SeminolesOrlando MagicBuffalo BillsTampa Bay LightningOrlando City

    What model number, is it just gas or gas/oil?
  13. Det. Frank Bullitt

    Det. Frank Bullitt God Bless Texas
    Donor TMB OG
    Texas LonghornsManchester United

    standard 2 stroke (so gas + mixture)

    ECHO PAS-225 is the model for just the head/power source -

    They have a commercial grade variant that didn't make sense for me. The increased fuel capacity and slightly higher CCs didn't warrant the increased cost.

    If you see PAS225 with some letters afterwards, it just refers to a bundle with certain attachments. You can get one with head + blower + trimmer or a different bundle with head + trimmer + edger. There might be other bundles and you generally get a better price when buying the bundle.

    I bought when I was renting, now we own and I will consider some of the other attachments (pruner, maybe tiller, etc)
    stangd likes this.
  14. stangd

    stangd I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch
    Florida State SeminolesOrlando MagicBuffalo BillsTampa Bay LightningOrlando City

    Thanks, I’ll have to research it a little more... I’m looking for a gas only... hate that has/oil mix. If I can find it in a gas only I’ll buy one.
  15. Russellin4885

    Russellin4885 Well-Known Member
    North Carolina State Wolfpack

    team edger. Bought a ryobi last summer that so far has done a great job. I have a sidewalk in front of my house so it ends up being a solid amount of edging. Plus, I have zoysia which is thick and as careful as I could be at least once per mow it was going to grab that string and make it jump and scalp that area.
    bigred77 likes this.
  16. Cabs

    Cabs eatin' fried okra with Oprah

    exmark for zero turn and walk behinds. Not too sure on hours but I think it’s usually around 2500
    thunderstruck likes this.
  17. webbi

    webbi Well-Known Member
    Chicago BullsChicago BearsOld Dominion MonarchsLiverpool

    Hey guys.. My nephew bought a house and the backyard looks like crap, no grass on 80% of the yard, just dirty. what can we get to make this thing grow? He has patches that look like weeds the rest of the yard. I’ve never had to build a yard from nothing just maintained it. Any help will be appreciated.
  18. stangd

    stangd I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch
    Florida State SeminolesOrlando MagicBuffalo BillsTampa Bay LightningOrlando City

    Rip it up and sod IMO
    REGGNECK likes this.
  19. Marbles

    Marbles Trudging the road to happy destiny
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    Just cut my yard. Had to weed eat a portion of it due to how wet it is. My father in law asked me to cut his cause it’s too wet for his riding mower. Thank God though cause his yard looked like shit.
    bigred77 likes this.
  20. infected donkey

    infected donkey Arkansas Razorbacks
    Arkansas RazorbacksChicago CubsAvengersBarAndGrillSoutheastern Conference

    Just put out pre-emergent on the yard since I got back from vacation, thought I had enough time however, poana has popped up like a mofo in my backyard over the past week while I've been gone. A couple days of warm temps, cold front/dusting of snow/ and now I'm behind on putting pre-emergent out thinking I had an extra week.
  21. ThirstyAltarBoy

    ThirstyAltarBoy Well-Known Member
    Wisconsin BadgersUCF KnightsGreen Bay PackersBorussia DortmundOrlando CityLiverpool

    What do you guys use to on your lawns for bugs as a general treatment? In the past I’ve just used spectracide or ortho granules but wasn’t sure if there is something better or more effective to use.
  22. ramszoolander

    ramszoolander Guess what? Vulcan butt!
    West Virginia MountaineersBirmingham LegionUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    My $30 greenworks plug-in trimmer has a swiveling head that makes it into an edger, complete with wheel. It's pretty badass for a small yard with sidewalks if you get the right kind of string.

    The Lesco Weed & Feed has always been good for me as a general thing. Can't you use diatomaceous earth for the bugs?
  23. Louis Holth

    Louis Holth but we also just might be those motherfuckers
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesCarolina PanthersTottenham Hotspur

    I sprayed 24D last week and the weed are starting to die. When can I lay pre emergent down?
  24. Russellin4885

    Russellin4885 Well-Known Member
    North Carolina State Wolfpack

    Where do you live/what are your soil temps?
  25. LetItSoak

    LetItSoak Well-Known Member

    For sod to be installed I've seen $1-$2/sq ft based on a quick google search. Does that sound about right ?
  26. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Is it possible to put pre-emergent down too early? As in, if there are still some overnight lows of 25-30 in the forecast will that make it ineffective? It has been way warmer than normal here, I tried to use a thermometer and see how the ground measured, but I dont think my meat thermometer did a great job. Everything I find online suggests mid-40s still.

    I have just noticed I have some Lily's popping up through the ground and also my lawn is starting to green up a little in some spots, so wasnt sure if I should just throw some down now to be safe. Then come back for a 2nd application in 60-90 days for the back end of summer.
  27. Russellin4885

    Russellin4885 Well-Known Member
    North Carolina State Wolfpack

    The Hebrew Husker likes this.
  28. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    This claims 24 average 57 (because we got up to like 70+ temps yesterday), 5-day average of 49.

    I didn’t apply yet because this weeks forecast shows lows ranging from 24-30 degrees. Think I’m still OK?

    I guess I don’t know how quick the ground temps move with air temps, or if an overnight low of legs say 30 is enough to “halt” any possible germination.
  29. Russellin4885

    Russellin4885 Well-Known Member
    North Carolina State Wolfpack

    Technically speaking it's better to be too early than too late. A good general rule of thumb is to put it out after Forsythia's start to bloom, they reach full bloom around 55 degree soil temps which is when crabgrass seed and other summer weeds will start to germinate.
    The Hebrew Husker likes this.
  30. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Sounds good, I’ll keep an eye out and see how the cooler temps effect soil. My plan was apply now then in 2 months just to make sure, so maybe I’ll just time it with the next rain to be safe.
  31. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    70+ yesterday, now it’s been raining all day and has been freezing rain for the last hour. Seems like the warm temps + rain has caused my lawn to start to green up though. Overnight lows in 20s so we’ll see what happens.
    bigred77 likes this.
  32. dahldennsull

    dahldennsull Living in the best state
    Oklahoma City ThunderCleveland BrownsOklahoma SoonersHouston Oilers

    How often do y’all aerate? Did it last fall and they were bringing a guy out today without even asked me.

    in a perfect world with endless funds I would do it as often as a golf course, but damn I’m not draining $100 every time you guys feel like it. A phone call asking if I wanted it would have been nice.
    The Hebrew Husker and bigred77 like this.
  33. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
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    I have my own aerator and I usually do it once a year
    How often do golf courses do it?
  34. Gritty Badger

    Gritty Badger Well-Known Member
    Philadelphia PhilliesPhiladelphia Eagles

    I'm actually jealous, I can't even find a service that will do it in my area, they all want to do the liquid version only.
  35. The Hebrew Husker

    Nebraska CornhuskersSeattle MarinersColorado AvalanceWWENebraska Cornhuskers alt

    My plan is fall right before I overseed. I’m in the same boat, rather just pay once a year and hope for the best.

    I did see you can rent one from home depot for a pretty fair price, so my friend and I may split it this fall and just try it ourselves.
  36. Long Ball Larry

    Alabama Crimson TideMiami Dolphins

    There's a dad package arriving this week. Brush killer, 2,4D Amine, Surfactant, Lazer blue dye, and some 13-1-2 fertilizer I've read good reviews on.

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  37. Cabs

    Cabs eatin' fried okra with Oprah

    late spring to early summer. after the first round of turf fert. its going to look like absolute shit if you aerate while the turf is still dormant
    dahldennsull likes this.
  38. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
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    I thought one of the big advantages is to get the fertilizer deep down in
  39. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace


    Spent the weekend social distancing and working on the lawn. Loving it.
  40. Walter Melon

    Walter Melon I watch you sleep.
    Chicago White SoxChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksKansas State WildcatsMontreal Impact

  41. Baron

    Baron Well-Known Member
    Cincinnati BearcatsCincinnati RedsCincinnati BengalsTennisTiger WoodsFC Cincinnati

    Do any of you guys have a bagged mulch you like? I normally just fill up my truck bed with it from the local landscape place, but sometimes the bags are easier, but quality is usually inferior to the bulk mulch. Scotts from HD fades really quick IMO.
    thunderstruck and REGGNECK like this.
  42. Cabs

    Cabs eatin' fried okra with Oprah

    We use Evergreen mini pine nugget bags for flower beds
    Baron likes this.
  43. thunderstruck

    thunderstruck I'm a Boss


    My in-laws also own a garden center so that helps. But they mix their own mulch with the waste produced by local cotton gins. So it’s mulch and nutrients.
    Baron likes this.
  44. thunderstruck

    thunderstruck I'm a Boss

    F413B7D9-DA00-488A-9458-9726DE08D629.jpeg Finally got a new to me mower. Compared to my old one this thing is fast as shit.

    60” deck
  45. xec

    xec Well-Known Member
    Florida State SeminolesUtah UtesReal Salt LakePorto

    When that child becomes a teenager you’ll show this pic and say, “I remember when you tried to help around the place”.
  46. BleedinGreen

    BleedinGreen Detroit, Michigan State, and Celery
    Detroit PistonsDetroit LionsMichigan State SpartansChelseaDetroit Red Wings

    About 18 months into a hydroseeded lawn and looks like I probably kept it too long during the winter. First day over 60 here (MI) this spring, any issue with cutting at the highest setting to get stuff under control?
  47. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    I'm no expert, but it probably depends on grass type
  48. LSU90

    LSU90 Well-Known Member

    Are yall team pine needle or bark mulch for beds?
  49. stringmusic24

    stringmusic24 Iconoclast, Aspiring Misanthrope
    Auburn Tigers

    It’s borderline sacrilegious here in the south, but I’m firmly on team mulch - pine bark mini nuggets to be exact. I moved into a new house about 9 months ago and I’m currently stripping all the pine straw and replacing with mulch. The initial cost is higher, but mulch looks better for longer IMO. Plus, you can make the mulch look good as new by adding a thin layer over top.
  50. Baseballman86

    Baseballman86 Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Any recommendations for a quality string trimmer? I got a TroyBilt about 3-4 years ago and it seems about done now, so I’m ready to invest in one that’ll last. Is Stihl the way to go?