Mass shooting thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by dtx, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Can’t imagine why he wasn’t invited. Seems like a level headed dude.
    Prospector and Beeds07 like this.
  2. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

  3. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

    Apparently this was unrelated. What a dumb fucking country.

  4. Can I Spliff it

    Can I Spliff it Is Butterbean okay?


    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    blind dog likes this.
  6. blind dog

    blind dog wps
    Arkansas RazorbacksGreen Bay PackersWu-tangCoors Light

    oldberg, ashy larry and DUCKMOUTH like this.
  7. ashy larry

    ashy larry the egg bar is coveted as fuck
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesWu-tang

  8. racer

    racer Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks.
    Iowa HawkeyesKansas City ChiefsLas Vegas Golden KnightsOlympicsFormula 1

    Can’t wait for that exact weapon to be used in a mass shooting inside that venue.
  9. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
    Staff Donor
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew Orleans SaintsTiger WoodsBarAndGrill

    Our youth baseball program in my town does it every year and I fucking hate it. It’s the only sport I won’t get involved with because of all the idiots that make decisions like that
    blind dog likes this.
  10. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    Maybe this shouldn't be something to hope for
    IHHH likes this.
  11. Prospector

    Prospector I am not a new member
    Utah UtesArkansas Razorbacks

    school is getting ready to start
  12. racer

    racer Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks.
    Iowa HawkeyesKansas City ChiefsLas Vegas Golden KnightsOlympicsFormula 1

    My kid started kindergarten today, and his elementary school included this in their first day pics on social media
    THEBLUERAIDER, VaxRule and Biship like this.
  13. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  14. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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  15. timo

    timo g'day, mate
    Penn State Nittany LionsPittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh PenguinsTottenham HotspurPittsburgh Pirates

    Like a 90% chance that guy has an SS skull or other fascist equivalent tatt on his shoulder or something
  16. bigred77

    bigred77 Well-Known Member
    Texas Tech Red RaidersTexas RangersSan Antonio SpursDallas CowboysKansas City ChiefsAustin FCTexas Tech Red Raiders alt

    Nice buick enclave
  17. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Do schools have a watch list?
    40wwttamgib likes this.
  18. El Tiburon

    El Tiburon Well-Known Member
    Florida Gators

    In Florida they do, but only for books.
  19. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    Just brought Timos post here from the election thread because I thought he made a great point there and worthy of discussion without derailing the other thread.

    I've long believed we need to just totally release these crime scene photos if the family of each victim gives permission. I don't think people will ever really understand how awful this stuff is until they're forced to lay eyes on the carnage.
    #5821 DrTomOsbourne, Aug 27, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  20. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    shawnoc likes this.
  21. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer TeamSneakers

    4 dead in a shooting on a Chicago subway.

    Daniel Ocean likes this.
  22. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Daniel Ocean likes this.
  23. Sanjuro

    Sanjuro I’m going to eat you one day, Eli.
    Georgia BulldogsSt. Louis CardinalsAtlanta HawksArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesWWE

  24. Bishop

    Bishop Future Member
    Auburn TigersBoston Red SoxAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGrateful DeadSneakers

    My son’s elementary school has been on lockdown for a few hours bc of this. Fun.
  25. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    MSNBC says suspect in custody. At least 2 dead, 4 injured.
  26. Gaknight

    Gaknight Well-Known Member
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    Football coach is rumored dead
    BudKilmer likes this.
  27. Bishop

    Bishop Future Member
    Auburn TigersBoston Red SoxAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGrateful DeadSneakers

    Casualties being reported. that is it. Rumors of Football Coach has been going around but that rumor of Football coach is also saying that this was supposed to be multiple schools.
  28. Fuck this

    Fuck this Oh Hey
    Donor TMB OG
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  29. El Tiburon

    El Tiburon Well-Known Member
    Florida Gators

    Thoughts and prayers!!!!!!
  30. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    The fuckface that represents that district predictably had a bunch of campaign ads shooting AR15s. Gun dick suckers don’t deserve oxygen
  31. Lt. Pete Mitchell

    Lt. Pete Mitchell Back2Back Natty Champs
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta Falcons

    Don’t worry, our worthless brain dead Governor already sent the tweet out with this
  32. Connor Norman

    Connor Norman Cool ass dog and 5 star recruit
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta United

    Suspect in custody? Confirmed white guy.
    Biship, oldberg, Owsley and 7 others like this.
  33. pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ

    pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ Mind your own damn business
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArizona WildcatsTexas AandM Aggies altTennessee Volunteers

    Did Whammy finally fuck off? Can't seem to tag him, which is a real shame
  34. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    oldberg, 40wwttamgib and Deep dirt like this.
  35. Henry Blake

    Henry Blake No Springsteen is leaving this house!

    Trash country
    40wwttamgib and Deep dirt like this.
  36. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

  37. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Welcome back to school.
    beerleagueman, CaneKnight and Shinzon like this.
  38. NilesIrish

    NilesIrish Not a master fisher but I know bait when I see it
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    SD_Irish likes this.
  39. Connor Norman

    Connor Norman Cool ass dog and 5 star recruit
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta United

    Every politician that supports the NRA and votes against gun laws should receive 100 lashings every time there is a school shooting. If they don’t learn their lesson, the next time they receive a bullet.
  40. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

  41. pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ

    pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ Mind your own damn business
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArizona WildcatsTexas AandM Aggies altTennessee Volunteers

    4/30 must've been a deer rifle. Could have also been done with a knife!
    oldberg, CaneKnight, Nole0515 and 3 others like this.
  42. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

  43. pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ

    pnk$krtcrÿnästÿ Mind your own damn business
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsArizona WildcatsTexas AandM Aggies altTennessee Volunteers

    So should every poster who ever said "don't ruin this conversation with gun politics"
    skiedfrillet, BWC, oldberg and 10 others like this.
  44. timo

    timo g'day, mate
    Penn State Nittany LionsPittsburgh SteelersPittsburgh PenguinsTottenham HotspurPittsburgh Pirates

    highlights a gigantic problem. Gun stores and "dealers" aren't even following the most basic and pathetic of gun laws and predictably, these guns end up killing people in our *cough* "lawless libral cities" *cough*

    Get your fucking shit together, Maryland.
    oldberg, 40wwttamgib, VaxRule and 8 others like this.
  45. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    Whammy voted for the guy!
  46. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

    those dead today should know that they died for a just cause: to keep the georgia economy humming
  47. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    You know… I’m not saying he’s right but imagine if we did this every time there was a mass shooting

    oldberg, 40wwttamgib, VaxRule and 5 others like this.
  48. ashy larry

    ashy larry the egg bar is coveted as fuck
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesWu-tang